Only one time out! Interim mayor still lost
control of meeting! Audience shouted their
frustration at board. Noise grew louder and
interim mayor got a "mad-on" and began to
attack speakers from audience and his own
board members.
Performance of interim mayor and his vice-
mayor were "way of out line" and encouraged
the audience to take over the meeting. Dugger,
Alexander and Notestine tried to "stonewall"
any support for the fire dept. And as a result
40 firefighters present in the meeting shouted
their anger toward the interim mayor and start-
ed cheerleading for their own Fire Chief.
Alderman Curtsinger fought off the
viscious attacks by Dugger and demanded a
vote resulting in a 3 to 2 winning vote for
support of the fire hall expansion.
We were in the meeting in the gym. As the blog said total melt-down! Dugger,Alexander, Felts, Lothers and Notestine need to leave on Nov 8th early in the morning. They have their own,myself and I.
No concern for fire department at all. Vote them all out on 11/7.
I was also there and wished that I had a video with me.
Those people lost it because of persaonal issues with curtsinger.
They took all the importance out of the point by putting personal feelings into the vote and issue.
Boy, Dugger ate his young in that meeting.
What a shame that his personl issues were more important that the lives and safty of nolensville residents.
That fire department sould be on the top of the list. We know who all 40 of those fire fighters are voting for this year. Curtsinger!
I think Dugger knows that but once again, he acted out of line as a mayor.
He was telling people to shut up, no you can't spaeak any longer and was real aggressive in his ways. If he can do that to his own FIRE DEPARTMENT, why sould we trust him with the average man in nolensville.
Even Beth Lothers said "I am ashamed at this board right now"
Or somthing close to that.
Also, Linda Moses who is against Curtsinger acted out towards Jimmy Alexander after the the meeting.
She was screaming at the top of her lungs at Jimmy in disgust that we would vote against the Fire Department.
For once the publick saw forst hand the real personla agenda here with most of the current lineup.
Folks, Curtsinger is the man we need despite all the gossip. He is the only one who is looking out for the town of nolensville.
Loathers showed us to be an airhead as she continues her statements about being a new person and not up to speed. Then she follows the trail of the lost going with Dugger. However she did cave into firechief after alot of badgering him. At one time she wanted to buy the firehall but Mr Green calmed her hysteria by pointing to her check book. Better to send her back to the streets and vote her out. We don't need a ditz at this stage of our town.
When will Mr Dugger and Alexander do the honorable thing and resign? It is clear after Alexander lost it that they have let their hatred of Joe Curtsinger cloud their doing good for the town.No slams. No slurs guys. JUST QUIT!
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