wobbly water letter
deserves a closer look!
It's called a "water
availability" letter?
Curious? It's not
a "water approval
letter?" Hold that
doesn't mean an
approval! Right?
Letter goes on to
say "water only for
domestic use?"
Means what?????
You can drink it.
Shower in it. Flush
the toilet. But you
can't water lawn?
Says who?
Who is going to stop the owner of a
$700 thousand home from watering his
$25,000 custom sod lawn? Better yet,
who is going to buy a custom-built half a
million dollar home with built-in lawn
sprinkling system and not be able to
turn it on? I.E. Governor's Club homes.
Mr. Pudmeister's "water letter" is not
what it seems! It seems to be a hastily
concocted ambiguous unenforceable
letter. Probably won't survive a court
examination. Well what is it, then?
It is an attempt to appear as though it
is indeed a water approval letter allow-
ing two large home developments
to proceed to build. Despite Brittain
Downs being turned down for a water
approval letter in 1/06. BOMA
approved it anyway? Without a water
approval letter? A minor oversight
according to Woodruff town engineer.
All this effort takes your breath away!
The incredible and what seems to be
illegal efforts expended by Alexander
to get a "quasi-availability water" letter
so that two yet-to-be approved PUD's
can continue to plan to build. Despite
an acute water shortage? Everybody
will be happy to "ration" their water
usage so a large PUD can be built?
As one of our readers said..."this has
got to be so good for Alexander" that
he has no choice but to bend all the
rules...full speed ahead.. damn the
torpedoes! Now we know what seems
to be a kind of pressure can apparently
do to an elected alderman to seem to
violate his own oath of office and the
new Code of Ethics?
It is the only common sense reason
why our flip-flopping Pudmeister
alderman Alexander would behave
this way? Worse yet, it isn't what
most people want in a wanna-be-
mayor in Nov. 2006 election.
Sept. 14th is the next Planning Comm-
ission meeting. This is your chance
to STOP this undercover effort by
Alexander to get approvals for these
two huge PUD developments. Using
what seems to be a counterfeit letter
of water availability to secure a
future building approval. It is not too
late to send your emails and letters to
every member of the Planning Group.
Go to town hall website for their email
addresses, phones and home addresses.
Remember, it appears our interim mayor
Dugger and fellow members of the board
knew nothing about Alexander's unauthor-
ized meeting with water dept. lobbying for
a letter for Brittain Downs and Centex/
Nicholas developments.
What we have here seems to be a renegade
vice-mayor/alderman running loose without
authority attempting to make deals strictly
on his own on behalf of two very large PUDS!
You decide for yourself does 2 plus 2 really
equal 4 or 5 or just how much more?
Apparently the sky isn't even the limit?
Yes, you are dead right this is serious business
and can affect our town for years to come! So
get on board...send us your comments and plan
now to attend 9/14 Planning Meeting.
Thank you so much for pulling back the curtain on our local would-be..."Wizard of OZ". The truth is this isn't funny any more. It has gone way beyond a minor oversight.
Alexander for mayor would be a nightmare. Only four days left for some other good candidates to file to run. If you cannot run encourage one of your qualified neighbors to run. And then help people to register to vote.
I'm a computer consultant, and I work with companies on major computer systems. I make check lists and plans to ensure that everything gets done right the first time. My clients have some tolerance for special circumstances, but if I miss standard stuff, there would be very little tolerance given for me or my company.
I don't know how we keep on 'missing' standard stuff that should be part of a checklist before a vote is even taken. If I make a mistake once, my bosses work to ensure that it doesn't happen again. But if I keep making the same mistake over and over, I'm out. Period. There are just a certain number of things that need to be in place at certain milestones for a development (or any project) that never change. I could understand missing something that was unique to a particular development occasionally. But the basic stuff, or letters that are not on standard forms or have standard language. If this letter is indeed ambiguous, it needs to be reissued by the water company to be specific (legal). Actually, I'm sure there's a standard form for approval and exceptions.
Blonde, but not dumb, in Nolensville...
Sometimes ol' George Washington can make a person very forgetful.
When will someone wake up and figure out that we are on to him. It is obvious the Pudmeister is there to represent the developers.
Centex and Yazadin need Alexander to help further their projects.Sure must be some sweet deal.
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