Surprise! Not! Alexander's Decision to Quit Mayor's Race & Support Lothers Exactly As Predicted! 2-Flip-Floppers at Work-Look at Their Records?

Get this Alexander the "Pudmeister" says he
"chose to run for Mayor because numerous
citizens (est. 8 or more?) expressed concerns
regarding character and integrity issues with
candidates? Wow! What a statement coming
from the greatest "flip-flopper" on the board!
This is the man who ran for alderman two years
ago on the campaign promise "Puds don't work
in Nashville and they won't work in Nolensville!"
Minutes after he got elected alderman he started
voting and supporting every PUD in town. Can
you say character and integrity are totally miss-
ing from Alexander the "Pudmeister's" record!
His long record of "flip-flopping" is well known!
Recently, without any board authorization he
went to local private water utility and in a very
"smarmy" approach secured two "letters of avail-
ability" not approval for water to Brittian Downs
and Centex/Nicholas developments. Prior to this
water utility declared no more water approvals
for one year. Ask the ole' Pudmeister/Alexander
about his own lack of character and intergrity?
Seems Alexander can function quite easily while
allegedly breaking all the legal rules as an alder-
man. And he continues to be a very negative in-
fluence on our entire town.
Folks, the absolute truth as to why he withdrew
from the Mayor's race was he knew based on his
reputation and record as an alderman he could
not win. Yes, Mr. Alexander everyone will agree
with you "it is and was in the town's best interest
for you to withdraw from the race." Thank you.
Now go ahead and really convince everyone in
town that you truly have the town's best interest
after all and RESIGN as an alderman. It's the
right thing to do! Your constant "flip-flopping"
and devious attempts to detain any votes that
don't agree with you are well known and dislik-
ed by a large majority of voters. Almost 70% on
the blog poll won't vote for you or Dugger and
very few for Felts.
Mrs. Beth Lothers will find out all too quickly
that transferring your "mythical" non-existent
support to her campaign for mayor will turn-
out to be a very big negative. The recent front-
page article in the newspaper will remind
voters that she is part of the old Knapper/
Dugger/Felts/Alexander team that brought
us all the explosive growth without any in-
frastructure support. No impact fees, no
school support, no fire and police support
and no road support or water support.
Go ahead Mr. Pudmeister tell Mrs. Lothers
what an upstanding Alderman you really
are one that sits on both hands in his seat and
refuses to Pledge Allegiance to our United
States Flag. One who continues to obstruct
and complicate every board meeting with
totally biased and untrue facts---just to sway
every vote your way. One who continues to
be a dedicated member of the "guaranteed
majority" blindly voting for whatever Dugger
and formerly Knapper wanted.
Mrs. Beth Lothers you have our sincerest
sympathy for the very "dead" albatross
Alexander has hung over and on your may-
oral campaign.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Lothers, while only in
office as an alderman for a brief time has
failed to separate herself from the good ole'
boy club that got her to run for mayor. She,
too, continues to flail away "flip-flopping"
on every vote having a very difficult reason-
ing process. As she said "I'm not running
against anyone or anything?" So she doesn't
have an opinion on anything...therefore why
would anyone vote for her? Nolensville has
long been in desperate need of a decisive,
direct and honest leader who doesn't change
his position based on pleasing developers or
those with an agenda. No sense beating around
the bush...we have that candidate Dr. Joe
Curtsinger who based on thursday 9/7 nites
board meeting proved he will support our
local fire fighters 1000 per cent and get them
the additional space and equipment they
need NOW! Even if it means debating for
hours with the most destructive and down
right dishonest manuevers of Dugger/Alex-
ander and our disappointing town attorney
Notestine! Thursday nights performance of
Dugger, Alexander, Felts and yes sorry to say
so Beth Lothers sends a loud screaming
message to all local voters DO NOT VOTE
for ANY OF THEM! For the future of our
town vote for a new qualified, professional
team..Dr. Joe Curtsinger, Craig Stuvick and
Dr. Nancy Kirby.
Read your advance copy of the "out-of-control"
town board meeting 9/7 it's all right here for
Send in your comments and help get your
friends and neighbors registered to VOTE!
I have noticed this man for months now with his protest of the pledge. He always grabs both cheeks of his buttocks when everyone else in the room places their hands over their hearts. At a time when this country remembers 9-11 we don't need a person of this low patriotic character as an example. Pudmeister alexander get out!!!!!!!!!!
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