Thursday, March 30, 2006

3/30/06 No.1 Spinmaster Meeting by Interim Mayor Dugger & Hesitant Staff?

POW!!!!! Meeting opened with under-powered
PowerPoint slides appearing on screen showing
black text on cloudy backgrounds. Media block
buster it wasn't,
but progress comes slow
and learning on-the-job can be very boring.

First faux pas (mistake)by interim mayor
was his statement "that his first responsiblity
was to the voters that elected him...people
living inside the city limits." Well that ignited
the ire of those living outside the city limits
and they promptly told him so. Seems the
interim mayor didn't really consider those
living in the UGB areas...between the city
limits and the Urban Growth Boundry.
The area open to annexation as approved by
state UGB 1998 Plan. Considered to be
land in limbo by present leadership and
occcupied by people living on thousands of
acres that cannot vote? But are coveted by
developers who won't quit until they get their
piece of the money pie. This is just the begin-
ning...many more "wheeler and dealers" are
coming to test the resolve of our city leaders.

Interim Mayor continued meeting with brief
resume of his past employment as a sales
person for Colonial Baking in Nashville. Moved
to Nolensville in 1991 and in 1996 elected as an
alderman. Then suddenly interim Mayor. He did
a brief overview of how certain developments
came to be involving county and town. Along the
way he pointed out he didn't vote for Ballenger
Farms. He said it was an obvious mistake by
Nolensville Board but they promised to do better.

(Hint: I am running for Mayor in 11/2006.)
Wanna know how this made the folks that live
in Ballenger Farms feel? Not good at all!
Read comments at end for their opinion of
what the interim mayor said about them.

Bent Creek was reviewed and the interim mayor
posed 2 questions on the screen. Why did Bent
Creek happen? and What did the town get?

ANSWER:It happened because Nolensville
Board including Dugger annexed them and
then allowed them to put in houses on tiny
lots with narrow streets.

What did the town get? ANSWER: An inade-
quate facilities tax of $1.00 per sq. ft. or on
average $2,000 per home. Oh yes! Bent Creek
built their streets and put in sprinkler systems
as required by town. In return the town got
streets too narrow for fire trucks and emer-
gency vehicles. Also a new cemetery road that
goes no where? Almost forgot the $162,000
paid to member of the Planning Commission
for the new cemetery road while continuing
to sit on the Planning Commission. (Wink..
wink..nothing wrong about citizen cooperat-
ing with developer....right?)

Next the interim Mayor resorted to an old
worn out attempt (used by former mayor)
to educate everyone about the difference
between housing development regulations
comparing he county's rules and our town's
rules in a confusing chart layout.

How dog tired are you all of hearing how bad
the county rules are and how great Nolens-
ville's rules are? Yes, you are right on it's the
same old same old fear factor previous mayor
kept beating on. And interim mayor knows
nothing else to do but to kept beating on the
same fears about the county. Favorite scare
tactic goes like this...the county could approve
lots of 8,000 down to 1,600 sq. ft. and that
would be horrible! The fact that it has never
happened means nothing--it could??

BOTTOM LINE: Interim Mayor and plann-
ing commsssion are still hung up using the old,
tired and worn out warning that if Nolensville
doesn't do something the COUNTY COULD
approve 8,000 down to 1,600 sq. ft.lots and
that would be terrible. What to do?

Dugger & Woodruff say we cannot eliminate
because if we do large land owners won't
want Nolensville to annex them because they
can ask for more money
for their land if the
county approves a development on their land
with more homes.

And the town attorney said..we surely don't
want to annex anybody any more unless it is a
"friendly annexation"
because Nolensville
lost thousands of dollars over two years in a
lawsuit northwest of town. So where does that
leave our fearless town leaders??? It's nowhere!
It's damned if you do and if you don't?
don't have enough money to annex everything
inside the UGB.... Urban Growth Boundaries
like Brentwood we are doomed to
"tip toe" around between the county regula-
tions and our town regulations.
All the while
having to suffer with zero leadership and
absolutely no "guts" whatsoever to stand
up for Nolensville's rights? How difficult
is it to again tell Mr. Moon NO!

Local resident asked interim mayor about
any future long range plans for Nolensville?
He replied..."I don't know...I am not a mind-
So much for vision that won't even
stretch to November 2006 elections?

Another asked about roads...Interim Mayor
said "we can't build the roads before the develop-
ment is built." How about a plan of services and
costs before you approve that development...
Mr. Interim Mayor? The state law requires it.
So let's get to work on a plan of services for each
development and share each one with local
residents. Hop to it Mr. Interim Mayor previous
mayor didn't and look what happened to him.

Another resident asked about status of Mr.
Moon's Silver Stream development including
realignment of Rocky Fork road around Meth-
odist church to meet new cemetery road on
Nolensville Road? Interim mayor replied we
are working on it. comes the

real story.

Dirty big secret was and is as he was speaking
he had just minutes before informed board of
a lawsuit by Mr.Moon against the town board.
How's that for up front eyeball to eyeball
HONESTY from town's interim mayor???

