The "Alderman Felts FIASCO"- What Really Happened & Who is Really Responsible? The Absolute Truth!
and accusatory article on a local
website that has a reputation
for personal attacks. Besides
very bad judgment, as an
Alderman, his post/article
was proven to be totally false.
Felt's was apparently not really aware of all the
malicious personal attacks on various residents
and candidates that this website publishes. In
fact, it got so bad that the webmaster was forced
to shut down the site so as to delete all of the in-
flamatory posts generated by a few malcontents.
Sad to say the malcontents are still there and
allowed to continue to spew forth their hateful
venom on any and all people that disagree with
them. So far they appear to be talking to each
other...that is some very few people.
Alderman Felts may not have known the com-
ments he heard probably from this website
were not true. Most people know now who
probably started circulating these false and
malicious accounts about the Fire Chief and
Volunteers loaning money to an alderman
plus many more unproven accusations about
this alderman.
Alderman Felts has this website of malcont-
ents and a certain well known and frequent
poster of falsehoods on the site to thank for
his conviction and censure. Of course,
Felts may have so wanted the story to be
true he went ahead and posted it knowing
full well it was not true.
Either way Felts woke up to find himself in
deep trouble with his board of mayor and
alderman and the Code of Ethics. He finally
posted an "partial" apology to the Fire Chief
and Volunteers on this same troublesome
website. His apology was acknowledged but
not accepted by the Fire Chief & Volunteers.
Then to everyone's total amazement John
Lenderman, publisher, of the Dispatch
published Alexander and Felt's slanderous
letters. Felt's letter did not include his partial
apology to the Fire oversight? NOT!
By publishing these letters, Lenderman,
loudly proclaimed his support for Lothers.
And proved he wouldn't publish any other
letters that disagreed with these two letters.
This public publication of these slanderous
letters left the town's attorney no choice but
to file a complaint against Felts. Remember
the town attorney filed the complaint,NOT
alderman Curtsinger, and recused himself
and recommended city hire outside counsel.
The next board meeting opened with a motion
to hire an outside attorney to investigate Felt's
and his breaking of the Code of Ethics. If you
were in the meeting you'll recall the tortured
and twisted attempts by Dugger, Alexander
and Lother's to find any way out of the mess.
Alderman Curtsinger offered to withdraw his
motion to seek outside counsel to investigate
the matter if Felt's would apologize and name
who the person was that he was talking about
in his article. Felt's refused to do so over and
over. Beth Lother's asked Curtsinger to forgive
Felts for sayng things about him that Felts
never admitted to saying about Curtsinger.
Proving beyond all doubt Lother's doesn't
know what she is doing in these matters.
Dugger bemoaned the fact that hiring an out-
side counsel would cost too much money. And
Alexander pleaded with Curtsinger to withdraw
his motion and allow the town to spend that
"unspent" money on sidewalks. (Alexander
should be helped to retire immediately).
Dugger, Alexander and Lother's voted against
hiring outside counsel and thereby proved that
the Code of Ethics isn't worth a dime.
Then Lothers made the motion to CENSURE
Felts without any investigation or proof what
so ever. No justice? Where's her Christian
ETHICS or did they get set aside when she
signed up with Dugger and Alexander?
BTW? What every happened to Resolution
#6-21? In Sept. Felts got censured via
a quasi-hearing? In Oct. 5th board meet-
ing #6-21Resolution to Censure Felts never
appeared on the agenda? How come???
Customary procedure says it should be on
the agenda and in the minutes?
Peek-a-boo who's hiding what from town?
By now you can see the strategy behind all
this..CENSURE is better than an all outside
counsel investigating town affairs. EXPENSE
was never a outside attorney
with an investigation WAS!!!!! Yes sireeeeee!
Unfortunately, for Felts he had to agree to
being censured without any opportunity to
a hearing or to prove or disprove his guilt.
Beth Lothers, candidate for Mayor, and out-
spoken Christian advocate, declared Felts
GUILTY per previous agreement with
Dugger and Alexander. Felts was denied
any counsel, no hearing, no proof. Lothers
then made a motion to CENSURE Felts.
You say how could this happen in AMERICA?
Well the answer is...the old Knapper, Dugger,
Alexander and now Lother's "guaranteed
majority" at work at their finest coverup!
QUESTION IS? Are these the people you
want to vote for to continue to run our
town? How much more PROOF DO YOU
NEED not to vote for Dugger, Lothers and
Felts? Dugger votes for himself to be the
town's investment authority! Felts cannot
keep from breaking the Code of Ethics!
And Lother's convicted and censured
Felts without any hearing or proof? So
much for her Christian Ethics?
Lenderman from the nolensville dispatch has no business writing articles for lothers in the same issue that the candidates quesions and answers came out in.
That looks to me like he wanted to showboat lothers. I guess it would also be known as pulling weight!
This is also a man who is employed currently by the town of nolensville. Lenderman should back out from his continued actions. But because we have a town full of biased leaders, we need a change.
And get this, Lenderman is also sponsoring the question and answer meeting on the 17th. Talk about railroading...
I am so sad for our town right now.
Vote new people in and get rid of the bozos.
Seems to me there should be some ethics between Lothers and Lenderman and not this blatant push to elect her mayor under the guise of an unbiased newspaper...sure is a funny way for "super christian" to behave. I guess I read a different version of the bible then she does.
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