Nolensville countryside untouched!
This is what our elected city leaders
are giving away to housing developers
"free of charge" no strings attached.
Last thurs. night's town hall meeting
was a total giveaway to developers.
Local citizens spoke out about not
giving away our most precious asset...
land. But, as the meeting moved on
it was sadly true our elected leaders
melted before developers asking for
The Mayor, 3 aldermen with help
from town attorney refused to
demand a contribution to our local
schools, roads, fire dept., etc. from
Brittain Downs. This development will
sell homes from $400,000 to $700,000
on 141 lots for an estimated total sales
income of over $78 Million or More!!!
The developer Y & R Properties can
easily afford to donate to our new Sunset
school, help build the roads, donate to
Fire Dept., and much more. $141,000 or
$1,000 per lot was proposed as a fair
contribution by Brittain Downs to city
by only ONE alderman ,but failed because
not the Mayor or 3 aldermen would second
it! Folks...this Mayor and 2 aldermen---
Dugger and Felts MUST GO IN NOV.2006!
This continued "give-away" is unexcuseable!
These 3 "mousekiteers" are giving away our
city and lands without any infrastructure
support ($$$$'s) from developers who will
make 100's of millions of $$$$'s.
The Mayor coached, goaded, scolded and in
every way tried to get Dugger to some how
form a complete sentence in the form of a
motion to ask Brittain Downs for some kind
of contribution. The performance went on far
too long and included the town attorney insert-
ing himself into the embarrassing exchange.
Our part-time Mayor and part time alder-
men Dugger,Felts & Alexander are no
match for these professional developers.
NOTE: Alexander ran on platform to get
elected where he said PUD's don't work in
Nashville and they won't work in Nolensville.
Guess what...he has votedfor every PUD in
Nolensville. He needs watching!
The Mayor announced two resignations from
the Planning Commission McArthur and Dr.
Clark.(No doubt too busy and/or totally
"fed-up" with the ?????? planning commiss-
ion.) Remember, the Planning Commission
members are all appointed by the Mayor.
And, the Mayor is a self-appointed member
with voting rights. So much, for new creative
and independent decision process.
TDOT report from Mayor about "fast-track"
schedule to widen Nolensville Road in 2025
or maybe 2016??? Mayor said this was really
good progress despite what Nolensville Blog
said about city not caring about roads. Ok,
when does King Street get fixed and what's
left of Sam Donald all destroyed by construc-
tion traffic. Maybe in 2007 after the Mayor
moves on.
Citizen Input Time: Outstanding citizen Cindy
Arnold of Dortch Lane spoke about Brittain
Downs. 1. Keep it Standard subdivision with
larger not allow it to slide into PUD.
2. Larger lots, larger set backs, no front door
garages...more garages on side. 3. Wider
streets 24 to 30 ft. Told about Bent Creek
emergency call for ambulance, but crew could
not get down narrow streets. Forced to take
gurney/bed out and run down street to get to
patient. City approved these streets.
Item 12: Rezone Estate Residential to
Surburban Residential for SILVER STREAM
on York Rd. 158 lots...20,000 sq. ft. ...28 ft.
streets. Local citizens input said keep it as is
...Estate Residential with 1 & 1/2 acre lots.
Citizens fear rezoning will slowly grow and
become PUD overnite. ER to SR to PUD.
Can't trust Planning Commission and or
Mayor/Board and developer. Just prior to
begin to build "higher density" PUD is just
too irresistible.
11 Months to go...until local citizens can
vote for new Mayor and new team. Lots
of damage can be done in 11 months, but
by attending every Town Hall Meeting for
each month we can hopefully limit the
damage. Don't miss a meeting and don't
miss reading this blog. Send in your
comments and emails.
Could the City or developer be sued if someone thought the city planners were negligent by approving developments that are inaccessible to emergency vehicles?
Yes...the city and the developer are at risk of a lawsuit. Just drive in Bent Creek turn at first left and drive slow and careful...the streets suddenly seem narrow and the cud-de-sacs are almost too tight to go around.
Add in parked cars on both sides of the street you'll see why one doesn't dare get sick enough to call an ambulance. Fire trucks are another "roll of the dice"...trying to go between two parked cars...Pray for a long hose.
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