CLICK HERE for article in theTennessean
3/31/06 Moon sues Nolensville!

Folks we are operating in the same old rut that
previous mayor guarded so carefully.
only what we think they need to know. We are
in charge..we are the authority..that's all folks!

About this time Dugger asked Henry Laird and
Rich Woodruff to tell how they handle incoming
calls and proposals from developers. Dugger re-
minded everyone they cannot make everyone
aware of what developers are asking for 3 or 4
times each week.
Suggestion from audience was
post progress on town web site which was totally
ignored along with the fact that meeting minutes
don't appear very fast.
Due to excuse that they
have to be approved 30 days later and then post-
ed on website 60 days later? Why not circulate
minutes to all via email...get approvals and post
on website in one week?
Just do excuses!

Henry and Rich outlined 3 steps involved in
requests from developers. Some days they get
10 calls per day from developers discussing
possible projects.
Next step sketch may be
presented and it goes to Planning Commission.
They review it and may or may not encourage
developer to proceed. Next a preliminary plat
with lot sizes is produced eventually leading
to Final Plot approval.

At this point audience member asked about those
on board or staff that maybe real estate agents?
Interim mayor said they must recuse themselves
from voting. Remember this when the next vote
comes up! Interim mayor is a full time real estate

Question came up about Interim Mayor meeting
with developers prior to meeting with the team
of Laird and Woodruff. Interim Mayor said that
he DID NOT meet with developers prior to the
above team. Remember this statement during
the up coming lawsuit by Mr.Moon of Silver
Stream. Rumor says that Mr. Moon's real estate
agent may very well be our interim mayor...
please say it isn't so..maybe it was..but not now
..right? As interim mayor and real estate agent
he said he must recuse himself on certain votes.
Lawsuits have a way of "unraveling"
the total truth...but you have to wait and see?

Another random, but important fact came out
that Suburban Residential developments don't
need BOMA approval provided development
meets all requirements. But PUDS must go to
Planning Commission and then BOMA for
approval. Feel like you want to know more
about this approval process? do we!
Words like loopholes and leaks come to mind.
But as lowly citizens it is hard to know where
to look.
Interim mayor says he wants to hold
these Q & A meetings once every quarter. So
unless they cancel all future meetings we have
about 2 more before 11/06 elections.

Question from floor about property around
Post Office is now for Sale? What happened?
Interim mayor said he guessed that they want-
ed to "flip" the property rather than develop it.

Question from floor about Nicolas farm and
potential development. Word was 190 homes
near Brittain Lane create huge traffic impact?
And could this be rezoned into a PUD?
Answer by Woodruff was that it could very
well happen..rezone from SR to PUD.

Let's all watch this one very closely!

Finally, Q & A meeting was almost adjourn-
ed when you guessed it our favorite alderman
took to the podium in semi-dark surroundings
to launch a personal and convoluted statement
how he had been misquoted in the Nolensville

Blog and in turn in the newspaper. We used
the newspaper account as our source for his
statement.."I did what I said I would." And
"I really don't know what to do." About PUDs?

Sorry, Mr. Felts, but your statements are what
they are.
Several of our readers have comment-
ed on your previous and current statements and
have suggested some advice to you. Apparently
your Eagle (email address) has landed with
some unexpected and uncomfortable results?
Eagles are a very independent, self-reliant and
confident group! All attributes that we can
pattern our own lives after.

Everybody in Nolensville is counting on you,
Mr. Felts to do the right thing between now and
11/06. Our readers like people who say & do
what needs to be done.We all have choices to
make either lead, follow or get out of the way so
people can lead or follow.
There is no room for people that cannot make
up their minds. Please, Mr. Felts, make up your
mind before it is too late.

SOME GOOD NEWS! Interim mayor said they
may change citizen input in future meetings to
more of a "general input" with a response from
the board and not limited to just 3 short minutes.
Now that's progress!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

How Many Different "SPINS" Can a Spinmaster SPIN?

24 Hours to Go
Until Question
& Answer Meet
@7 PM
Thurs. 3/30/06!
Now is time to plan Key Ques-
tions! Browse previous blog posts to get best

Attention all local residents & voters this is the
best opportunity you will have between now and
the fall election to ask important questions and
expect to get serious answers. Let's not "blow"
this golden opportunity. Forget "spring/break",
etc. this is far more important for you and your

What's the answer to our headline? How many
different "SPINS" can a Spinmaster Spin? No
telling...but here's what to watch for if you listen
closely you'll know the spin machine has been
turned on. Typical "spin master" responses to
your questions:

1." Well to answer your question it is a little too
early to really know what will happen until we
have the Planning Commission study it."
This is code for..."let's just kick the can down the
road and wait and see if anybody really notices?"
(This is the favorite response of town attorney.)

2. "We can't really answer your question until
we know what the county commission is going
to do about it."
This is code for..."always refer everything you
can to the county they are the "bad boys" and
little old Nolensville can't really do anything."

