Friday, June 30, 2006

BOMA Thurs. 7/6 Agenda Items Citizens Must Study, Discuss & Question(why?) at Meeting!

#14 Reading of Resolution#06-16, to Establish
the Responsibility with Town Recorder of Carry-
ing out an Investment Policy of Town Funds with
People's State Bank, subject to the approval of
the Board of Interim Mayor?

People of Nolensville this is a meeting you can-
not miss! Unbelievable as it sounds our interim
mayor who couldn't answer budget questions
and the town recorder who couldn't tell us how
much money was spent over and above the 2005
budget are now going to tell us how to invest the
town's money in a brand new un-known bank
doing business in temporary offices in our town?

Why leave First Tennessee? They have an invest-
ment program? Better yet, why not put the extra
cash in the State's Pool where they get 4.9% or

This same team (interim mayor/town re-
corder) was unable to tell us why a Miscellan-
ous Account in 2005 budget spent 300% or
more over budget or what items were charg-
ed to this account?

This same team (interim mayor & special bud-
get study group) refused to adequately fund our
Fire and Police departments. Only after a pro-
tracted meeting did the interim mayor slowly
make a motion to approve the monies requested
for Fire and Police depts. He said "he reduced the
Fire and Police budgets in order to give a raise to
everyone on the staff."
Some how the Fire and
Police depts.were not important enough to pro-
perly fund them?

Let's face it people our interim mayor an invest-
ment banker/consultant he is not!
A full time
real estate agent he is & associated with one or
more local realty firms?
Our town recorder is
sincere & hard working, but an investment
guru/consultant she is not!

Even more curious is why are we suddenly
switching banks? Upon whose recomendation
and in what meeting was this all decided on?
Can we all wonder what happened to the "sun-
shine law" the one that says all town business
is to be conducted openly & available to the
public? Come to this meeting and ask WHY?

We just got the agenda and are studying the
other items. CLICK HERE for agenda.

We invite your comments? Is the board & staff
qualified to invest millions of dollars of town
funds for the best return? Yes or NO???

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


100 New
Due to

Nashville weighs water rate hike for
residents due to reducing fees for
water to certain home developers?
CLICK HERE for article.

What about Nolensville?? We get our
water from Nolensville/College Grove
Utility. They are begining to be stretched
thin due to explosive new home develop-
ments. They supply water to the entire
Governor's Club with million dollar homes.

Picture this Nolensville having to reduce
our water usage due to shortage? This
means no watering of sod lawns, washing
cars, flower beds and gardens. Hold that
thot??? Does that mean we would have to
restrict our water usage so that the Gover-
nor's Club homes could continue their nor-
mal water usage for huge fountains, expen-
sive sod lawns, swiming pools,etc.?

QUESTION? Does the Nolensville Planning
Commission plan ahead and reduce the rate
of approvals for new homes until intrastruc-
ture catches up??? Does the interim mayor
and his board plan ahead and only approve
"X" number of new homes with enough
water supply? CLICK HERE for article.

New homes on the drawing board include:
158-Centex/Nicolas homes, 114-Brittain
Downs Luxury homes and more to come.
What about available water supply for
these homes? Can interim mayor refuse
to approve more building permits for the
remaining new homes in Bent Creek due
the water shortage? Would Bent Creek
sue the town over water shortages due to
bad planning? Will Nolensville water rates
go sky-high in order to supply all these
new homes??? TIP: Brentwood charges
$5,000 per new home for water hook-up.
Guess how much Nolensville charges?
How about -0- zero? Correct!

All good questions to ask our town board
at the next July 6th meeting. Send us your
comments and ideas about water ASAP.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


No way are we going to analyze 6 years of
anybody's voting record--just the good stuff.
On 3/30/06 Alderman Felts made the follow-
ing tortured statements in a newspaper article
"I did what I said I would." and "I really don't
know what to do?"
Today he still doesn't know
whether to run again for alderman or mayor?
6/25/05 Felts said: "I'm running but I don't
know what I am running for?" (or from?).

Blog Reader said: "How can you expect him
(Felts) to lead? He only knows how to follow
someone's lead like Knapper. Hang it up,
Larry!" 6/26/06.

Sounds familiar doesn't it "I voted for it
before I voted against it." by some body
who lost big! (Hint: Flip/flopper Kerry).

Maybe we can help him decide? One way
streets don't bother Mr. Felts he can go

both ways almost at the same time?
Check out some of these facts.

1.Fire sprinkler systems required in all
new homes in town.
Felts voted to allow
developers an option not to do it.
later he voted to require systems in all
new homes. First OK ..then not required..
then OK must do it! Keep score the hard
stuff is coming later.

2. Felts voted for Bent Creek 8,000 sq. ft. or
less lots with narrow streets.
Later he voted
to increase lot sizes up to 11,000 sq. ft. with
same narrow streets. OK yes...then OK not!
Then OK with larger lots. Then yes we made
serious mistakes, but we won't do it again!
Felts known to say: "It's like building a barn
on a postage stamp." Town PUDS that is!

3.Felts voted for Ballenger Farms with nar-
row streets even though Dugger didn't vote
for it? Interim mayor Dugger said later "we
made a mistake with Ballenger Farms it
should have wider streets. (Felts should not
have voted for it.) This was a serious mistake."
First OK yes...then Dugger said they should
have voted NO. Poor Felts didn't know who
to follow?

4.Felts voted again and again to ignore the
2005 town survey of 3,000 residents who said
in their 500 replies NO to PUDs. OK to half
acre lots but nobody listened?

