SORRY OBAMA YOU'RE NO JACK KENNEDY! Just another politican!
Welcome to waffle-land home
of the world's most accomplished
waffle word smith. Obama has
shown he can support all sides of
an issue in-between a large helping
of waffling back and forth..stopping
and starting over and over again?
In his sermon to the Germans, Barack
Obama presents himself both as Barack
the Baptist and the Obamessiah. Never-
theless, Americans naturally root for the
underdog to prevail. For pride to take a
fall. Don't we instinctively seek to pun-
cture the grandiose pretensions of a
blowhard? It seems to me that this is
the question that Obama's speech
And one more question. I wonder if
Americans will appreciate Obama's
deprecation of the United States on
foreign soil for his own self-aggrandiz-
ing purposes. Surely one does not
need to be a conservative Republi-
can to recoil from this display.
"We are the ones...we have been
waiting for." Who is we? Barry?
Finally, Obama says in Berlin....
"This is our moment...this is our
time" Hey, Barry selfish doesn't
quite explain this. How about the
American voters who don't vote
for you? When is it their moment?
It is this coming November when
they vote to keep you far away
from the White House.
Read about Obama's Photo Op?