3."Before I answer your question...let me just
say how much "misinformation is out there
about "PUDs" and most people are unable to
really understand how wonderful "PUDs" are!"
This is code for..."do whatever is necessary to
confuse and cloud the PUD concepts since we
have already approved too many of them to
stop or turnback now."

4. "The answer to your question about how
many dollars the town gets for each new
home depends on the total square feet in
each home and there is a wide variety of
different size homes."
This is code for..."our budget is built on the
strategy of getting as many PUDs as we can
get approved and permits issued as possible
since we get about $2,000 on average per
house. This also means we can estimate
how many dollars the town can get from
future approvals and include them in the
budget despite the fact that future approvals
may not happen. Can you say "budget fiction?"

5. "That's a very good question about impact
fees that the town can put into place for each
new home development and we are beginning
to study how to go about putting those in place."

This is code for...."previous mayor's majority
team refused to consider impact fees and now
we are "stuck" with how to do it for all future
developments without getting sued."

6. "The answer to your question about what is
going to happen to Silver Stream development
is very difficult since the developer Mr. Moon
seems to be going back and forth between our
town and the county looking for the best deal."
This is code for..." we don't have the slightest
idea of what to do about Mr. Moon and what
he wants. He has threaten to sue city and we
want to avoid that at all costs."

7. "Your question about board meetings taking
place with developers without public knowledge
is something we absolutely do not do. But we
are aware of a fringe element in our community
that says these meetings are taking place."
This is code for..."continue to deny and deny and
deny that such takes place...and if you do it often
enough and long enough people will begin to
believe you..even though leaks do say it is true."

We could go on and on, but you get the idea of
what to look for in answers that begin to

"wobble" and fall apart very quickly. Remem-
ber you may very well be considered "outcasts"
for questions that some will say aren't civil and
polite and in good taste. That's called don't rock
the boat..why can't you just go along with the
"status quo" and stop making so much trouble?
Another favorite from some on various boards/
commissions is "well you never come to any
town hall meetings so it is your fault if things
are in a mess." Don't buy it for one minute..
these people were elected and/or appointed to
their positions and they have a serious respons-
ibilty to do the very best job possible. Their per-
formance is not dependent on how many people
attend their meetings.

Let's together ever so gently slide their respective
feet toward the fire
and hold that position until
we get some answers. Warmed over answers that
too many times insult one's intelligence must
stop. Don't forget how "magicians" work...they
hold up their hand and point over your head to
the left you follow their hand and keep looking
to the left. All the while on the right side they
complete their "trick" and you can't understand
how they do it?

24 hours to go before launch time...don't be late!


Sunday, March 26, 2006

3 Days Till Ques.& Answer Meet! Could be a Smackdown or A Walk in the Park?

TIP to Interim Mayor: Show them your very best
tricks early in the meeting and then get out of the
spotlight and off the stage. As for Alexander and
Felts what can we say? Their comments in the
3/22/05 paper left us speechless? Loosely put
"Too much misinformation (re:PUDs) out there"
per Alexander our local PUD Spinmaster. Felts
said "I did what I said I would." (could it be he
forgot what he said he would do?) Anyway he
said "He didn't know what to do?" (about PUDs).

As Bugs Bunny used to say "Sorry folks, that's
all there is." (Correction..Bugs really said

"That's all Folks") We wanted to see if any of
our readers caught the misquote and they did.
Guess our readers are more mature than we
thot? Translation: this is it, no more
comedy, no more laughs, no more fuzzy
thinking it is now the end of the line. From
here on until Nov. 06 this is the team we got
to work with. So let's make the best of it.

Citizens it is now your turn. Time to polish your
questions and show up thurs. 3/30 at 7 PM.

It's show time and every local voter is expected
to show up ready to ask some important quest-
ions. Plan now to bring some of your newest
neighbors from Bent Creek, Ballenger Farms,
etc. Come early and introduce your neighbors
to your friends at the meeting.
It is time we
all got to know each other and share exactly
What is going on in Nolensville. See you at
the meeting...thurs. 3/30 at 7 PM.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Attn: Mr. Moon! You too, Can Donate Land for School to Nolensville in Williamson County!

Wednesday, 03/22/06 Land for middle school
offered to Maury County a 35-acre donation in
'one of the next growth areas'
by Staff Writer
Sue McClure/Tennessean.

SPRING HILL — A developer has offered to
donate 35 acres on Cleborne Road to the Maury
County school system for construction of a new
Spring Hill middle school.

"We're just trying to be a good neighbor," said
Pete Crutcher, an associate with Chapter Two

Mr. Moon, you are running for re-election
as a Williamson County Commissioner, why
not help yourself and Nolensville with a
similar offer. It will certainly pave the way to
an acceptable ... approval for Silver Stream
by all parties involved.
Who knows the county
might help with the road realignment costs
since you solved a problem for them. Sounds
like a deal where everybody gets a piece of the
money pie. And you, Mr. Moon, can fast for-
ward Silver Stream project with Fox Ridge.
Add some land for a new recreation center
and suddenly "sticking points" melt away.