5. Felts over time voted for 11 Planned Unit
Developments or 1,900 homes. He didn't
make one motion to require any impact fees not one! Knapper didn't,
Dugger didn't, Alexander didn't! Only one
did-Curtsinger but nobody would second
his motion to make Brittain Downs support
our schools, fire/police or roads. Guess who
will pay for the additional town services re-
quired? Local resident voters get the bills!

6. Felts was appointed by previous mayor to
come up with a Code of Ethics many moons
Today much later Felts is still struggling
to compose a code. At last resort he acquired
another city's code and began adapting it to
some how serve as our town's code. To date
he is still agonizing over the text with little
help from fellow board members. Current
lawsuit pending against town suggests that
town delay code until after suit. Makes sense
to board and town attorney, but not to our
Fearless Felts who seems to delight in flying
directly into the fan blades and then wonder
what hit him? DUH?

Question? How would a Code of Ethics
in place today deal with all of Mr. Felt's
comings and goings. Rather awkward?

Stranger than fiction? How right you are?
Is this a 6 year record as alderman that
should be continued? Not really. So Mr.
Felts there is your answer. Now you know
what to do. Remember what blog readers
are saying....."Hang it up, Larry." Good
Advice is hard to come by...Larry.

Got some advice for Mr. Felts? Send it in
with your comments. ASAP. How else can
Mr. Felts decide what to do? Emails Ok, too!

ARE NOLENSVILLE GROWTH CONCERNS VALID? "Not in My Backyard" or Just Selfish?

Today's Sunday paper has a collection of the
very best citizen letters about Williamson
County growth. As a citizen of Nolensville
you need to read every one of these letters!
CLICK HERE for all 11 pages of good ideas!

We are going to highlight some of the best
statements. But please do read all of the 11
pages of incredible insights by our citizens.

#1 Letter by Greg Duke of Franklin: "Who
pays for the impovements of the infrastruc-
ture? The existing citizens? Or should new
arrivals pay an impact fee to help offset the
costs? Where is our Planning Commission?
Do we not have a master plan for the over-
all development of our city,
or is it based
upon the size of the developments approved
by our government? Who determines the size
of our city? Our government or the citizens?"

#2 Letter by Naif Salloum of Franklin: "The
growth...can be considered out of hand as
long as the school system is behind on schools
and traffic is backed up all over. I do not know
where it is written that all property is to have
a building on it or a road on it or a mall on it.
But my guess is it is written in a book that
developers and real estate sellers read." And

take an oath to fulfill no matter what!

#3. Letter by Chris Pamplin of Franklin: "If
more and more say "not in my backyard,"
then send the developers to someone else's
backyard who will gladly accept their money."

#4. Letter by Maggie Faill of Franklin:
"Before the city or county approves build-
ing more houses, they need to first consider
how many classrooms will be needed and
then require the developers to donate land
and/or money to help meet those needs."

#5. Letter by Buddy Peden of Frankln: "Not
in my backyard? Come on! Our real-estate-
elected leaders can't get enough development.
Many of them have never seen a development
they didn't like. If you can't build on it as is,
rezone it or annex it." Better yet put a PUD on they do in Nolensville.

#6. Letter by Lillian Stewart of Franklin:
"Citizens now realize that where one land-
use plan ends and another begins ( the so-
called urban growth boundry surrounding
each of the county's six municipalities) is
currently a no-man's land for predictable
and compatible development. Requests
for rezonings (quite simply, amendments
to the current land-use plan) are not entitle-
ments and should rarely if ever be granted."

#7. Letter by Allen Reeves of Franklin:
"With the explosvie growth of Nolensville,
Cool Springs, Spring Hill and Thompson's
Station, this whole county needs to take
a good look at itself in terms of consolid-
ating a lot of this overlapping and inefficient
duplicative management of services and

#8. Letter by Fount Smothers of Thompson's
"Why do people continue to move
here? There is no real payoff or financial
incentive to the development industry here
to bother with effective planning for organic
communities because people will flock to any-
thing like Franklin (Nolensville),that even
vaguely resembles their exurban ideal, even
if it falls woefully short of the thoughtful
planning necessary to actually achieve that
There is no real payoff or political
incentive to county or municipal goverments
to bother with requiring effective planning
for organic communities because the people
negatively affected by the abdication of such
planning don't tend to show up as homebuyers
until after the non-planned, non-community s
subdivisions and commercial developments
are built
and then it's too late."

Use these 8 citizen letters as a resource to ask
each of our candidates running for office ques-
tions about the explosive Nolensville growth?

Keep those comments coming in and we'll keep
writing about issues and things happening here.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

G-Man Wants Candidates to Come Play in His Sandbox? Please...Oh Please do!

Hush Up!

Carnac the Magnificent has just received
strange message Re: Nolensville Bulletin
Board special discussion forum for candi-
dates running for Mayor and Aldermen!

CARNAC says: "May each candidate that falls
for the ever-so innocent plea by the G-Man to
come play in his special "sandbox" discussion
forum be forewarned that you may be afflicted
with a very serious condition of candidate re-
morse." Usually expressed in terms of "Why in
the ^%$#* did I do dumb."

This sandbox is not what it appears to be! With
the recently recruited G-Man by Ms.Busy Body
to run a bulletin board for the two of them to
post 160 or more partisan political messages
to each other you know this is a thinly veiled
platform to promote our interim mayor and his
former sidekick Felts.(term expires 11/06).

Yes, the interim mayor and outgoing Alder-
man Felts have registered as permanent
"playmates" in Mr. G's sandbox along with
Ms. Lancaster full time town hall employee
to help write answers to questions and for-
ward town hall information ready to publish
to the "sandbox" during working hours.
(Fear not this will be covered in Felt's Code
of Waffling/Ethics).

