Special Letter From Franklin Resident Applies to Nolensville Residents!

Courtesy of
Calling a spade a spade.
A home run......To the Editor:The Franklin
city government continues to demonstrate
that they are incapable of providing services
to which the people of Franklin are entitled.
Now we are to believe that there is "no water
shortage." It's just that "we can't fill our tanks
fast enough. Well, you don't need a doctorate
degree in real estate to realize that if there is
an abundant supply of water, but you can't
process it on a timely and as-needed basis,
you have a water shortage! Perhaps the city
manager should stop worrying about keeping
his job by acting as the administration's "spin
doctor" and start to understand he, too, has a
responsibility to the people of Franklin. Or,
does he also believe that the public can be flim-
flammed into believing whatever they are told
and are totally mindless anyhow? Thus far the
Franklin city officials have failed to provide a
plan of action to the publicas to how they pro-
pose we pay for all the growth they are pushing.
Time and again, various citizens have brought
up the issue of the "infrastructure needed to
handle the growth in Franklin." Time and
again, there is no response on the part of city
hall. Perhaps behind that silence are those
dreaded words: tax increases!Yes, we will
need additional schools, teachers, school ad-
ministrators, improved sewer lines and pro-
cessing facilities, improvement in roads, ex-
pansion and update in the water system,
additional police and firemen services, build-
ings and equipment, trash services and equip-
ment, additional city employees and the list
goes on. An example of this is that you need
to have an adequate capability to deliver the
supply of water needed to accommodate
6,000 new houses. (Duh.)Now who is to pay
for this? Why the current citizens of Franklin,
of course! We have already had a property re-
evaluation. Guess what comes next? Maybe a
tax increase? I wonder if Mayor Tom will have
a big grin on his face on "Tax IncreaseDay"?
Why not. He got what he wanted; now we can
pay for it. Hopefully the administration will
deep-six the idea of adding an electric power
company to the list of departments they are
incapable of operating efficiently. The idea
of a "full-time paid mayor position" hopefully
will never come to happen.No doubt the ad-
ministration will be counting on the usual
public response and that is "no response,"
just silence. Unfortunately, they probably
may be right.Mike Courtelis Franklin 37064
CLICK HERE for terrific letters from people
in area about water/planning, etc.
Sounds a lot like the problems Nolensville
is facing just substitue the names & places.
Send in your comments and Emails ASAP.
Today's Sunday paper has some very good letters about the water shortage and other important issues. Residents of Spring Hill, Franklin, Brentwood and Nolensville are far more knowledgeable than the respective city leaders are aware. Growth has been allowed to get way ahead of all other required services and without the funding to provide necessary services? Use your vote in 11/7 to send them home and pick some pro's to do long range planning.
All I can say is you were right and should be commended .
All I can say is you were right and should be commended .
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