There is no better time to make this offer to
the interim mayor of Nolensville someone
you know who needs your help to solve this
problem. Time is running out! Next meeting
for Williamson County Commissioners is
coming up fast and Mr. Lackey is waiting for
your solution.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Alexander, Dugger & Felts Just Don't Get It? No More Puds PERIOD!!

What part of NO don't they understand??
2004 survey 74% said No to PUDS!!!!
Nolensville said NOOOOoooooo to PUDs!

Now in 3/22/06 paper article says Nolensville
turned off by PUDs. Warning wrap your head
in duct tape, this trio of Alexander, Dugger and
Felts (A.D.F. or attention deficit friends) want
us to attend a workshop to see exactly what a
PUD is! Give us a break guys, in 2004 everybody
knew what a PUD was and voted against them!

Alexander is quoted saying, "there is so much
misinformation out there. We should definitely
clarify that." Guess who is the number one spin
doctor on guessed it Mr. Alexander
who's election campaign boasted..."PUDs don't
work in Nashville and they won't work in
Nolensville." Well he got elected and then voted
for PUDs ever since. Here's one of his favorite
spin statements that will make your head hurt
here it comes.."the overall density in a PUD is
the same as allowed under the town's zoning
regulations 1.8 units per acre." This from some
one who says there is so much misinformation
out there?" Repeat that statement to your neigh-
bor and see if they know what it means? Keep
reading and you'll see what we mean. Solid gold
answer is coming just keep reading.

Felts said in this same 3/22/06 article...
"I've done what I said I would. But I'm not
sure ...what the answer is?" This will bust any
duct taped head anywhere..anytime! Ouch
that hurt! He said he knows there is a deep
dislike of PUDs, but he doesn't know what
to do? (TIP: please kindly step aside..out of
the someone else can lead.)

Now what about Walter T. Dugger our interim
mayor? Where does he stand on PUDs? Well
you guessed it! Same place as previous mayor
and Alexander and Felts stand, squarely behind
PUDs. Their votes tell us so! Don't forget this is
the same "guaranteed majority vote" group only
one missing is former mayor. Now it will be the
same "guaranteed majority vote" of A.D.F.
The new alderman "hand-picked" by interim
mayor will support mayor's wishes. Surprised?

Now back to PUDs! Here's a repeat Lesson 101
on PUDs we published 1/15/06.."Why are all
the houses so close to each other?" You can
scroll back to it on blog or continue reading.
This is good homework for 3/30/06 meeting.

Remember Alexander's "spinneroo" --overall
density in a PUD is same as allowed under the
town's zoning regulations of 1.8 units per acre.

TRUE STORY: Owner has 1,500 acre tract he
wants to develop. Too bad 750 acres are on
hillsides that don't meet the slope require-
ments. Another 500 acres are unable to be
built on for a variety of reasons. But at 1-unit
per acre GROSS as it is now, he can still get
1,500 homes,but he has to CRAM them on
250 acres less green space requirements
(20% minimum).

He is now left with 200 acres to build , 1,500
homes or 7.5 units per acre NET DENSITY!!!
This is the real "bait-n-switch," and it goes on
everyday in every city in our country.

YEAH! The developer cramed everybody all
together, called it a PUD and residents got
1,300 acres, that is you and the other 1,499
homeowners can pay to maintain. How sweet
is this income/profit and zero maintenance

for the developer. It is no wonder there is a
drive to rezone everything ER to SR to PUDs.

Then write your own question to ask the interim
mayor on 3/30 at 7 PM. Be warned you'll get
a "spinning answer" but stick to your guns and
repeat your question...until you get an answer.

Folks, this A.D.F. trio the previous mayor left
in charge is the same old...same old musical
chairs game. To suggest we need a workshop
to teach us what a PUD is an insult to our
intelligence. It doesn't take a rocket scientist
to know 5 and one half feet between houses is
very tight. Same goes for too narrow roads.
This Attention Deficit Fellowship of Alexander,
Dugger and Felts isn't listening to the people
of Nolensville. Next thurs. 3/30 at 7 PM is
your chance to get their attention. Forget the
workshops, meetings behind closed doors,
no meeting minutes, no agenda. "Are you
talking to me? Yes, you better believe it and
we want some answers."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mr. Moon's $37,000 Offer for Rocky Fork Right of Way Won't Budge Widow Janice Green!

Breaking News...Widow Janice Green
says NO to Moon's offer of $37,000 for
Rocky Fork Right of Way!

In Sunday's 3/12/06 paper Moon's
attorney reveals their strategy of how
Moon was willing to contribute about
$37,000 the appraised value of the
right of way (Moon has be unable to
buy for the road project)
to the county,
which could be held in escrow for the
town of Nolensville (ostensibly for
Nolensville to acquire the property
through eminent domain). That's right
CONDEMN Widow, Janice Green's

Talk about hiding behind the barn so that
you can get someone else to get what you
need to complete your development! This
beats everything. And if that's not bad
enough, you ask your old real estate buddy,
our interim mayor to do the dirty work!
Can't help but wonder what it would take to
get our interim mayor to do it? Can you
believe this crap (excuse me) is happening
in Nolensville? Worst of all, they publish it
right out in the open in the newspaper
for all to see and get "flat-out" mad.