Again you might ask "Why Interim Mayor
cannot talk to voters via $7,000 Town Hall
Website? Carnac says: " birds of a feather
always flock together" We must protect each
other and not rock the boat of political enter-
prise! Besides let our comrade continue to
collect town monies for such little work on
the town website.

We can quietly slide over into Mr. G's
quaint bulletin board site and promote
ourselves and no one will know! Best of all
Mr. G and Ms. Busy Body do all the
"puff piece" writing so we don't have to do
anything. It's a "win-win" deal we get all
the praise and we don't do any work!

Mr. G assures everyone that you will have
free access (free if you submit your name
and email address) to state your platform
and respond to questions. Of course if you
don't register you will be considered a
"poser" (another word for "scum" a per-
son posing as a candidate--just awful!).

So go ahead and cough up your real name,
address and personal stats
to avoid being
considered the worst of all
"a poser!" Regis-
tration will
(guarantee they have possession
of your personal info) ensure comments
posted by you are seen by others as (support-
ing their political positions).

We saved the best for the last..."Registration
will give you the opportunity to respond privat-
(not really) to registered individuals, if your
answer is better suited to a private exchange
instead of a public one. (All this means is go
ahead and risk putting your opinion on this site
and then wake up next morning and read it in
the little ole' harmless bulletin board.)

Bottom line is why are interim mayor and alder-
man Felts using our town's resources to support
Mr. G's little "sandbox" affair? No doubt the
bulletin board will continue to seek ads from
pigglymarket and even Kelley Real estate and
eventually political ads. A true Dugger/Felts
private website that requires no work sponsor-
ed by local businesses. (forget Code of Ethics).

Apparently, Mr. Alexander "the Pudmeister"
got cold feet and didn't follow his chums into
the sandbox. Too bad it would have made
such an interesting trio offering conflicting
opinions on everything.

Mr. Gardiner Jones (The G-Man) sends his
regards. 700 Cromwell Ct. Nolensville, TN.
Playground supervisor of The Sandbox.
And Assistant Ms. Busy Body who holds the
all time record of over 150 posts talking to
the G-Man and herself. She cannot hide
the fact that she supports Dugger &
Felts, 100%.

Hey its almost July 1st...time to ask our inter-
im mayor how much money did he spend over
and above the budget??
100 thou, 200 thou,
maybe $300,000 or more who knows? Who
cares? Go ahead and ask anyway!

Fling a comment our way and we will thank
you by keeping you better informed that
any other source...guaranteed.
Emails OK, too.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Nolensville Town Hall website is maintained
Mr. John Lenderman, publisher of Dispatch.
His contract with the town requires him to
attend BOMA meetings and keep website up-
dated for $7,000 per year.
few people can remember when he last attend-
ed a BOMA meeting and the website is very
slow to update it's information. Click Here
for town hall website.

People are asking since the town pays for it's
own website why can't it be used to help our
town hall to communicate with voters? Good
question? Seven thousand $$$'s should buy
plenty of space and time on town's website.
But it doesn't! Seems interim mayor, staff &
certain aldermen prefer to post their com-
ments on another bulletin board type website.

It is curious that interim mayor compliments
the writer of a "puff" piece on him on this
bulletin board site. He also has apparently
approved his staff (Cindy Landcaster) to post
pages of information about town hall meet-
ings on this bulletin board rather than on the
town hall website which the town already
pays $7,000 per year to maintain the site.

Does this make any sense to you? Not, you
say! How correct you are! Talk about poor
judgement? Where will it end? This interim
mayor admits he cannot plan for the future
because he doesn't know what it is? Here the
town has it's own website relatively impartial
and free from political influence and he elects
not to use it, but use a local bulletin board type
site with far less readership and a very "partial"
2-person political management philosophy. A
local bulletin-board site that requires reader to
agree with their very restrictive terms of mem-
bership. PS: We are unable to connect to this site
due to critical error with server??????

These kinds of bulletin-board sites usually end
up talking to each other on the same site with
very low readership. But they are entitled to
create and run their site as they see fit.

Most internet readers prefer to be able to free-
ly "surf" and read without any kind of member-
ship and/or exchange of personal information.

To have our interim mayor, staff and certain
alderman support a bulletin-board site rather
than use their own professionally designed site
with an acceptable readship is inexcuseable!
It is a total waste of resources and they should
be confronted and asked to stop wasting the
town's money.

What better place to showcase a "state of the
town" article by the interim mayor and staff?
Here is an excellent communications tool to
talk to all voters and keep them updated on
what's happening. Granted, interim mayor &
staff may not feel they have the writing skills?
OK...get some help and start talking to the
very people that want to hear from you!

Finally, time is running out! Four months to
go! And still very little positive, good news is
coming out of our town hall? 120 days to keep
track of the interim mayor & his team as to
exactly what they are doing? This record will
help you know how to vote in Nov. 06.

Communicate your comments and keep on
reading the blog for what's really happening!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Nolensville School Done Deal & to be Ready 2007-08 School Year! Rocky Fork & Newsome Lane!

New Nolensville school will be 102,000 sq. ft.
with estimated 800 students. This could mean
some 1,600 additonal cars impacting Rocky
Fork and Nolensville Rd. CLICK HERE for
article in today's paper.

NOW!!!!! Is the time for our InterimMayor and
his "crack" planning commission to swing into
action and meet with County Commissioners &
County School Board. No delays!

Get a road plan with impact fees in place now!
Present town's plan for expanded Rocky Fork
and new bridge around Methodist church to
meet new Cemetery Road with traffic light.

Depite interim Mayor's reluctance to meet
with County Commissioners now it the time
to win friends & influence commission board.
Time is urgent...get them to help us finance
this new expanded road/bridge/traffic light.
Get a formal commitment of cooperation that
county will help make the overall plan happen
before school opens. Yeah! You heard right--
before the school opens & traffic overflows!

