Tuesday, December 05, 2006



You 'allllllll come on down to Nolensville! Christmas has
come early even before Thanksgiving! You probably
heard about our recent election and how almost every-
body hippity-hopped from chair to chair till they got the
office they wanted. Dugger graduate of the Knapper
school of "giveaway" government momentarily arose to
an upright stance then captured the alderman seat be-
hind our new mayor Lothers. Felts floundered in the
voting machines only to be pitched out of local govern-
ment wearing the badge of censure by fellow board mem-
bers. Ken Thomas, a total newcomer to local government
and sponsored by Lothers won an alderman's seat form-
erly occupied by Felts. Alexander the Pudmeister still
shilling as a sidekick for Dugger.

What an early Christmas present to all developers and
their attorneys! You just couldn't ask for a better gift-
wrapped basket of old and new goodies. No need to fret
and worry about 2007. Knapper taught Dugger real good
about not asking for even one impact fee in the entire ten
years they both served in our local goverment. No need
to change now...besides if we did the developers would sue
the city. Because no impact fees were applied for the last
ten years!

YES!!!!! Contrary to the ignorance on the part of some--
our town is entitled to collect impact fees from develop-
ers just like Brentwood and Franklin have been doing for
years. How about $5,000 for a water hook-up in Brent-
wood? No wonder they have a fat bank account and our
town has none?

Now after ten years Dugger has gotten approval to hire
an outside consulting firm to tell the town whether they
can charge any impact fees? Scary isn't it after ten years
to witness such forward thinking?

To ALL 757 of you out there who voted to re-elect
Dugger as an alderman for the next four years enjoy the
ride! Only a realtor/alderman and former iterim mayor
could come up with such a "done deal." The developers
get a free ride and our newly elected alderman/realtor
collects the agent fees when and wherever he can. After
all, a person has to make a living and the $160. pay per
month an alderman gets just won't cut it.

What about the consulting firm? Won't they recomend
impact fees? For fear of another law suit probably not!

Don't even think about asking what role the new mayor
will play in this puppet-play? Just remember this ALL
830 of you that voted for Lothers! (That includes all of
the Knapper/Moses "hate-mailers" and their not so
annoymous helpers. How awful proud you must feel?
Thumbing your noses at the law and getting away with
it?) How proud Lothers must feel for having such an
effective group to swing an election her way? In the
next four years "what goes around comes around" it
never fails. People who "cheat" to win an election will
eventually pay for it.

SOOOOooooo get ready the old guaranteed majority
vote is back in full strength ready to vote whatever
way Dugger wants them to vote. Hope you voters
that voted for Lothers/Dugger enjoy the deception.
Strange isn't it voters usually get exactly what they
deserve. Nolensville didn't get what it deserved.
Please don't start with a sick "sour-grapes" comment
this goes way beyond that and everybody knows it.

Send in your comments about the next FOUR YRS?

Meet the new Mystery Woman of Nolensville?
Click Here-www.whatsgoingoninnolensville.typepad.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so tired of "small town" politics!
Incomprehensible as it is how could so many voters vote SO WRONG-HEADED? Nothing is different! Same people sitting in different chairs? Why can't local voters see-thru this scam? How can this town hall be proud of the "hate-mail" low down and dirty campaign by Lothers, Knapper & Moses?
We called the Post Office and the Police about the hate mail in our mail box! Both were helpless? So election was ripped-off by hate mongers. We refuse to attend anymore town meetings.
These people will get what they deserve sooner or later.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't come to town meetings. Just be one of those fence stragglers and whine.

Beth Lothers did not such thing as sending hate mail. You should be ashamed!

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 12:20....anonymous 1:43 PM says Lothers had nothing to do with hate campaign? Does it really matter now???? It worked thanks to Knapper and Moses...it worked! So like it or not Lothers got the benefit of the law-breakers...maybe Lothers should publicly deny any association with the K & M hate-mongers??? I suppose some would say she should thank them for their help two days before the election via everybody's mail box. It really makes me sick!