Here's how the dirty strategy works...our
interim mayor condemns Janice Green's
property so his "bud" Moon can realign the
Rocky Fork road to handle the increased
traffic load his development would bring
and get Nolensville approval. This in turn
would get county's approval for his develop-
ment that is just outside town limits in county.

Gosh Gee Willie everybody happy
yet? What about Mrs. Janice Green, how
happy will she be when all this comes on down
around her...thanks to Mr. Moon and his "bud"
our interim mayor.

Hold on Mr. Moon...instead of going around
behind everybody's barn...why not just stand
up and make our town an offer they cannot
resist. Yeah! How about giving town enough
land for a new recreation center and school?
You do this and your approval will no doubt
happen with some details to iron out.

Now don't start with that pitful poor boy can't
afford it nonsense...your development with
Fox Ridge will generate millions. Besides as a
Williamson County Commissioner you can go
back to the April 6th Meeting a hero--you
solved the problem!

Attention Faithful Blog Readers! This is just
one example of what you as local citizens have
to watchout for in all of the present and future
dealings in our local town government. This
can be one of the important questions we ask
on Thurs. 3/30/06, 7 PM Town Hall Meeting.

***Mr. Interim Mayor just how are you going
to deal with Mr. Moon and his "behind the
barn"strategy?? Please don't tell us that it is
already a "done deal" and that you cannot
tell us anything about the "done deal?"

Here's some more sugestions for questions:

1. What assurance do we have that you as
interim Mayor will hold all meetings openly
and report the minutes for all citizens to read?
(Tip: State Law requires it and can impose
a $50 fine.)

2. When will you appoint a new aldermen to fill
your seat and will that person be allowed to
vote his or her conscience and not be pressur-
ed to support everyone of your motions?

3. How will you convince the citizens of Nolens-
ville that you personally have no "conflict of
interest"as a full-time real estate agent voting
on all kinds of town ordinances? (Tip: the
Mayor of Franklin is a full time real estate
broker with Parks Realty and was recently
hauled into court on conflict of interest

4. Will you continue previous mayor's "broken"
growth plan or can we depend on you to create
a new sound plan for slower growth based on
solid infrastructure being in place.

5. Since a new town budget must be approved
by July 2006 when will all citizens have an
opportunity to study your budget and be
able to question you about it?

Start now writing down your own questions
and share them with your neighbors as they
come with you to the meeting.



Sunday, March 12, 2006

Silver Stream Development on a Slippery Slope Sliding Nowhere?

Silver Stream development seems to be
slip-sliding somewhere between Nolensville
and the county. This is County Commissioner
Tom Moon's venture that has created much
controversy in Nolensville. Final approval
has been delayed by Nolensville because
Moon cannot obtain right of way to realign
Rocky Fork Road. This would handle the
additional traffic from Silver Stream. And
the county won't approve it until Nolensville
approves it. Nolensville won't approve it
until they are convinced the road realign-
ment is guaranteed to happen. The road is
inside town limits and the development is
in the county. Moon's attorney said he
wasn't sure they will ever get any word from
Nolensville and that would leave the project
in limbo. The fact that the former mayor re-
signed complicates matters. But it seems
clear that Silver Stream isn't going to be
approved by either the county or Nolensville
anytime soon.

John Lackey, County Commission Chairman
said " We need to back up and start all over
with a new strategy. Otherwise, I don't feel
any level of comfort. County commissioners
deferred the problem to next month's agenda.
Meanwhile, they asked county staff to work on
another kind of traffic mitigation strategy that
could be handled exclusively through the county.

Lackey still asked Moon to go back to Nolens-
ville one last time, to let the town know that if a
decision wasn't made in 30 days, the develop-
ment would move forward with a new strategy
(road)--and the town likely wouldn't have any
say about Silver Stream.

"Nolensville has been invited to the party, and
they didn't show up to the dance," said Lackey.

This means that our interim mayor of Nolens-
ville attended our own Planning Commission
meeting and it seems he didn't think it was
important enough to send a representative
to the County Commission Planning meeting.

And yes, we needed to have an official from
Nolensville in the meeting as a good faith
effort. No matter whether they were voting
on the matter...we should have been there.

Our interim mayor missed a opportunity to
show the county planning commission that
Nolensville really does care about how to
handle the problems of developers. Lackey
said, "When we have two jurisdictions we have
to have a meeting of the minds." This means
the county wants very much to look out for
town's like Nolensville, but its a two-way deal
and we have to show we are willing to come
to the party and learn how to dance fast.

Unfortunately, our interim mayor doesn't get
any time for practice let't get up
and start running as fast as we can. Unlike the
Chinese politican who said, " I must hurry up
and catch up to my people, and find out where
they are going so I can lead them."