This will be an outstanding "test" of current
town hall's ability to pick up the ball and run
with it! If it doesn't happen it will confirm
how badly we need an entirely new team in
our town hall! Election is 11/06 if nothing gets
confirmed and in place then voters can do
what needs to be done! Elect a NEW TEAM!

Create overall plan for Rocky Fork/Nolensville
Rd. area...consider a unique park concept with
modern yet traditional Covered Bridge on new
road around Methodist church. Install flag
poles,picnic tables, gazebo/shelters to make
entire project the centerpiece of entire town.

YES! Despite our poll's results that say 69%
believe Planning Commission does a F-Minus
job...just maybe those left on commission will
wake up and take our ideas and run with them.
Attention: planning commission members
including interim Mayor & vice-mayor this is
your chance to create an outstanding project.
IF NOT! Then terms like "clean sweep" and a
total "rout" will become familiar come election
time. It's your choice?

Wake up voters and tell us what you think
about new school project??? Comments &
emails welcome.

Watch terrific patriotic film clip! Click on the
American Flag on right side just below blog
map and before book ads on right side.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Most People Ever at Nolen-sville Lawn Festival! Dr. Joe Curtsinger Only Mayoral Candidate on Float Full-of-Kids & Parents!!

Nolensville's Only
Mayoral Candidate
featured on colorful
float in Lawn Festival.
Curtsinger has filed
to run for Mayor in
the 11/06 election.

He is currently serving as an alderman.
This makes him uniquely qualified to run
for Mayor. His leadership is one that has
listened to the people with a proven voting

All throughout the tortured reign of our pre-
vious May0r Curtsinger was the only voice of
common sense & reason, but was out-voted
hundreds of times by the Mayor's infamous
"guaranteed majority." He knows the mistakes
that have been made and why they happened!
Despite being out-voted many times Curtsinger
has stood fast even yet to this day.

Our current interim mayor and vice-mayor
continue in the Knapper tradition keeping
intact the "guaranteed majority." They both
admit to making serious mistakes but refuse
to change and continue to favor the PUD
developers. They have lost thousands of
dollars of impact fees that developers should
have paid.

Curtsinger is the only one on the town board
that challenged developers in person asking
each one directly to support our schools,
roads, police and fire depts. Only to be out-
voted by previous and current interim mayor.
Curtsinger has the experience and courage to
get the kind of financial support our town
needs to cope with explosive growth.

Listen to just one of the many emails coming
in to endorse Curtsinger: From: Karen Wevick
6/20. "This is wonderful news, and you have
my support. I admire your courage since the
job is not an easy one at this time. Thank you
for running. God Bless."

One more comment from blog reader: "Dr. Joe
Curtsinger deserves to be your next Mayor! He
loves kids, pets, people and our town! What's
not to like? Joe, most of us are behind you all
the way to Nov. 7th."

Curtsinger is not "stuck on stupid." He is rock
solid on doing the right thing and contines to
vote and serve doing what's right. He needs
your help and support to win and as Mayor
put our town on back the right path for years
to come.

EMAIL jccurtsinger@united .net


Monday, June 19, 2006

School Board & Mrs.Green Avoid Eminent Domain! Talks to Agree on Price Per Acre!

BREAKING NEWS! County school board
to continue talks with Mrs. Janice Green
on purchasing her land for new school.
School board agenda for tonight's meeting
doesn't list this new school issue. So talks
are ongoing to agree on a price per acre
for new Nolensville school on Newsom Lane.
Everyone is relieved that "eminent domain"
law was no longer considered by school
board. Hopefully Mrs. Green and school
board can agree on a price per acre so the
county can build a new school for our town.
Next item for town board will be to consider
impact new school would have on traffic and
improving the roads. More to come!

Keep your comments coming and emails, too.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Poll Numbers Voters Should Study and Share with Friends & Town Candidates!

Did you know we have FIVE different polls
on our website for you to vote your preference.
Here's a quick report to date on the results.

1. Which Board Member is Doing the Best Job?
Alexander-6%, Felts-8%, Dugger-8%, Lothers-
1% and Curtsinger-76%.

2. Performance of Planning Commission?
Excellent-8%, Good-2%, Fair-7%, Poor-14%,

3. How do you get info about local government?
Nolensville Dispatch-4%, Tennessean-9%,
Public Meetings-13%, Bulletin Boards-9%,
Nolensville Blog-66%.

4. What is your greatest concern for Town?
Commercial-5%,Fire/Police Services-7%,
Historic Preservation-2%, Town Leader-
ship-13%, Conflicts/Interests-13%, Ethics of
Leaders-27%, Residential Growth-27%

5. Please rate Interim Mayor & Vice-Mayor?
Excellent Management-29%, Fair Mgt.-6%,
Zero Mgt.-6%, NO vote for Mayor & Vice-
Mayor if they run in 11/06-59%.
Almost 60% say NO!

Remember you can check the results of all
five polls by scrolling down the right side of
blog page toward the bottom.
Later on we
will add new polls to track any develop-
ments closer to 11/06.

Send in your comments and emails 24/7.

Friday, June 16, 2006

9-People have Registration Paks to Run for Mayor or Alderman? Info to track each one to see if they File 8/17/06

Here are
9 to date
that have
Packets to
Run for
Mayor or

Keep your eye on these 9 people to date that
have picked up packets to run for office. We
will add to this list as others pick up packets.

1. Interim Mayor has a packet, but no
word on what he will do? Vice-Mayor also
has packet so who knows which one will file?

2. Vice-Mayor Alexander has packet, but again
no info on what he will do?? If Dugger doesn't
file...Alexander will want to file even though his
support maybe rather limited?

