Attention: Alderman Alexander Here is Your Homework for the next 10/5 Board Meeting!

Don't miss reading about Alderman Alexander's
homework assignment for the next 10/5 town
board meeting. We hope you plan to attend the
meeting and help us observe his behavior and
attitude during the Pledge of Allegiance? Sitting
on his hands with head bowed during the Pledge
is not acceptable...not for it?
Is this the guy that Lynda Moses was screaming at outside the last meeting for voting against the Fire Department?
From what I have heard, Lynda Moses is now going around town telling people not to donate to the Fire Department because they will Help Curtsinger out.
How self-centered is that.
Once again, putting feelings before saftey.
We might not all agree on politics, but for the saftey of our town and the people living here, please Lynda keep your personal feelings out of this.
You will pay for printing that lie.
I guarantee it.
Which compulsive liar posted that, Darin or your boss?
You can't believe either of them.
What I said to Jimmy is on our website. Don't forget to check out your the truth.
Everybody else is.
Poor Wendall.
Yours will be in the kingdom of heaven.
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