Seems our interim mayor and Mr.Moon go
way back so hopefully the two of them and
our aldermen can hammer out a compare-
miss even if some don't really like each other.
In previous meetings Mr.Moon wasn't very
pleasant and accused a board member of
"conflict of interest" and that he should not
vote. Also threaten to sue the town.This is
not how to win friends and get an approval.
However, politics being what it is things get
really messy and unpleasant.

To go back into a meeting with what has
happened and what has been said is truly
difficult. For starters...Mr. Moon could
apologize to our board member.And then
he could tell his attorney to stop saying
"he doesn't know why Nolensville won't
approve his clients subdivision."
He knows
and we know. The ball is in our interim
mayor's court and there is a time limit on
how long one can "dribble" or else as the
county says..they will do their own strategy.

The score is 0 to 0 and we will be watching.
CLICK HERE for Tennessean article.

Tip to Interim Mayor: meet with 3 aldermen
and create an (agreed upon) last chance
strategy that Mr. Moon must accept includ-
ing a guaranteed fulfillment clause with a
stiff penalty for not fulfilling agreement.
Remember Mr. Lackey, Chairman of the
Commissioners left Moon no choice he must
come back and appear before Nolensville
Board for approval. Nolensville might as
well get the biggest piece of the money pie
that we can...they really can afford it and
they will pay to get the development back
on track.

Send in your comments and emails.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Former Nolensville mayor satisfied he did all that he could do???

REBUTTAL TO: Letter to the Editor of
Tennessean from Mr. Knapper, former
Mayor of Nolensville. 3/9/06

Former Nolensville mayor satisfied he did
all that he could do. (Not so he deliberately
ignored the will of the people and increased
crowded home subdivisions at an alarming
rate without any kind of support services.)

"We have been successful in many endeavors
and have tried to coordinate infrastructure
improvements with the rapid growth. Such
evidence is and will be obvious in years to
come with improvements in electricity, water,
sewer and even roads."
(Absolutely NOT SO! Knapper had nothing
to do with the sewer extension from Nashville,
and the roads are a joke. There is no evidence
of anything he could claim credit for...but there
is the proof that taxes and other impact fees
will increase thanks to his lack of vision.)

"He blames the federal, state and local govern-
ment "red tape" for moving too slow." ( Why
not blame everybody but himself for the lack
of progress. Actual fact...Knapper couldn't
even get traffic lights for town even though he
fibbed to people and said he had approval for
lights sure to come very soon. Actual fact was
TDOT said town had to come up with the money
and certain re-routing of roads before any lights
would be put up. Town has no money for lights
and re-routing of roads.)

"In the past when we disagreed on an issue
we would discuss our differences, maintain our
civility and agree to disagree, but we remained
respectful of each other and moved on."

( The Mayor has a convenient lack of memory...
in town meetings he allowed citizens to speak for
3 short minutes without any kind of an answer...
that was to come later...never happened.
Anybody that disagreed with the Mayor in open
meeting was "gaveled" down and warned that
he (the Mayor) was the authority. He had little
civility and no respect of fellow board members
and/or citizens.)

"The dignity that had long been our forte was
destroyed by those seeking recognition disguis-
ed as "helping the people."

(Sorry mayor that dignity was more like "fear"
of going up against a "stacked deck"a guaran-
teed majority vote...why bother. Sure why not
drag out the old tired "conspiracy theory" that
those "unknown" people are out to get me?
Sorry, citizens are full up with theories.)

Personal attacks by citizens and elected officials
on board members and members of planning
commission led to a deterioration of that civility.

(Sorry, an elected official you have to
be able to accept criticism, if not get out of the
kitchen. need to practise since your
frequent "put-downs" of citizens in town meet-
ings was a bad habit of yours.)

"Charges of favoring developers are untrue as
evidenced by our adequate facilities tax, and
hopefully a soon-to-be-enacted road impact fee,
which places the burden of growth on the deve-
lopers and not on the taxpayers."

(UNTRUE this mayor had a "inadequate
facilities tax", no road impact fee and a total
inability by Mayor to demand impact fees from
any developer thereby placing NO burden on
developers and all the burden on taxpayers.)

"Evidence this truth by noting that Nolensville
has never had a property tax. We are financially
secure, according to independent and state
(No property tax means nothing...the town is
not financially secure and not ready to service

all the thousands of homes being built thanks
to Mayor's total ignorance.)

"Despite what my opposition said, there will
be millions of non-taxpayer dollars (paid by
developers) to provide for intrastructure."
(Mr.mayor show us the doesn't exist...
contrary to your dreamy/vision spinning out of

"Despite what those who choose to be blind to
reality say, NO town ever builds roads and such
ahead of development, but attempts to coordi-
nate these efforts with the growth. That was
OUR VISION and not my critics'. That vision
will happen if YOU stay on course."

(Surprise mayor...state law requires that a
town prepare a plan of services with accurate
costs approved by town for new growth and
approved by state. You the mayor had NO SER-
VICE PLANS.And your so-called VISION WAS
thanks to you mayor there is no plan to follow or
stay on course. If we continued to do as you

were doing we would end up totally bankrupt.)

