Nolensville Growth Continues to Draw (Local) Skeptics?

Today's Tennessean article by Bonnie
Burch (click here) Williamson County
News (Franklin) tells just how people
feel about explosive growth surround-
ing Nolensville.(same headline above).
One year ago a majority of respondents
to a survey 74% said they didn't like
PUD's period! And 66% said they only
wanted standard sub-divisions on half-
acre lots or above.
Aldermen Jimmy Alexander who ran on
platform of NO PUDS to get elected. And
then after he got elected he has voted for
PUD'S every time! Alexander was quoted
as saying.."This land can only be developed
on half-acre lots. That means no PUD'S,"
His voting record doesn't back up his words.
Planning Commission recently approved the
town's Comprehensive Land Use Plan that
supposedly helps the city decision process
but it isn't the final authority since existing
housing developments vary widely from any
consistent control.
Most local residents are skeptical and are
convinced rezoning can be changed at a later
date to allow smaller lot has already
Bonnie quotes the Mayor Charles Knapper
saying..."the town is getting ready infra-
structure-wise for the growth...such as
animal control and crowds at recycling bins."
What does "getting ready" mean...starting
to commence to think about maybe
doing something next year?
More good news road problems will definitely
be begin to be solved some time around 2025?
Per Mayor's report on TDOT priorities as based
on Spring Hill's SEVEN YEAR WAIT.
"We are working diiligently on these things, but
they take time," the Mayor said.
2006 will continue to be explosive growth
in our city and require full time decision
making. Our current Mayor and 2 alder-
men will no longer be on board as of
November so now is the time to start
encouraging qualified candidates to start
running for office.
Send us your candidate suggestions,
comments and emails.
Nolensville Blog received following email. "We went to our first meeting on 1/05/06 and was informed that this meeting did't concern us but those on York Rd. I think that is the problem,everyone waits until the bulldozer is in their front yard,back,side door and IT'S TOO LATE. WE ARE CONCERNCED ABOUT THE WHOLE NOLENSVILLE because in effect it will affect us all. You are right about meetings, first the public isn't really informed about meetings until "week of" and they are hard to follow with NUMBERS INSTEAD OF AREAS??? AND WAS THERE A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING TOWN OF NOLENSVILLE MAJOR THOROUGHFARE PLAN???(PREPARED IN AUG 2005). COME ON NOLENSVILLE PEOPLE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. NOLENSVILLE DISPATCH printed list of ordinances considered in 2005 and who voted for/or against. TOTALLY USELESS...USED NUMBERS 52-30,NO AREAS MENTIONED, ETC.
Well done! If it is a public hearing you have the right to be there and be heard.
The last time I looked this was American and not a socialist country.
Well done Mayor, no scary Dogs at the dump. That will make me want to buy a tiny house on a little tiny lot, on a wee little road, in a HUGE development.
Lets not forget the charming LITTLE country roads that will take me there.
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