We have a copy of the original, but to be sure
you can read all of the text we will reproduce
the text on the blog so even if you have an
older computer you can read it.
June 7th, 2006
Mayor Tommy Dugger
Ms. Cindy Lancaster
Town of Nolensville
7240 Nolensville Rd
Nolensville, TN 37135
RE: Deposit Proposal
Dear Mayor Dugger and Ms. Lancaster:
Thank you for asking Peoples State Bank of
Commerce to make a proposal to the Town
of Nolensville for a portion of the Town's
deposits. Our proposal is for both the town
and its employees. The following outlines
our proposal: Town of Nolensville
*Checking and Savings Accounts will be offer-
ed with no service charges. The rates paid on
the savings account will be based on the Local
Government Investment Pool (LGIP) and will
vary depending upon whether or not the town
maintains checking accounts at our bank. If
the town maintains checking accounts which
average $150,000, the bank will pay the LGIP
+ 15 basis points with the rate to change month
ly. The average LGIP for May was 4.78%. If no
checking accounts are maintained the rate will
be the LGIP + 10 basis points.
*Free Internet Banking *Accept all payments
for the town's customers at the local office of
Peoples Bank. *Health Savings Accounts.
*We have arranged with the City of Franklin
Finance Director for the town of Nolensville
to participate in roundtable discussions among
the finance directors of other towns in William-
son county. It is our understanding that these
roundtables meet twice a year.
Town of Nolensville Employees
*Free Checking and Savings Accounts will be
offered to all employees of the town. No service
charges and first order of checks free.
*Christmas Club Savings Accounts will be offer-
ed to each employee. Earning 3.00% APY.
*Loan rates will be discounted for qualified
employees. *Free internet Banking/Bill Pay.
*Debit/Atm cards for qualified account holders.
Agreement for one year.
Sincerely, Rick Moody, President/CEO
Remember this letter is dated 6/7/06 so the
interim Mayor has had it in his possession for
months and didn't share it with alderman.
Certain alderman may have know about it, but
won't admit it at this point. In the 7/6/06 board
meeting everyone wondered WHY the resolution
sponsored by the Mayor had to be pushed thru
and voted on so FAST? Resolution #6-16 was
passed by Dugger, Alexander, Felts and Lothers.
Although it was a mistake to use a resolution
(should have been an ordinance) it authorized
ONLY the Mayor and town recorder to deposit
town's investment funds in Peoples State Bank.
The Blog predicted a kind of uneasy funny stuff
going on and NOW WE KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!
In August 10th board meeting interim Mayor
and town attorney told the board that Tennessee
Municipal Attorney's Assoc. said they should
use a resolution. Blog staff contacted TMAS the
next day and the director told us using a resolu-
tion was WRONG it had to be an Ordinance
requiring two readings. The interim mayor used
a resolution because it was FASTER and once
passed it became law. No matter passing the
resolution #6-16 was wrong and it have should
been rescinded in August or for sure in Sept.
meeting. But nothing has been done about it.
In Sept. 9/7 board meeting interim mayor and
town attorney brushed aside the question about
rescinding #6-16...and informed everyone that
the authorization of interim mayor Dugger and
town recorder as the ONLY two authorized to
determine where town's investment funds would
be deposited STILL STANDS! NOT TRUE! Then
in 9/7 meeting a new #6-20 ordinance sponsored
by interim mayor Dugger and voted on by Dugger
(both wrong) passed as naming Peoples State
Bank as depository for town's funds.Even though
in 1996 an Ordinance was passed naming First
Tennessee as the only official depostory for town's
BY NOW READERS you can see where this is
going! The arrogance of this entire effort by in
terim mayor Dugger is mind-blogging...He
repeatedly votes for himself and sponsors the
motion both totally wrong? So what! He quickly
beats down any challenges! Suggestion was made
to organize a finance committee to determine
where town's funds should be deposited like
Tennessee Collateral Pool. Interim mayor be-
came angry and said "he totally disagreed with
this suggestion!"
Now after you read this letter/offer from Peoples
State Bank you know why the interim mayor
refused to show it to the board. The deal was so
sweet and so good one can only imagine if the
interim mayor deposited instead of $150,000
how about one MILLION..NO TELLING what
direct and in-direct benefits might suddenly
appear! Absolute magic folks! No doubt you
personally would like to enjoy those kinds of
low-cost loans and no charge bank accounts...
sorry you have to be a town employee of our
interim mayor.
Tonites Channel 4 TV interview with Dagny
Stuart has the interim mayor saying "well it
may look like a violation of the Code of Ethics
and it may appear to be that way...but some-
times small things (how about massive) like
that slip up on you...he says he was only trying
to get a higher interest rate for town account."
As Dagny Stuart said.."the town first passed a
new code of ethics and then the interim mayor
sponsored and voted for and it passed #6-20
Ordinance (first reading) to name Peoples State
Bank a depository for town funds."
Let's face it people of Nolensville this...........
SCREAMS as a violation of the new Code of
Ethics by interim mayor Dugger. How many
violations can you count? First, mayor spon-
sors a resolution and votes for himself. Then
he does it again in Sept.Then ignores re-
quirement to rescind 7/6 resolution. And
all the while he hides the 6/7 Peoples State
Bank Letter. (Now he says he lost it? You
heard that before like Sorry, Mom the dog
ate my homework?)
Remember this the interim mayor asked the
Peoples State Bank for a proposal on what rates
and terms they could offer if the town deposited
funds in their bank. QUESTION??? How many
of you readers think the First Tennessee Bank
wouldn't offer matching rates & terms if ASKED?
CONCLUSION IS CLEAR! Nobody will vote
for our interim mayor to become an alder-
man on November 7th. The blog predicts
State Ethics Investigators will be in town in
one week! BTW..since aldeman Felts has
violated his own Code of Ethics(documented
previously) and vice-mayor Alexander, too
has violated the new Code of Ethics it leaves
Mrs. Beth-Weavers Lothers formerly against
high-density PUDs and now despite her own
2004 town survey that showed 83% of resi-
dents are against PUDs she is now support-
ing some kind of new PUD and trying to
run for Mayor?
GOOD NEWS! There is one man left who 24/7
has stood for doing the very best thing for town
residents. Despite being out-voted and maligned
over and over he still faithfully defends doing the
right thing. He is running for Mayor and he
deserves your vote...Dr. Curtsinger truly appre-
ciates your vote.
Send in your comments ASAP...only a few days
left before election. Get registered and get your
friends registered to vote. Do it now!
The blog is right again! You blogmasters predicted some kind of back room deal was festering. And now we know thanks to the Blog and Channel 4 Dagny Stuart. Can you believe Dugger, Alexander and Felts alll three shot themselves you know where? Their Code of Ethics flipped on them and may very well give them a new home and a new "orange" one piece suit. Very good job blogmasters. Keep it up.
I am so sick of that guy!
Can you hear the Tennessee Waltz beginning to drift through our fair city. It is still playing downtown and people are going to jail. The 3 amigos think we are "stuck on stupid"! Sorry, but with help like TV-4 and the blog we can clean up this mess...just don't stop now..blogmasters and investigative reporters. GO..GO..GO!
This good for the public to see becauese these are facts! This isn't the blog making things up. These are real investigations now.
More will come and more will come out on the city.
We have quite a few people down in that town that need to go.
Vote Curtsinger this year. Thanks Joe for doing what's "Right" for the town.
Where is that woman on this. She clearly followed the dugger and alexander.I guess she will use her classic weakling term that she is new at this. Don't worry, Martha Stewart left her cell all decorated for you!
Well what do you know,the bread man rolling in te dough!
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