"Charges of keeping information from the
public by town hall are and will always be
baseless due to open records and sushine laws."

( Minutes from meetings not available for 90
days after meeting and often records sought by
citizens were said to be not available for public
and your habit of meeting with developers, etc
privately is well much for open
records and sushine laws.)

"The public must, as they do in all other cities,
assume some responsibility in educating them-
selves as to the issues by seeking information,
asking questions in a civil and orderly manner,
while avoiding mob mentality when waiting for
appropriate responses, in the proper forum,
this is how civil proceedings work."

( Thank mayor for your lecture on how civilized
people conduct themselves. The good news is
that the citizens did exactly what you suggested
and they educated themselves about the issues
and filled out your survey which overwhelming
stated NO PUDS, but you ignored the survey
and without asking the people did your own
thing...and yes this is how civil proceedings
work...all the citizens got together to ask you
some questions about your plan and you
"cut and run" not having the courage to face
your own citizens. Enough said.)

"Most of the people of Nolensville are
wonderful, but there is a contingent of
mean-spirited, power-hungry people with
personal gain intentions who, if not checked,
will lead to the demise of this great com-
HAPPEN. Those individuals who cheered
when I resigned, or took credit for
"running him off", lack dignity and class.
Remember I left on my own accord with the
satisfaction that I did all I could do."

(Correction mayor, all of the people of Nolen-
sville are wonderful and patient way beyond
what one might expect and especially since
they put up with your total lack of communi-
cations as to where you were leading the town
and how. Yes, I am afraid you'll have to accept
the fact that mean-spirited, power-hungry with
personal gain applies directly to you and your
witnessed performance over recent years. It
has already happened and you'll have to pay
the price for it. You talk about dignity and class,
too bad you don't have it, since you didn't attend
the town meeting and read your own letter of
resignation, but choose not to face citizens' ques-
tions and instead "slipped out of town at night"
so much for your dignity and class admonition.)

"Godspeed, Nolensville. Please help the new
leaders to restore the class and dignity to our
town that has been taken from us."

(Mayor, your last statement has already taken
place...the class and dignity of our town has
been restored thanks to your resignation
and open admission of your letter to the editor

of what was wrong. IT WAS YOU...PERIOD.
Now we can begin to build a bright future
based on open and trusted communications

between our leaders and citizens. Yes, we still
have some board members and others who
probably still support you, mayor, but they

will have to change their ways and support the
citizens or else they can follow your example
and resign.)

Click here for mayor's letter to editor.

Send in your comments & emails.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nolensville Planning Commission Meeting Thurs. 3/9/06, 7 PM

Don't miss this important Planning Com-
mission meeting on Thurs. 3/9/06. This
is the first meeting our interim mayor
will be a participating member. It is a
new opportunity for local citizens to ask
questions. Yes, you can ask the Planning
Commission to start a motion to get rid of
PUDS. This motion can then be acted upon
at Board/Mayor/Aldermen meeting 4/6/06.

Also you can ask the Planning Commission
and Mayor's Board why they did not do as we
wanted and clearly stated in the 2005 survey

Ask how they could justify going in the exact
opposite direction and based on what plan?

Ask for specific promises that the boards and
commissions will not operate as they did in the
Request that citizens be informed at
every step of the planning process in clear and
understandable more numbers
only. Add a brief description of project so we
can follow entire process. This is an open-to-
-public meeting so make the most of it.
your neighbors to come out and participate.

Here is the link for the agenda.

Send in your comments and emails.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Only 6 Days Left Before Interim Mayor Walter T. Dugger Assumes Nolensville Office

Mayor quits on
rather than face
the town's wrath
about his
growth with no
known service
plans in place.

His (default) replacement interim mayor
Walter T.Dugger is a former alderman
and active real estate agent for Kelley Real
Estate and Fred Smith Agency in the Nolen-
sville area. The interim mayor may face
"conflict of interest" issues unless he can
convince local voters otherwise. As an alder-
man it was a common sight to see him escort-
ing developers like Mr. Tom Moon about town
showing properties for sale. Franklin has a
mayor who is an full time broker for Parks
Realty causing many conflicts even to the
point of a law suit recently settled. Nolensville
does not need any more conflicts and law suits
Our interim mayor is already faced
with a threaten lawsuit from Mr.Moon that
maybe he can get cancelled since he may
have some kind of professional relationship
with Mr. Moon.

The interim mayor must quickly communi-
cate what his policy is for meeting with deve-
lopers that includes all aldermen. No longer
will the townspeople permit private meetings
with developers & mayor. Open meetings with
the public that include Q & A sessions must
start ASAP.

The nominations to fill the open aldermen's
spot must begin immediately and be shared
with the townspeople. Entire process must be
open and clearly outlined as to how the vote
is conducted.
Loud and clear townspeople told
board and aldermen"tell us what is going on"
now, not tomorrow or the next day...NOW!

