Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers, Candidate for Mayor, Campaign Workers & Honor Roll of Supporters?

We asked "Carnac the Magnificent" for some
help and he offered to do some research for
us on the Nolensville Election Campaign.
Local voters truly need a trustworthy source
for detailed information on the candidates
and supporters. Since Mrs. Beth Weavers-
Lothers is a new face to many, here are the
results of Carnac's in-depth research:
Background: Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers,
graduate of Arizona State and formerly
employed as an airline stewardess. Now
wife and homemaker in Nolensville.
Wanna-be recording artist/singer with her
own CD available for a $10. donation to her
campaign? She currently serves as an appoint-
ed alderman to fill out the term of our interim
mayor. It is said she filed to run for mayor at
the very last minute at the strong urging of in-
terim mayor Dugger and vice-mayor Alexander.
Since that date Alexander has withdrawn from
the mayoral race. Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers
is quoted in the newspaper saying.."that she is
not running against anyone or anything." At
best a rather confusing campaign slogan? It
makes one wonder why she even entered the
race? No position on the many
crucial issues facing our town? Why bother to
run at all?Those visiting her booth at the recent
Broken Wheel Festival say she displayed a note-
book showing the pros of a PUD? Maybe Alex-
ander the Pudmeister has become her camp-
aign manager and is helping her promote more
PUD's for Nolensville? Maybe Carnac knows
this is a "shadow-campaign" with Alexander
still running in the back ground together with
Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers?
If indeed Carnac is right Alexander's pre-
sence will help defeat Lothers at the ballot
box. Lothers was the manager of the 2004
town survey where 83% voted against PUDS
of any kind! Why is she now PRO-PUDS?
Let's ask her why the flip-flop?
Voting Record to date: Recently she voted for
7/6, #6-16 Resolution to appoint interim mayor
and town recorder as the final authorities to
deposit town's investment funds in Peoples
State Bank. Interim mayor Dugger & vice-mayor
Alexander, Alderman Felts also voted for this
resolution which was later determined to be
null & void a mistake. As of 9/7 board meeting
this resoultion has not been officially rescinded
..still on the books as a mistake? Remember,
Dugger voted for himself (violation of code) and
Alexander, Felts and Lothers voted for it.
In 9/7 board meeting she voted along with in-
terim mayor Dugger, vice-mayor Alexander
and Alderman Felts to rezone the old Marusa
property at the corner of Nolensville road and
Brittain Lane from residential to commercial.
She had a difficult time justifying her vote
since she admitted it was probably "spot zoning"
favoring Kelley Realty a client of our realtor/
interim mayor. Obviously, a blatant confict of
interest for Dugger who sponsored the ord-
inance and, Alexander, Felts and Lothers who
voted for the motion.
In 9/7 board meeting, Mrs. Beth Weavers-Loth-
ers displayed a serious lack of ability in decision-
making based on the facts and priorities? Reso-
lution #6-19 sponsored by Alderman Curtsinger
to financially assist in the expansion of our fire
hall caused a "melt-down" in the meeting.
Dugger and Alexander "stonewalled" the resol-
ution trying every means possible to defeat it.
Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers got confused and
bounced back & forth pro and con on the resol-
ution achieving very little clear judgement. At
first she supported Dugger and Alexander
against it. Then she wavered and eventually
supported the resolution commenting on how
ashamed she was of the entire board for not
supporting our volunteer fire department.
Unfortunately, this is NOT the kind of decisive
decision makers our town needs in a new Mayor.
Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers is a "facade"
or front-person for Dugger and Alexander to
hide behind. Sad to say she is being "used" to
run a superficial campaign supporting Dugger
and Alexander and local voters have already
seen through this "ploy"and will not VOTE for it.
1. Interim mayor Dugger slowly sinking in a
morass of conflicts of interest and violations
of Code of Ethics. May very well resign prior
to election and withdraw from alderman race.
70% of blog readers won't vote for him.
2. Vice-mayor Alexander unable to contain
his viscious hatred of most board members
and a majority of voters. Widely known to
have zero respect for our our flag, by sitting
on his hands, head bowed, during the Pledge
of Allegiance? A disrepected promoter of
PUD's...better known as the flip-flopping
"Pudmeister" of Nolensville. His campaign
promise to get elected as an alderman was
"Puds don't work in Nashville and won't
work in Nolensville" then upon his election
voted and promoted PUD's 24/7. He with-
drew from the mayoral race and not-so-
quietly works in the back-ground of Mrs.
Beth Weavers-Lothers' campaign using
her to promote his PUDs 24/7.
3. Mrs. Lynda Moses, long time non-voting,
non-resident of Nolensville and registered
member of a curious so-called Christian
community bulletin board. She is an out-
spoken and controversial critic of any and
all things that she doesn't agree with at any
one moment. A strong supporter of our
volunteer fire department that loudly
scolded Alderman Alexander for not voting
to support our volunteer fire department.
Asset or liability for Mrs. Beth Weavers-
Lothers campaign you decide?
4. Mrs. Sherry Knapper, former wife of our
former (cut & run) mayor. A long time critic
of our town board and other municipal em-
ployees. Her former husband's resignation
as our mayor and their susquent divorce was
a difficult time for her. At one point she app-
roached our interim mayor about running
for alderman. She made a brief appearance
in the last board meeting speaking during
the citizen's comments. Although probably
unknown to many newcomers in the audience
she spoke about how the current group
of candidates running for office should be
held to a higher standard of integrity. Like
Moses above she also is an out-spoken critic
of any and all things she doesn't agree with!
Asset or liability for Mrs. Beth Weavers-
Lothers campaign you decide?
We have to ask the hard questions? What kind of
people are helping Mrs. Beth Weavers-Lothers in
her campaign? You decide?
As we are aware of more key supporters for Mrs.
Beth Weavers-Lothers campaign we will add
them to the above list. Send in your comments
and emails. Anonymous comments are welcome.
Just don't fill in your name, email address or url.
Thank You.
CLICK HERE for a slightly different perspective
on the same subjects on our alternate website.
Good Question...what kind of people are working hard to promote Mrs. Lothers? Old timers like us know these people for what they really are! So for the newcomers be very, very careful who you vote for. Our friends and family will vote for Dr. Joe Curtsinger, Craig Stuvick and Nancy Kirby.Please do join us in this vote for the future of our town. Don't forget.
How can this woman now advocate PUDS as being good? Remember her friend the pudmeister and what he told us during the last election. As a matter of fact, Curtsinger kept his word and now she supports the man who lied.
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