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 12:20
You obviously do not know Lothers or you would not be accusing her of having anything to do with the "hate mail" as you call it. Most people call it the truth. There was obsolutely nothing hateful about it.
Another thing. Let me refresh your memory that Curtsinger is in the hot seat for accusing innocent people of these acts. I would suggest that if you are anyone other that Curtsinger do not say that out loud. Ever heard of defimation of character?
Another thing. You say that Nolensville will get what it deserves. Well, we did. We got Beth Lothers as mayor and not Joe Curtsinger. So....thanks to all who help get her elected.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are such poor loosers. I hear Curtsinger has not showed up for a single meeting since the election. So it just goes to show he is a one man show. He never even slightly deserved to represent the people of this town. We would have been in the news constantly with bulls--t that he would have pulled.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"IT'S TIME TO ELECT NEW PEOPLE!" That's how I feel about this recent election? We need some new people in town...this bunch cannot judge for themselves what is good for the town. Four more years of the same people performing in a new "puppet-play" it makes me want to "hurl". About two years into this mess and I guarantee you will want to "hurl" too.

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 12:20,4:3210:43. Moses here.
One of the ones you love to talk about, but are afraid to face.
I am easy to find. If you want to talk TO me about what I know about what you, and you alone, call "hatemail" and "breaking the law", I am easy to find, and would love to talk to you face to face, or even in a blocked caller phone call.
You don't know me, or the facts. You are spreading lies, slander and threats. Politics can't be used as an excuse anymore. Or if you do know the truth, and continue to do it, that is even worse. Slander and lying will get you nowhere fast. This town doesn't like that, and doesn't forget. Many don't forgive your actions. I regret the town must pay a lawyer $185 hour to do an investigation, but maybe it will be a small price to pay to get at the truth.
Of course you will say the lawyer lied too, won't you, when his report is turned in? Are you trying to intimidate Snapper and I? Or Rich? It didn't work before, and it won't work now. The innocent have nothing at all to fear. The truth is the truth!
If you don't print this here, I will on our website. Have a nice day!

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Madame Moses...nobody wants to find you or talk to you or Snapper.(Your spelling is better). It takes one to know one...so as the original spreader of slander and hate we all know you and Snapper for what you really are. Your little campaign of lies and slander got the job done. You are so right this town doesn't like either one of you. As far as the truth goes you you wouldn't recognize it if it bit either one of you. I am so glad the blog people printed your twisted version of the truth. Final thought for the day...take the advice of your fellow church members and stop spreading lies...they say you know better...well then just do it.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just can't let "MOSES SAID" GO by without a reply. Its almost as if Moses descended from the mountain with her opinions engraved in stone. She and Snapper haven't changed so smug, arrogant, insufferable with their moral superiority. So self congratulatory over their "hate-mail" campaign that poisioned our election. So full of themselves they are blind to the truth. As Snapper said she would do anything necessary to defeat another candidate. And she did with Moses' help. Our new Mayor-elect Lothers had better make it clear to these two that there is no place in our local government affairs for either of them..period. Gee now that I got that off of my chest I feel much better.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings 8:42...your comment is pure gold! Your words speak for hundreds of us in this community. Here's my warning to blog webmasters...be careful of Moses she will flood the blog with page after page of smug, arrogant moral superiority "crap". Pardon my English. Do not let her do it. Let her and snapper spew and hurl on their own sorry site. 8:42 YOU HAVE SAID IT LIKE IT REALLY IS...THANK YOU.

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of this super christian coalition that floods our airwaves. In time they will be seen for their truly obtuse ways. And then will come the downfall of our town.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I just found out that Lynda Moses's store was robbed. The Mill Creek Cafe.

Does anyone know anything about this?

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BAD NEIGHBORHOOD being right on county line with the Antioch crowd. I would be scared to be at any of those border places the way crime is going up that way. I even wonder how long it will be before you see parking lot robberies at the PUBLIX or KROGERs.
The public needs to be aware of hese acts.

8:33 AM  

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