The interim mayor faces a monumental budget
challenge since the previous mayor failed to
provide adequate budget for thousands of new
Here again, the interim mayor may or
may not be entirely informed about details and
feel ill equipped to do create a budget that
actually deals with things as they are. Not like
they wished they were. Tip to: interim mayor do
not forget to share the budget with townspeople.
Not unlike previous mayor you do so at your
own peril.

Our new interim mayor was quoted in news-
paper article..."What a sad state of affairs that
there are differences of opinions instead of
respectfully listening and trying to work out
the issues, we see a mentality that would speak
untruths and cause discontentment and make
previous mayor resign." Our interim mayor
has probably already got started off on the
wrong "foot-in-one's-mouth" disease. He talks
about differences of opinions and it is too bad
they exist. Don't think our interim mayor is
ready for prime time exposure. Join the real
world interim mayor if there are no different
opinions something is really wrong and for
starters the interim mayor isn't doing his job.
Next he says "we see a mentality (pompous,
patronizing and pathetic public relations)
that speak untruths/discontentment." Now
your talking..."untruths "repeated straight
from the board's mouth enough to make
anyone discontented. "How to win friends
and influence people" is an old classic
in the library someone please check it out
and give it to our interim mayor.

Another issue is (when?) the installation of
approved traffic lights on Nolensville road
will begin? Previous mayor assured every-
one in last board meeting that TDOT had
approved everything so our interim mayor
should be able to get this done in a couple
of weeks. Don't forget to let us know when
they start hanging the lights interim mayor.

Might as well send a message to Mr.Alexander
the PUD our town's greatest voter for PUDS.
Don't we all wish it was Alexander the Great
PUD put downer. Yeah, but it isn't. So let's
deal with it as it is..."stop pushing PUDS"...
Mr. more spuds in pastures!
If we see one more "spud in our pastures" a
vote of no confidence could be headed your
way...."spuds are out SR's are in".

What to say to Mr. Felts.."I know how you
feel I (Felt) the same way until I realized...
that I really didn't know how mad you all
were and that you weren't going to put up
with the way we were operating." Wanna
know the truth Mr. Felts...we are ashamed
of you and your record of voting.
So either
starting leading or get out of the
someone else can lead. You got 9 months.

Don't forget Doctor Curtsinger the town's
very best defender of what's the right thing to
do. Yeah, you gotta have the right stuff to
detect untruths, smarmy relationships and
stuff that won't pass the smell test...he's got
the best detector in town so let's tell him how
much we appreciate his service on the board.

Read what people in Franklin think about
our "cut & run" mayor on Franklin Kool Aid.
Also click on Franklin Circus coping with
same problems as our town.

Don't you all feel better now that we got to
know each other better..."smarmy is gone
and smooth sailing is here."
Enough for
now more to betcha!

Send in your comments and emails.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Nolensville Mayor Resigns & Sprawl Stopped Dead in its Tracks Last Thurs. Nite!

Over 150 citizens packed the local
school to fight any further expansion
of PUD home developments and annex-
ations until town can catch up with
city services and infrastructure.
Much to everyone's surprise the Mayor
sent in his letter of resignation effective
March 9th. Tommy Dugger will assume
the duties of interim mayor until Nov-
ember 2006 elections.
Of course the board will have to consider
nominations to fill the open alderman's
seat at the next board meeting. This will
be a crucial appointment for the next 9
months. Up until the previous mayor's
resignation he dominated almost all of
the voting with a guaranteed majority
vote that really upset many local voters.
A long list of citizens signed up to speak
very strongly against excessive growth
that had no support systems to service
the expanding areas. 5 red-hot items
on the agenda were withdrawn or deferr-
ed. This meant two annexation requests
and a motion by previous mayor to suspend
the rules of order to reconsider a rezoning
request. The board voted this down last
month. But previous mayor was determined
to put it back on the agenda even though
he was advised that Robert's Rules of Order
did not permit such action.
(above)A bird's eye view of a typical swirling
sprawl of housing developments that are out
of control and continue to be driven by many
city leaders who can't say NO to the flood of
developers surrounding their towns.
For TV interview and text of article by
Channel 4 click here.
Dr. Joe Curtsinger (alderman) talks about
serious concerns over Nolensville growth.

Today's Scorecard on Nolensville Approved
1. Bent Creek 806
2. Bent Creek Res. 41
3. Winterset Woods 233
4. Sunset Park 95
5. Ballenger Farms 285
6. Nolen Park 74
7. McFarlin Woods 31
8. Brittain Downs 141


Proposed Developments:

  1. Silver Stream 307
  2. Burkitt Place 103
  3. McFarlin 673


  • York Sub. voted down 2/2/06
  • Nichols Farms...unknown?
  • Burkitt Place in Davidson 291

Approved and proposed homes total 2,983.
State law dictates each development must
have on file with state a comprehensive
"Plan of Services" with costs to town and
included in the town budget.

This new "interim" mayor will be closely

watched and be required to be far more

willing to share all the details of every

decision because citizens will demand it!

Send in your comments and emails.