Attn: Interim Mayor
Dugger, Alderman
Felts & fellow board
From: 14 local voters
Re: How you manage
town's precious $$$'s?
Here are 14 personal messages from local
voters after having read most recent blog
post: "Interim Mayor's Investment Fund
Resolution (7/6) A Mistake! It's Back-#6-20
Ordinance in 9/7 BOMA agenda? Blog was
Right!" (Plus related important subjects.)
1. Anonymous said: "I have followed the blog
for some time now & have been very impress-
ed with your insight and facts. This is just
another push by Dugger while he is in office
for only a few more days. One would ask why
now? Remember you are only an interim
mayor on your last leg. Maybe the money is
too good to resist? Please Mr.Dugger, don't
think I don't notice these things. You could
care less about getting our town problems
worked out, but when a chance comes along
for you to take advantage, well"..6:27 AM.
2. Anonymous said: "The entire picture
shows a lack of higher level thinking...but
then it shows a complete lack of thinking.
It appears we are being lied to by the mayor
and vice mayor. Please turn out and let
them know how we are thinking."6:13 AM.
3. Anonymous said: "When Oh when will
this incompetence stop? Dugger is out in
Nov. both as mayor and as alderman, I hope
and pray! Seems the pressure is to put
money in Peoples (Bank) so that some kind
of reward is available prior to going out of
office. Sort of a retirement going away thing
for office holders. Tommy & Larry better not
have their fingers in this pie for special
people." 8:51 PM.
4. Anonymous said: "You know, Curtsinger
is the only one who opposed this thing being
passed and then brought it to their attention.
He clearly is the only one thinking for us up
there.I wonder how the Lothers lady will vote
now that she is running for election?"
6:04 AM.
5. Anonymous said: "I thought this Loathers
(sp-Lothers) lady was supposed to be so
wonderful. Why is she such a Dugger and
Alexander supporter? I clearly see her out of
touch in this government. Remember it was
Dugger and Alexander who appointed her."
8:50 PM.
6. Anonymous said: "When will public out-
cry finally be heard?" 2:13 AM.
7. Anonymous said: "How do we apply this
Code of Ethics to Dugger? How can he parti-
cipate in such a vote? I think it is time for
some of us to just ask Dugger to GET OUT!
I heard him say Cindy had called the MTAS
people, but apparently he was just lying to
us to appease us. And why do they oppose a
finance committee to make investments
for the town? Dugger was totally opposed
to this. Why? Maybe he needs to pad the
final nestegg before his last stand?" 8:47 PM.
8. Anonymous said: "The new People Bank
located here in Nolensville is now attempting
to buy some Amsouth banks in a bunch of
smaller communities in the mid-state. (Info
in Tennessean 8/8 or 8/9). One can wonder
if the $$$'s being transferred from First TN
Bank to Peoples is being used to buy these
banks?" 5:16 PM.
9. Anonymous said: "Everybody else has to
follow the rules? Why not our interim mayor
and staff? Why do they always want a pass?
This is a serious mistake. Not an oversight.
It exposes just how much ignorance exists in
our town hall. Sorry local registered voters
are keeping score. Blog polls show a very
high per cent of people will NOT VOTE for
interim mayor and/ or alderman Felts. And
for good reason. Take notes, keep score and
get your neighbors registered to vote."
9:12 PM.
10. Anonymous said: "Does this mean that
the state has stepped in? Or is this still un-
official? What will it take for the agency
that reguates this to enforce on Nolensville?"
10:02 AM
11. Anonymous said: "10:02 AM...good quest-
ions! Still unofficial, but rising to the level of
total outrage! So far the good ole' boy system
reigns supreme. Just a littleole oversight..not
important...another non-issue. Probably the
reason this stuff doesn't stop is because almost
the entire board is being held captive...hence
"a guarantee majority vote" everytime. Wanna
bet water approvals are coming for Brittain
Downs and Centex/Nicholas developments?
Water dept.said no more approvals! This too
will change...wait and see!" 1:22 PM
12. Anonymous said: "When (will) people quit
griping and gossiping and relying on rumors
and start being counted at (board) meetings?"
2:23 PM.
14. Anonymous said: "Thanks 2:23 PM very
good insight. The horrid rumormongering
and gossiping going on the Christian com-
munity bulletin board has got to stop. Just
post the calender of events. Get rid of every-
thing else. It is no wonder our local candi-
dates won't participate in their thinly veiled
character attacks." 11:31 PM.
Keep those comments coming in and please
do plan to attend 9/7 town board meeting.
Click Here for alternate site on this subject:
Unbelievable reading! This is equal to graduate course in politcal science. Trouble is they don't teach this in college. Both blog sites original and alternate give us exactly what we need to change things on Nov. 7th. Wish more locals would read this and show up at the board meetings. We recently moved to Nolensville, but we will be in the meeting.
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