NEWS FLASH! Franklin Sources & Those Close to Planning & Design Teams Say Nissan is Looking at Nolensville Properties!

Sources tell us NISSAN is looking for a special
place in Nolensville to build Executive-Office
Condo Residences for key employees and their
families. Several sites are being considered in
Nolensville. It appears one location is currently
favored. That being Tom Moon's acres that he
bought from the Green family and now for sale.
Key location being on Rocky Fork across from
the new elementary school. Sources say ever
thing depends on the tax benefits available from
Nolensville, water availability and the re-align-
ment of Rocky Fork to handle a much bigger
traffic load? Seems the location is very desire-
able to Nissan between the Smyrna plant
and their new headquarters in Cool Springs.
As we can obtain more info we will publish it
on the blog. If ever there was a time for the
town board to get up and do something now
is the time. Send in your comments ASAP.
Click here for alternate site with Nissan news!
I know this plan has worked in other places for them and it is exciting to see them take an interest in Nolensville.
Nissan has big bucks and knows how to spend those bucks to keep a very few realtors working for them totally unknown to anyone in our town and in Franklin & Nashville.
So let's hope our town leaders can rise to the level of Nissan and any ideas they may have for our town.
Lets be on the receiving end this time and have Nissan contribute lets say a REC. center. Or a historical/creek path walk beside a new park?
There has been some recent stir in the gov's office of economic development about executive park plan by Nissan. Could it be that Nolensville has become their site?Why has Mr Dugger not come forward with information. I hope he will tell us in mayor's report this week.
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