Friday, November 30, 2007

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Has Nothing to Do with the Worst President in U.S. History

Bubba repeated over and over in Iowa
that he didn't vote for the war in Iraq?
And Hildabeast says the same thing
when it is politically correct to do so?
Lying comes so easy to these two?

Most of America wishes these two would
move far away overseas never to be heard
from ever again.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Clinton Campaign Angry Over Rumours of Lesbian Affair with Her Exotic Aide?

Hillary Clinton's campaign team are furious
that an unsubstantiated rumour of a lesbian
affair with her exotic aide de camp Huma
Abedin, which has been doing the rounds
of 'underground' blogs and websites in
recent weeks, appears to have gone main-
stream after reports in foreign papers
addressed the subject of dirty tricks on the
US presidential campaign trail.

Get ready for the dirt and mud to really fly.
What if it sticks and Hillary can't blame
Bubba Clinton? This Clinton campaign
will be the worst under cover mud bath
in history. Hang on the worst is yet to

Read new poll shows H.Clinton behind!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Read a new report on middle class, fly-over
country and how they hate the CLINTON'S.

The media is trying to convince us that these
two outrageous law-breaking CLINTONISTAS
are loved by mid-Amercia? Not so according
to this new report. The majority of Americans
do not want these two "criminals" anywhere

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Here's the best Thanksgiving Day Story!

From Iraq to Cherry Hill, a surprise visit

Hunter Braun went to Cooper Elementary School
Wednesday thinking he was going to give a report
on what his dad does as an Army colonel stationed
in Baghdad.

But as the 7-year-old, wearing his father's spare
combat boots, spoke to the student body at an im-
promptu assembly, Principal Mary Kline interrupted.
"Hunter, I know it's awfully hard to do your report at
an assembly like this. I thought and thought about
somebody who would be the best person to help.
Who could that be?" Kline asked.
Hunter's 9-year-old sister, Rachel, didn't know either.
After all, their dad, Col. Lars Braun, was in Iraq.

Suddenly, Lars Braun strode into the multipurpose
room in his Army fatigues. Faster than a soldier could
snap to attention, Rachel Braun ran across the room
and leaped into her father's arms, while Hunter --
still not quite believing his eyes -- sauntered over for
a hug. "At first I thought, "That can't be him. Then I
thought, "It has to be him, because he doesn't look
much different,' " Hunter said.

He helped his dad refold an American flag the career
soldier, 45, brought with him, presenting the starry
triangle to Kline.

Kline planned the surprise with Rachel's teacher,
Eileen Steidle, and the children's mom, Terri Lynn.
No one was sure it would happen, since it depended
on when Lars Braun would be home. Terri Lynn got
the word around noon Wednesday.
"We didn't know exactly what day he was coming
home. He actually left Baghdad a few days ago,"
Terri Lynn, 36, said.

The Brauns' younger children -- Josh, 5, who attends
kindergarten in the morning, and Ainsley, 3 -- would
be surprised later in the day.

The timing turned out perfectly for Kline, who had yet
another reason to celebrate. She spent Monday and
Tuesday in Washington, D.C., collecting her school's
recent Blue Ribbon Award given by the federal Depart-
ment of Education for consistent academic excellence.

"As our country has honored us, we want to honor our
country," she told her students.
Before Lars Braun made his entrance, Terri Lynn tried
to keep her emotions in check.
"We wanted to surprise the kids. They'd been missing
their dad for this tour now that they're older. Rachel
understands the gravity of it, while Hunter just misses
his dad," she said.
Rachel said she had no idea her dad would be getting a
leave. "I worry about my dad every second of every day.
But I'm proud to have a dad in the Army," she said.

Added Hunter, "For my report, I asked my dad if he
likes being a soldier. He said he likes it because he gets
to help people. He's very proud and that's one of the
main things he joined the Army for."

Lars Braun, an East Aurora, N.Y., native, entered active
duty at 21 after college ROTC. He has served in Kuwait,
Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Korea and Germany, as well as on
many American posts. His Iraq tour began seven months
ago and he'll return for an additional six to eight months.

Braun, part of the Multinational Security Transition Team
Iraqi, is a member of the Civil Police Assistance Training
Team attached to the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior.
There, he mentors Iraqi officers in logistics.
"We're making a big difference. You can see that in every-
thing that matters. The level of violence has dropped
considerably," he said.
"We used to experience three mortar attacks a day.
We haven't had one in the last couple of months," he said.

When Hunter's second-grade classmates Ryan Stanczyk, 7,
and Michael Cha, 6, asked why Braun was still serving in
Iraq, the answer came swiftly. "We have to make it safe for
everybody and make life be normal again. That's what the
people there want, too," Lars Braun said.
After a possible appearance on ABC's "Good Morning
America," the Brauns look forward to hosting a Thanks-
giving feast with extended family.
Terri Lynn Braun said the family loves Cherry Hill, where
they've lived for three years, but they may be moving on
when Lars Braun's Iraq tour ends.