3. Alderman Dr. Curtsinger has packet, and no
doubt has way over 25 signatures to run for
Mayor.In the blog polls Curtsinger is way ahead
76% or more compared to all other potential

4. Alderwoman Beth Lothers has packet, and
will probably get 25 signatures. She was
appointed by interim Mayor & Vice-Mayor.
Vote is still out on whether she will vote inde-
pendent of Dugger and Alexander????
Voters need to ask her if she can remain inde-
pendent and vote with no obligation to
Dugger and/or Alexander?????? We
don't need another "guaranteed majority"
block vote courtesy the D and A twins...
and Mr. Felts.

5. Solomon has packet, but he has lost in 2
previous runs for Alderman. He has also
sued town and had his legal fees paid for by
town's previous Mayor.

6. Chris Wilson has packet, and he has lost
in previous runs for Alderman. Totally un-
known as to whether he will actually file to
run for office?????

7. Porter Freeman has picked up packet to
file to run for office. Unknown as to whether
he will file?

8. Alderman Felts has picked up packet to
file to run for either Mayor or Alderman?
His term as alderman expires so nobody
knows if he may run for office again?
His support base is unknown???

9.Mr. Michael O'Kain has picked up packet
to file to run for Alderman. He lives in town
and has attended many BOMA meetings. He
is a strong advocate of changes in town hall.

Looking at the blog polls...Dr. Curtsinger is
way ahead of all others to run for Mayor.
Another poll shows a high 60% percentage
that won't vote for Dugger or Alexander if
they decide to run.

We'll update this post as needed. Please send in
your comments and info for this specific post.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Meet Gen.Honore of New Orleans! World
famous for the statement to world wide press
"We are not stuck on stupid!" President pick-
ed him to cut thru the red tape after the hurri-
cane and make things happen. And he did.
Most informed voters of our town would agree
with the General: "We are not stuck on stupid!"
Listen Up! Interim Mayor andVice-Mayor...the
following 2 situations are a direct result of your
uninformed administration doing nothing or
doing too little, too late!

Number One: Search for site for new school
hits roadblock & threatens 'eminent domain'
to land owner.
CLICK HERE for article. This
means our county school board is prepared
to offer local resident, Mrs. Jessica Green,
$49.500/acre for 16.9 acres to build a new
school on. Take it or leave it by 6/19/06. After
that they are going to procede to seek all 16.9
acres using eminent domain. This means they
will force her to accept what they think is a fair
market offer of $49,500 per acre or less! Com-
pare that to Centex Homes paying Nichols on
Nolensville Road $70,000 per acre for a home
development. (Folks if they can do this to Mrs.
Janice Green they can do it to you!)

QUESTION: Where is our interim mayor and
vice-mayor interceding for our local resident,
Mrs. Green whose husband has died and left
her to deal with developers and greedy school
boards? ANSWER: No where to be found miss-
ing & not involved. They had the opportunity
to get Mr. Moon to donate land for the new
school, but they dropped the ball. In turn, Mr.
Moon filed a lawsuit against the town.

Number Two: What's happening to the Frank
Marusa property at corner of Nolensville Rd.
& Brittain Lane?? It finally sold for about
$309,000 to Mr.Kelley of Kelley Real Estate.
Get this it is zoned Suburban Residential, but
Mr. Kelley has already "gutted" the house and
retail shop in just a few hours. He plans to pave
the front yard for parking and paint both build-
ings white for an office park or maybe retail?
Now the surprise comes?
Kelley hasn't applied to town for permits, nor
has he submitted site plans, scale drawings,
info on type of business, employees, location of
sewer, water,and "flood plain." And Franklin
Health Dept Site Plan. NOTHING AT ALL?
(One can always "back-date" a few documents?)

***REMINDER--Kelley holds the lease on our
Town Hall. 5 Years with 90-Day Cancellation
for both parties. Rather than risk being evicted
from Town Hall...Interim Mayor pretty well
has to give Kelley want he wants...PERIOD!
You won't see any "stop order" red or yellow
flags on Kelley's property...No way..No How!

Normally, ordinary citizens send in Certificate
of Appropriateness Application say middle of
June and wait until July meeting. Here's what
the above certificate says: "I also understand
that a Certificate of Appropriateness is a pre-
requisite to obtaining a permit, and NO WORK
may begin until a permit is obtained." Ordinary
local citizen do not even think about NOT doing
this... Woodruff & Swartz approved by Dugger/
Alexander will come down on you like you are a
common criminal!
QUESTION? Why is Mr. Kelley so confident
that interim mayor and vice mayor and pro-
bably Mr. Felts will OK his project? Rezone it
to commercial and not say a word about how
much work was done as of today without per-
mit ONE? Where's the outrage??? Who can
stop this violation and make it stick???
Where is town Engineer, Mr. Rich Woodruff?
Or his loveable enforcer, Swartz?
Can you spell
GOOD OLE BOY CLUB??? Oh Yes...right here
in Nolensville? Many local residents have had
the privilege of getting threaten with a lawsuit
for doing what Kelley & Co. has done
. How
many strikes does Woodruff get before he is
called out of the pud puff machine??

Welcome to the "guaranteed majority" club?
Only 3 privileged members the D & A twins..
Dugger/Alexander and Felts who feels every
faint breeze and votes accordingly. What a
threesome...a developer's dream come true.
PUD city is here...ready and waiting to give
every pud whatever he wants--NO CHARGE.

No charge for pithy comments and emails.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Everybody remembers
when interim mayor was
asked about the future of
Nolensville??? And he re-
plied, "I don't know? I'm
not a mind reader!"

