"We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing"

that began as a folk song. Today in most schools
this hymn cannot be sung because it mentions
the Lord. Most of us can remember our teachers
leading us in this great Thanksgiving hymn.
It's majestic lyrics tell of the Pilgrims' struggle
in overcoming religious persecution.
All of us in Nolensville are descendants of those
brave Pilgrims who came to the New World from
somewhere else. "We Gather Together," is a hymn
that we sing to celebrate a unique American
holiday. And like most of us, the hymn has
it's roots in the Old World.
This 2005 Thanksgiving holiday many of us
will take inventory of ourselves since most of
us have survived some difficult times.
As our city grows by leaps and bounds we
need to gather together as the hymn's
message tells us to do."Beside us to guide us,
our God with us joining." This hymn lifts us
all up to a higher level and ends with
"O, Lord, make us free!"
All of us that live in Nolensville are blessed
and can share with everyone this message
in all of our gatherings.
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing;
He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
The wicked opressing now cease from distressing,
Sing praises to His name: He forgets not his own."
May your gathering of loved ones be a very happy
time right here in Nolensville or wherever you are.
PS: Don't miss Tim Chavez's article in Wed. 11/23
Tennessean..'Enough' is not to much to ask.
"I wish you enough" and God Bless us All. As a lifelong resident of Nolensville, people ask me how in the world did you find such a nice place to live? All I can say is God does work in wondrous ways.
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