"Home is where the Army sends us. We'll roll with what-
ever comes," she said.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Read in today's Tennessean about the
missing $3,503,000 in Spring Hill's budget?
Auditors from state Comptroller's office
are trying to help Spring Hill Mayor find

the money? State told Spring Hill Mayor
to hire a Director of Finance ASAP. But
city only approved $37,000 for the job
and Tennessee Municipal said it would
take at least $58,000 to $70,000. And they

need to fill the City Administrator's job to
replace Ken York who retired.


We are told it is now 3 months or more since
the board has received an official treasurer's
report on just where the city is financially?
Supposedly the Mayor's own budget committee
is working on the town's finances "IN-HOUSE".

This is exactly what the Spring Hill board was
told and now they face a huge budget deficit?

To avoid Spring Hill's budget mess-Nolensville
needs to take action now! Hire a finance director

and a city administrator/manager IMMEDIATELY!
Remove the budget and day-to-day decisions
from the politicans and put such important items
into the hands of PROFESSIONALS 24/7.

The current slow down in building new homes
means the town doesn't get the $2.00 per sq. ft.
for new homes. We are told Newmark and many
other builders here have stopped building.
So no more money in the adequate facilities tax

fund. So what's left? You got it! A new city
property tax to help cover the expenses of all

the new developments. Of course, the road
and bridge now being built at Rocky Fork
needs a couple $100 thousand now and then
that wasn't budgeted. And surprise after a

while it adds up to some real money?

The most important item in the Spring Hill
article is---"What assurance (do we have)
that the board won't keep finding out
these kind of things AFTER THE FACT?

Remember, you heard it here on this date.
And guess what the blog will remind you

of it when the XXXXX hits the fan blades.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Go Ahead, Democrats, I Dare You, Cut The Money For The Military

A reader sent in the picture and email.
This is John Gebhardt in Iraq. His wife Mindy
reports that this little girl's entire family was
executed. The insurgents intended on executing
this little girl, too. In fact, they tried by shooting
her in the head. But miraculously, this little girl
lived, but is obviously suffering while her body
tries to heal. She cries and moans incessantly,
but John is able to calm her. The nurses where
she's being treated say John's the only one she
clings to. So John and this little Iraqi girl have
slept for the last four nights in that chair so
that she can continue to heal after her injury.

We are winning in Iraq, but the Democrats
cannot stand it. So they continue to try and
withold funds from our military. Come next
year's elections voters will pay them back
bigtime. Almost everyone has someone they
know serving in our military doing an incred-
ible job volunteering to protect your butt
and mine, too.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Read here why four hours isn't enough
time to cobble together enough hearsay
to fire Nolensville policeman a second
time? It's "waffle time" again in town
hall. Which means forget what the judge
keep on "blurring" the rules
and fire Mr. Holt without any reason?

Can you believe this? No complaints in
personnel file? So all the town hall is
left to do is try and work around the
personnel regulations and fire Mr. Holt
a second time?

Is it any wonder that Franklin Judge said
the Mayor and town attorney acted in a
very capricous and arbitrary manner in
trying to fire Mr.Holt the first time? Also
scolded them for not followng their own
personnel regulations.

HOOAH! Mr.Mayhew, Holt's attorney wants
more time to question additional witnesses.
Good for him. It won't take long to separate
fact from fiction, rumor and hearsay. But
don't hold your breath that the final ruling
will be fair. As the Judge said..."Mr. Holt still
doesn't know to this day why he was fired."

Friday, November 02, 2007


Hello Nolensville Citizens--this is your flood plain!

Don't forget what it looks like. At the next town
hall meeting in December 2007 there may be an
attempt to hide this picture and get approval for
a commercial rezoning at the corner of Sunset

and Nolensville. Ignore the fact that the team of
Dugger/Kelley have already converted the former
residence into a commercial business and office
for Vice-Mayor's Insurance business.

Now they want approval to build a retail shopping
center right in the middle of a 100% FLOODPLAIN.
In today's local paper the Mayor reassures every-
one that the town's flood- plain regulations are
SIVE. Don't hold your
breath---just wait until the entire story unfolds and
don't be surprised that the
floodplain will suddenly
disappear into thin air.

What happens if they ever get approval? Well ask
any long time resident in that area. The run-off of
from a new retail center built on fill that is
higher than nearby properties will FLOOD every-
body's property. Wake up folks before the water

Read all about it in today's paper.

Something to think about?

The mayor and aldermen are not direct agents
for the city - they are elected officials with the
power to vote only - not sign and enter into

A public hearing and vote on this entire matter
has been postponed.
But it will come around
again and then those that vote to approve build-
ing on floodplain and rezoning may be held
personally liable for any damages due to
flooding and lawsuits by local residents.