Well, help is on the the way direct from Holly-
wood. "Carnac the Magnificent" who appeared
on hundreds of the Johnny Carson Shows has
offered to help. Goodness knows we here in our
small town need all the help we can get. Carnac
worked wonders on the Carson Show and many
times surprised the host.

Since our interim mayor is mulling over the
prospect of running for mayor "Carnac" could
help him and also his side-kick Alexander the
Pudman who hankers to run for mayor, too?

Of course, everybody remembers that Carnac's
answers were not what we expected and some
times even shocked us. We can only imagine
what some of his answers might be for D & A?

1. Carnac says....Mr. interim mayor may the
sweet bird of Paradise softly light on your head
and carefully re-arrange your gray matter so
as to let the sunshine shine in to sweep away all
ambitions of public office now and forever.

2. Carnac says...Mr. vice-mayor may the great
grey speckled bird of higher IQ visit you nightly
in your dreams and scare the absolute *%#@^
out of you thereby erasing all thots of mayorship.

Carnac lives on and continues to help us all avoid
making serious mistakes. OH! that people would
take valuable advice and act on it. Unfortunately,
politicans being what they are seem destined to
look in the mirror and assume hundreds, even
thousands will vote for them. What agony & woe?

Nolensville's Mayor and Alderman election race
is beginning to attract some serious candidates.
Now is the time for all of us to get behind the
best ones and support their run for office.

Comments are welcome...keep'em coming in!
Create your own "Carnac says.." and send them
in and we will publish them for all voters!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Public Trust High on City Budget! Brentwood budget, that is! Not Nolensville's Budget Wrapped in Secrecy!

Brentwood--"With a $50 million operating
budget on the line, you'd think there'd be
more contention over such a large sum of
cash." CLICK HERE for article in paper.
Remarks have been amicable and no resi-
dent stood to ask a question? Why? "be-
cause the talent our staff has in putting
everything together in managing the
budget." Said Anne Dunn,Commissioner.

Now compare the above Brentwood situation to
Nolensville budget meetings? Yes, there is a big
difference in budget $$$$'s, but procedure and
full disclosure is where our interim mayor falls
Granted few citizens attended, but if there is
no executive summary of the budget and no
opportunity for citizens to study a copy of the
budget--why attend? Why indeed? Normally,
a budget meeting would include interim mayor
giving an executive summary line by line and
then invite questions. Not so in Nolensville's
Only one brief question asked "How
much over the budget will current year to date
be?" Interim mayor said he didn't know. Maybe
15% or more not sure.

Interim mayor did form a budget sub-commit-
tee that met (nobody knew where or when) and
worst of all some aldermen were not invited.
Come the budget meeting the few citizens that
attended got no opportunity to study budget
prior to meeting. Another curious thing was that
the town attorney answered most of the budget
questions directed to interim mayor? And rather
evasive answers at best.

Examination of current budget line by line is a
big question mark?
This was not permitted. So
if certain accounts seemed 2-300% over budget
no one can question it. Interim mayor and staff
are never questioned so things don't change and
they aren't open to audit? Let the sunshine in!
No telling what kind of "hide & seek" accounting
is being done.

As we already reported no one in our budget
meeting was really certain where funds from
the state adequate facilities tax were used in
our budget?

And last, but not the least interim mayor and
vice-mayor had to be"pounded-on" to adequat-
ely fund the fire and police departments. Slowly
and painfully they responded the fire chief and
police chief to add monies requested to both
budgets. The interim mayor's excuse for not
funding these budgets was they gave the money
to entire staff as raises. Tell that to a homeowner
whose house is on fire and they cannot get there
in time due to shortage in equipment or vehicles?
As we said before this budget meeting had to be
the worst ever in performance and accountability.
Create a comment and send it in...emails, too!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mr. Rick Fisher, Planning Commission Member Quits? Whose Vote will interim Mayor Buy? Independent or Suck Up?

"predisposed" Dugger Voter!!!!!

Welcome to the only thing sleazier than over-
billing lawyers, overprescribing doctors, greedy
corp. execs, real estate agents and used car sales-
men: the American politican. Flawed and self-
centered as the rest of us, but riding around as
though they are always right?

Our interim mayor when asked about our town's
future said.."I don't know..I'm no mind reader?"
And yet, he is authorized to appoint a new mem-
ber for the planning commission. Guess what he
will check page 66 of Knapper's political play-
book. It says....."No matter what they say only
appoint people that will vote for your agenda!"
Nobody else, period! You must keep the .....
"Guaranteed Majority" in place at all costs!

Good news is whoever he picks will only serve
until Nov. '06 then newly elected mayor can
choose all new members of the Planning Com-
mission. Got any suggestions..send them in to
our comments section or email us ASAP.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ouch! "I hadn't decided yet," Said interim mayor Dugger about 11/06 Mayor's Election

Polls shows "not!" Nobody loves interim mayor
& vice-mayor enough to vote for them so what's
a politican to do? Both picked up their packets
to file with 25 endorsing signatures. Vice-mayor
Alexander said "I haven't decided yet." So much
indecision in our town's just awful!

He's also the one that sued the town and event-
ually got town to pay his attorney fees. Great en-
dorsement to run for mayor...right? Not! No

Last one to pick up packet is Chris Wilson
another Nolensville resident who ran twice be-
fore and lost both times. Rarely comes to meet-
ings. But maybe this time he can go the dis-
tance to win! We need all the good guys!

It's not to early to encourage good candidates
to run for two alderman's seats and of course for
Mayor. This is June only two months till August
17th when candidates must file with 25 signat-
ures. And then Sept. & October and suddenly
its time to vote in Nov. '06.

