Sunday, August 13, 2006

Dugger Blames Flood on 100-Year DownPour..How Many Remember that Flood?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Dugger's explanation is not acceptable since 100 years sure pass fast around here. Less than 2 years ago we also had flooding, and I had to drive all the way to Old Hickory to get to a Brentwood location off of Concord Road. My heart goes out to those people who live where it floods, since there doesn't seem to be any concern on the part of the city. The least we could do is send our city planners out to assess the problems and get price tags for solutions. Then we can prioritize them and start working them as money allows. In the new subs, the developers need to rectify the problems NOW. There's no excuse once a problem has been revealed. If we let them delay, they'll be long gone and those who have purchased the homes and the other taxpayers of Nolensville will be stuck with the problems as the developers cry all the way to the bank. It seems like the historic district would be in peril also, with Mill Creek directly behind it. The mayor seems to be totally unconcerned about the voters' worries lately. He seems to be singing the line from an old song, "Don't worry, be happy." Too bad the real world doesn't work that way.

2:09 PM  

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