Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Here's What One of our Neighborhood Blogs Thinks about the Future?

Spring Hill Tn.blogspot.com
"Spring Hill is one of the fastest growing cities in the
United States, and five years from now it will be an
entirely different place than what it is today. Hopefully,
it is for the better, but that will not be possible without
concerned citizens rising up to be heard now. I have
started this dialogue to help all of us better understand
how our city government works and what they are doing
right or wrong."

Spring Hill's population growth is expected to exceed the
growth of Franklin and may very well end up being the
largest city in Williamson County.

Nolensville's growth is already beyond what was pre-
dicted and like Spring Hill five years from now it will be
an entirely different place than what it is today.

We have just finished an election and the voters here,
right or wrong, have chosen a few new people and re-
elected some of the previously elected people to serve
for the next four years. Together, this group of people
can have a very positive influence on our town for the
better, but not without concerned citizens rising up to
be heard now.

Unfortunately, too many of our local citizens do not trust
those in our town government and are so "put-off" by
local politics they have vowed never to attend another
board meeting. Our recent town board meetings have
been a disgrace and an embarrassment to everyone.

The conduct of these board meetings must change and
the sooner the better. If not, the attendance will continue
to fall to where only the board members occupy the room.

Our recent election was another embarrassment to every-
one in town.
The fact that two local residents maybe more
elected to promote a very viscious "hate-mail" campaign
distributing their "sick" messages in our mail boxes had
a serious negative effect on local politics. It was and is
so bad many residents have withdrawn their support for
any and all in our town hall. The truth is that there were
no winners or losers...everyone lost in this kind of election.

Our new mayor and alderman must accept the fact that
although they collected enough votes to win their various
offices it was a hollow victory indeed.
Spoiled by several
mis-guided and tortured souls who felt that everyone
must be informed of their "hatred" and total out-of-con-
trol law-breaking behavior. Sad to say they were success-
ful in poisoning the entire election process...something that
normal people would be ashamed of and would not want
to be associated with. Hopefully the people responsible
for this "hate-campaign" will be totally banished from all
future participation in local government.

Worst of all they just might be held up by some as hero's
who totally influenced the outcome of the election. If
indeed this is the prevailing notion then our town has a
very long way back to recover from this kind of slander.

We have a brief time between when the new mayor takes
office in January and now. Let's all use it to seriously take
inventory of just how high the stakes are and how import-
ant it is as concernced citizens to attend the board meet-
ings and be heard. If we don't we cannot complain about
the poor performance of our town board. Yes, you are
very right the most recent board meetings have been
awful. Send in your comments and let us know how you

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spring Hill is growing head over heels without much control...drive down there today and you'll see they have their own "Nolensville Road" ala Nashville. Commercial eveyhere and probably more on the way? Knapper and Dugger only knew to approve commercial as the income producer for the town. And yet, at the same time they approved subdivision after subdivision with NO IMPACT FEES. Utter nonsense!

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very disturbed by the performance of our town government. The actions of the board apeak to the mismanagement of our town affairs. More striking to me is the election of Mr Dugger who has been a part of this keystone cops government.

6:59 AM  

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