Nolensville desperately needs a new qualified
and prepared Mayor
who will hopefully appoint
a new full time 24/7 town manager to do what
needs to be done professionally. Part time part
timers time has come and gone. No more out-
rageous conflict of interest. Eliminate real
estate agents, most if not all contractors, title
people and facilitators that get paid a referral
fee. Town hall is long over due for a thorough
"spring cleaning" in the fall...Nov. '06.
May have to use a "roto-rooter" firm undo
some who will refuse to leave a "sweetheart"
position. That is getting paid for doing little.

IDEA? Why not encourage all local candidates
to participate in some scheduled DEBATES!
Let's use the next four or five months to really
get involved in this process. It certainly deserves
everyone's best efforts to get the best candidates.
Tell us what you think? Send in comments ASAP.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

We'll Just Wait and See Till They Get It All Straighten Out?


6/1/06 Thurs. BOMA had to be the alltime
lowest attendance for an important budget
meeting. Very few citizens were there and
fewer yet, spoke up about anything? Granted,
our D & A twins don't share much with citi-
zens so it is difficult to get into the details.
Citizens that didn't attend meeting and read
article in Sunday's paper know more details
CLICK HERE for budget article. And then
read the blog account for background facts.

Here's something to ponder: One per cent
of the people affect change, 9% of the people
watch change being affected and the other
90% wake up one day and say "What Hap-
pened?" You are in that One Per Cent if you
attended BOMA meeting. And if you did
good for you keep it up!

Recent Nolensville census totaled up to 3,400
souls in town. Say, about half are registered
voters..1,700 probably less! Maybe only 1,400
are registered voters? It isn't hard to calculate
in your head how few voters can really make a
difference in our upcoming election in 11/06.
Frankly, we thot the census might be closer to
4,000 considering all the new homes bringing
new voters to our town. No doubt many aren't
registered here in our county so we need an on-
going effort to encourage them to register to
vote. So much of our town's future depends on
the next election only four months away!!!!

Our interim mayor when asked about the
future said: "I don't know? What do you think
I am a mind reader?" And our vice-mayor
when asked about PUD's during his campaign
run for alderman said: "Puds didn't work in
Nashville and they won't work in Nolensville"
You know the rest of the story...he (Alexander)
flipped and voted for every Pud in Nolensville.

Let us know how you feel and vote on interim
mayor and vice-mayor in our newest poll.
Send in your pithy comments & earnst emails.

Saturday, June 03, 2006




Mr. Kool Aid is responsible for helping many
local blogs get started and stay in the fray!
Behind the scenes he was always there to help
each and every blogmaster keep his or her's
blog up and running.

And yes, absolutely no one knows who Kool
Aid is..but so what he is admired and feared
in the greater Franklin area. We can only
imagine the drunken brawl and celebration
by members of the Tom Miller cabal over
this loss of Kool Aid.

Nevertheless, hope springs eternal! There may
be a way to keep Kool Aid up and running on the
web?Emails are being flung at Kool Aid from far
and wide encouraging him to stay on the net.

KOOL AID...God's very best to you and your
family in this move to McCain's backyard.
Stay in touch via email and tell us about what
you are doing...from everybody at WRGOIN.
DJ you are the best blogger ever...JOEL.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Stuff you need to know from 6/1/06 BOMA Meeting: Very Low Attendance for Budget!

One "cool" Fox! Most don't see the fox right
away. Same in these budget meetings! Things
aren't what they appear to be. Gotta look very
close and pay attention to the details.

Our D&A**twins don't provide any budget
details to the audience. Some on a slide screen,
but way too small to read. So only thing left to
do is ask budget questions. Like how much will
we be over the budget for this year ending 6/30?
Interim mayor's answer "don't know?"
(D&A** twins that is Alexander "joined at the
hip with Dugger.) Rumor has it about 15 to 23%
over budget come 6/30/06.
Anybody worried
about it? Nope, just let's roll on right over the
local citizens and get an approval for 2007.

Total Revenues $3,308,996.00
Total Expenditures $1, 251, 123.00
Operating Budget $2,057,873.00
Amended buget passed unanimously,
for 2006-07 fiscal year.

Road Impact Fees were discussed and 2 differ-
ent consulting firms were hired to recommend
road fees. Better late than never! But 11 or more
subdivisions haven't been CHARGED a road im-
pact fee. Current and previous mayor have
lost thousands of dollars in road impact fees
from developers. Consultant fees will be paid
out of the famous adequate facilities tax fund.

Local citizen, Aubrey Short shared with group
how in Florida a 2,000 sq. ft. house pays $12K
in adequate facilities tax. His take Nolensville
must charge impact fees to handle growth.

Question was raised about Town Hall website
and the webmaster's contract($7K) with town?
How soon contract could be cancelled? Seems
another newly formed website is determined to
take over town hall website? Board should be
very careful about a new webmaster. He should
be an impartial computer tech whose only job
is to maintain site and not promote any kind of
political agenda. Keep any political pirates out
of town hall website. Goal should be to get all
meeting minutes on site in 5 days. Also get all
agendas on well in advance of meeting. Best of
all publish budget and payroll on website.

New Nolensville Census came in around 3343
or 3400 people/residents in town. City gets
paid almost $100. per person. So it is very
important to register at town hall.

More to come as we remember some of the
more minor details of the meeting.

Keep those comments and emails coming in!


Sorry, Mr. Felts you don't speak for BOMA
and/or citizens of Nolensville Re: Code of
The entire board and town attorney
all agreed that Mr. Felts couldn't have pick-
ed a worst time to talk about ethics. Due to
current law suit against the town, Mr. Felts,
was asked to cease and desist his long quest
to install a Code of Ethics.
Why give the
prosecution any more ammunition to fire
back at town based on a "jury-rigged" Code
of Ethics. Mr. Felt's suggested his long
career in public affairs taught him how to
"cut & paste" documents to save time and
money. Some would say..."Oh, it's alright
to copy another city's documents...every-
body does it--so what?" With or without
permission it sets a very bad example to
create a Code of Ethics. How far we have
come to ask us to accept such lazy, low-
down ethics.

