just hate
it when
even the
Lions can
smell a
Local bulletin board site packed with personal
attack posts about blog and others asks it's own
"registered" readers to vote on whether to keep
all the attack posts & comments online? How
ironic it is to see this so-called "christian" site
finally admit they have been doing the very
thing they accuse others of doing? Read what
our readers are saying about this new poll?
Anonymous said...
Thank you...thank you...thank you over and
over. There is strength in numbers and the
blog proves it.Stay strong and help us local
voters to stay the course until the election.
I don't want to even think about the nasty
stuff you people must receive. Forget it and
move on and upward. Do not even think
about quitting...we need the blog more than
ever. This election is so very important for
our town. 12:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Go blog go! You seem to be the only source
of real news and info we can count on, unlike
other "christian " info centers. 10:50 AM
Anonymous said...
To: 10:50 AM You are so right...the Blog is the
only source of real-world news and info local
voters can count on, unlike other so-called
"christian" info bulletin boards. The "christian"
site that promised all good news and no per-
sonal attack posts & comments is now asking
their readers to vote in a poll whether they want
to continue posting the overwhelming majority
of personal attack posts & comments? 12:16 PM
It appears a very high number of posts are
written by site's two managers that generate
rather caustic comments by their readers.
Guess this says it all they've been doing the
very thing they accused everybody else of
doing? Guess the "christians" got trampled
by the hungry lions. Don't you just hate it
when even the lions smell a counterfeit?
Early poll results show 60% Yes and 40% No.
Trouble is if all negative posts and comments
are deleted what's left? That's for you to decide?
If they enforced their own registration rules it
seems like no one would be left to manage the
site. Truly, a "catch-22".
Send in your very creative comments and we'll
feature them our posts read by thousands.
Register to vote online up to 30 days prior OK!
Anonymous said...
And before the cock crows three times, G man will deny being the christian web site he so advertised in his initial presentations!
12:10 PM
Anonymous said...
To: 10:50 AM You are so right...the Blog is the only source of real-world news and info local voters can count on,unlike other so-called "christian" info bulletin boards. The "christian" site that promised all good news and no personal attack posts is now asking their readers to vote in a poll whether they want to continue posting the overwhelming
majority of personal attack posts?
Guess this says it all they have been doing the very thing they accused everybody else of doing?
Guess the "christians" got trampled by the hungry lions. Don't you just hate it when even the lions smell a counterfeit?
Anonymous said...
Go blog go
You seem to be the only source of real news and info we can count on, unlike other "christian " info centers.
10:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Thank you...thank you...thank you over and over. There is strength in numbers and the blog proves it.
Stay strong and help us local voters to stay the course until the election. I don't want to even think about the nasty stuff you people must receive. Forget it and move on and upward. Do not even think about quitting...we need the blog more than ever. This election is so very important for our town.
12:27 AM
The christians are forever eaten by the blog, and the woman moderator has been their downfall.Kind of like the Garden of Eden rather than the Green Pastures!I hope the other guy didn't lose a rib.
Two gorgeous snoozing lions. Totally bored to death with any thing like a "Christian Bulletin Board." Animals have a keen sense of smell. In this case the website didn't pass their smell test. A DOMINATRIX WOMAN GOSSIP POSTING GARBAGE LINKED TO AN ADULT WHO FANCIES HIMSELF TO BE SOME KIND OF
"G-Man" is too pathetic to comprehend for people with down home common sense. In the Garden of Eden Adam lost a rib, but in these Green Pastures the g-man may have lost something far more important. You decide?????
I thin he has now pulled his website.Thank you blog for exposing him.
All I have seen is the slander and libel that persons like Moses and Gman support. Maybe their God shut them down.
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