Every now and Then we Pull Back the Curtain to See What's Really Going on? Who is not being very nice?
readers know we
do screen every one
of our comments.
We are forced to
do it since some
aren't civil.
You are welcome to disagree, but please do
so in a courteous and dignified fashion. In
an election year trashing and name-calling
even threats do creep in and destroy the
writers credibilty. The blog is reluctant to
single anyone out, but you can judge for
yourself when you read the following com-
Anonymous said...
Is this the guy (Alexander) that Lynda Moses
was screaming at outside the last meeting for
voting against the Fire Department?From what
I have heard, Lynda Moses is now going around
town telling people not to donate to the Fire
Department because they will Help Curtsinger
out.How self-centered is that.Once again, putt-
ing feelings before safety.We might not all agree
on politics, but for the safety of our town and the
people living here, please Lynda keep your per-
sonal feelings out of this. 8:05 AM (A good
comment with some good advice.)
Lynda said...
You will pay for printing that lie.I guarantee it.
(We think she refers to post about Alderman
Alexander and his refusal to Pledge Allegiance
to the Flag.) 6:27 PM (A bad comment from a
writer that has been unable to control her
comments and keep her personal feelings to
herself for a very long time. Too bad.
Credibility gone!)
Anonymous said: Dear Lynda Moses, I know
good side of you. She's not all that bad. But
once you act out in the public arena, people,
see that. Both statements are true and you
can't erase them. Please don't get mad or
revenge at someone for you're own actions.
OWN IT! I am also a Christian and know
what the living Lord would like. No point-
ing fingers, but owning up and making
changes in our own actions from here on
out. We can't go on making excuses up for
the actions of others. It's real hard to admit
when people you know well make mistakes.
But when you cover up for them it only makes
things worse. It would be like our kids getting
in trouble and us being parents making up
excuses for them. It doesn't help the kids,
and sets a bad example to the people that
are being hurt by the kids. It also shows we
as parents are doing a bad job by no repri-
mand in our kids so they may understand the
consequences of their actions. We need to
treat the town people the same way. By doing
so, we will get the same results. Please consider
the ABC's of discipline as they will only help
all involved. (Hello, Lynda, excellent
advice for you and your fellow bulletin board
commenters. Stop attacking each other
and newcomers. Even better drop all the
commenting and just list events on the
bulletin board. Most local residents will
thank you for it.)
Anonymous said.....
We will all be there with our small personal
flags ready to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
and WATCHING the ole' Pudmeister, Mr.
MISS THIS TEST. (Sorry Lynda...this
behavior of Alderman Alexander is not a lie.
Nor is your behavior in the parking lot after
last board meeting. You can't have it both
ways? Since you are unable to stick one
story very long? We will continue to report
the facts from eye witnesses and certainly
not from the stories you put on the Christian
Bulletin Board. This is why your credibility
is gone when you abuse the free speech
rights that we all cherish.
Blog readers know that no one is required to
visit this site. They also know if they cannot
do so without poisoning the atmosphere for
everyone else, they can drop this blog from
their daily reading. But mean spiritedness,
name calling and gratuitous nastiness are
out of line, and far to common on the so-
called Christian Bulletin Board. Besides
that they're an abuse of the free speech
rights that we all cherish.
Now the best news is that we average 350
to 450 loyal readers everyday. Nothing is
required...no registration...no forms to
fill out...no personal info required. Seems
our loyal readers like things the way they
are...they keep comng back and back.
Yes, even our light hearted humor we're
told is appreciated especially when
politics can be so dull...dead and boring.
No one is required to comment. But we
can keep track of how many show up to
read the blog each day. Thank you all
for reading our two blogs. Register to
vote...even vote early or online. Send
in your comments on this post.
We recently moved to town. We are hooked on the blog. Yes we do read it daily and really enjoy the humor. You blogmasters really know how to position you persuasion lightly, but firm. Seems L.Moses is a very loose cannon in our community. Thanks for the peek behind the curtain. Vote for Dr.Curtsinger early or online or in person...just do it.
Dear Lynda Moses,
I know the good side of you.
She's not all that bad. But once you act out in the public arena, people see that.
Both statments are true and you can't erase them.
Please don't get mad or revenge at someone for you're own actions.
own it!
I am also a christian and know what the Lord would like.
No pointing fingers, but owning up and making changes in our own actions from here on out.
We can't go on making excuses up for the actions of others.
It's real hard to admit when people you know well make mistakes.
But when you cover up for them it only makes things worse.
It would be like our kids getting in trouble and us being parents making up excuses for them.
It dosen't help the kids, and sets a bad example to the people who are getting hurt by the kids.
It also shows we as parents are doing a bad job by not reprimanding our kids so they may understand the consequences of their actions.
We need to treat the town people the same way. By doing so, we wil get the same results.
Please reconsider the ABC's of discipline as they will only help all involved.
As a church going member of Jenkins, I am ope to bew members. I hope Lynda will cleanse her soul and seek spiritual rebirth from her vulgar and shameful past. Otherwise you will never be welcomed into this community. Maybe you would fit in better with thoseyou support like Lothers and quit leading our dear Joyce away from the Lord
Moses may well be the seventh seal keeper. I don't how she can feel so righteous about herself, I know you may be new to our congregation Lynda but don't continue to makes us all look pitiful. Pray for guidance.
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