Again, Mr. Felts so much for your kind of
ethics...Nolensville doesn't need your
"cobbled-together" document we are
full up with "law-suits".
Hopefully, this is
the last time Mr. Felts walks onto the stage
of Nolensville's BOMA with his "peculiar "
kind of ethics that has no place in public
office. Remember this just in case Felt's
gets a "hankering" to run for office.

"Public disgust with elected officials is
growing, and in this era of the internet,
we are watching more than ever in history.
Public corruption and mis-management
in office cannot stand."

On tuesday 5/9/06 the blog suggested
that Mr. Felts "retire" in every good
sense of the word and stay away from
any kind of public office. If we are lucky
he may now take this advice to heart.

Curious isn't it that Mr. Felt's fessed-up
one month later that he had copied this
code of ethics from Battle Creek, Mich.?
Gosh, we know you are wondering what
if nobody knew what he was doing?
knows maybe another law suit? Rest
assured Mr. Felts we are watching you
and waiting for your next "artful" effort
to "cut & paste" your way to fame and
fortune. Headlines like this just won't
help you get there.."Felt's caught flat
footed "cutting & pasting" Code of Ethics!"
Remember Felt's is another post graduate
of the Knapper school of "hide and seek?!"

Along with D & A we still have a long way
to go to eliminate all the graduates of this
Knapper school. It takes time, but we're
blogging away at it. We led the way to get
the "Man in the Moon" to resign and lose
his re-election bid. We also helped vote
down a development or two so things are
looking good. Hang in there with us and
we'll get things changed for the good of
the town.

Carefully craft a comment or two plus
emails. Remember Nov. '06 Election!


Promise not to tell anybody? Ok, Dugger **
and Alexander** got caught for failing to
adequately fund the Fire and Police Dept's.
Added to that they had to admit they had
already used funds from the "Adequate
Facilities Tax" account to fund nobody
knows how many other budget accounts?

In a normal budget meeting the interim
mayor would present an "Executive Sum-
mary"walk-thru of the budget line by line.

Of course in Nolensville this didn't happen?
Why? You Ask? Well for starters the interim
mayor seems unable to do it line by line.
Last nite almost in every case our town
attorney spoke on behalf of the interim
mayor. Dugger sat there silent and
seemingly unable to give solid answers
about the budget.

They didn't know people were watching
them so close. Using the budget sub-com-
mittee work and their own deliberate "smoke
& mirrors"they bragged that the 2007 budget
balanced with a surplus of $54,000.

Hold that thot...because here comes the Fire
Chief asking questions? Mr. Mayor where's
the $16,000 I still need in my budget?
said in last meeting you would get back to me.
Nobody called me...haven't heard a thing?
Mayor replied, who was supposed to call you?
Great answer from our "in-charge" interim
mayor? CLICK HERE for town fire dept.

Police Chief joined in by asking where is the
money for the 2 additional officers I asked
for in my budget?

At this point in the meeting the air hung very
heavy with the small crowd in attendance be-
coming very disgusted with D & A cutting
funds to the fire and police departments.

Finally, the interim mayor confessed that they
had indeed cut funds to fire and police dept's
so they could give town hall employees a small
Interim mayor also added a cheap shot
at the fire chief like.."well you insisted on all
new homes must have sprinkler systems" so
we assumed (wrong) that you wouldn't need
any more staff and equipment? Profound!!!!

Question was raised who really does know the
state law about using adequate facilities tax
Answer: nobody! But town attorney
read the law and said "it is really unclear what
you can use the monies for unless you just use
it for new equipment, new surveys, etc. But not
for wages, expenses in general fund. "Reason-
ably related expenses" whatever that means?

After are very long and painful silence interim
mayor proposed an amendment to use funds
from "adequate facilities tax" account to give
fire dept. their requested budget amount. And
also fund the Police dept's budget request by
using funds from the ???$54,000 budget sur-
plus. No one knows exactly how this budget
was cobbled how many accounts
were funded by using monies from adequate
facilities tax fund??
Is the town budget in jeo-
pardy and can the State come in and demand
that budget be properly funded according to
their guidelines? Nobody knows?

One thing is sure recent national surveys again
show that Tennessee government is among the
top 10 most corrupt and mis-managed in the
Our local D & A (twins helped our state
achieve this dubious distinction!). Remember,
D on A stands for Dugger & Alexander's Dead
on Arrival 2007 Budget.

Although very few local citizens attended this
BOMA meeting on the budget...those that did
witnessed a disorganized and disjointed attempt
to secure approval for 2007 budget. This proves
beyond all doubt why our interim mayor and vice
mayor are totally unqualified and unprepared
to lead our town.

Dugger's feeble attempt to justify his budget
mess was "Well in a Perfect World" all the
accounts and revenues would come in as
predicted and everything would be OK!
Audience was treated to the "Perfect
World" excuse at least 10 times..we lost

Beth alderwoman asked why
town paid one Mr. Don Swartz to work 6 hours
per week tracking down code violations for $50.
per hour? No answer! $300 down the drain for
a person nobody in town really likes...his public
relations are zero? How many more things like
this are hidden away in the budget nobody gets
to see and analyze prior to approval???

Folks you missed the most lame and pathetic
budget meeting ever!
Budget passed despite
the audience being totally in the dark and
digusted with the whole process. More to
come in next post.

Send in your comments ASAP and Emails.