It was a "hot time" in Ye Olde Towne Hall Meeting 11/3/05

Red Hot BOMA Meeting Thursday
Evening at 7 PM in Our Local School
Things got off to a tense moment when the first citizen that spoke up was a representative from Bennington subdivision. He informed the Mayor that if the city changed the "sprinkler ordinance" now after they had received city approval for their homes---they would have no choice but to file a lawsuit against the City. The Mayor stumbled through a reply that no one understood and finished with the position that they could go ahead and sue, but the city was covered against such suits????
Before tackling the long list of ordinances the Mayor strongly cautioned every citizen sitting in the meeting that absolutely no one was allowed to jump up and comment on the proceedings...PERIOD! Public Hearings permitted comments only after alderman had created a motion and a second and discussed it. Only then could a citizen talk...but make it fast.
The Mayor's report included his annoucement about sending a letter to TDOT Attn: Fred Stewart about including Nolensville in the 2006 Horizon Funding Plan for new town bypass. He also commented on Basic Road Paving for new developments, annexation roads and Nolensville city roads. The bad news is Nolensville only has money enough for certain road maintenance and any new paving plans have to be developed. Nolensville city streets that have been crushed...full of pot holes by construction traffic are out of luck.
Agenda items 10,11,12 & 2o were deferred to next meeting. Wonder why?
Item 10 was about a plan to annex lots of acres down Rocky Fork including the new subdivision "Silver Stream" by Tom Moon. Maybe the county gave Mr. Moon a better deal???--so Mr. Moon doesn't want to be annexed after all?????
Item 13 to create an annexation buffer overlay. This created a confused discussion that ended up with the conclusion that it complies with Brentwood so it must be OK...therefore let's pass it. Profound!
Item 15 to amend municipal code for roads. Like how wide?...parking allowed?...enough room for emergency vehicles?...No Construction Traffic?, etc. Alderman Curtsinger sponsored the ordinance and stressed how important it was to avoid accidents. Discussion scattered all over the place and was eventually delayed to next meeting.
Item 16 to make certain amendments to requiring automatic fire sprinkler systems. Total confusion...seems like very few on the board knew anything about details...Fire Chief reminded the Mayor that he had passed this ordinance long ago and the board should approve the amendment. Mayor refused...moved to delay it and stated that he didn't want another lawsuit because nobody read the details.
Item create a Commercial Regional allow for bigger retail stores...bigger parking...bigger everything! Hold this thought...then the Mayor told everyone he had met with some really big developers who were interested in the Nolensville commerical plans centered around "Mom and Pop" stores...boutiques, etc...all smaller I assume? got it...bigger retail stores vs: Mom & Pop??
Which is it??? Mr. Mayor??
Item approve concept plan for PUD known as "Britain Downs".
Alderman Curtsinger asked the Mayor how come this PUD never had to go before Planning Commission like the "Silver Stream" development.
Curtsinger wanted to know why the big "push" to approve it when the planning committtee didn't know the details along with the aldermen? Mayor asked his staff and members of planning commission how many times they had examined the plans/details of Britain Downs? No one could answer accurately. Seems very few if any had studied the details? Thought was suggested that there seemed to be some kind of "back room" deal going on to by pass regular procedures? Mayor got mad and told Curtsinger he was out of order. Mayor demanded motion and second be voted on and approved. Nobody could figure out why the plans called for sidewalks only half way around cul-de-sacs???
Item rezone Frank Marusa's property at 7149 Nolensville road from Suburban Residential to Commercial Services. Flood plain was brought up that exists in back part of property?? If we approve this will all of the other properties along the west side of Nolensville road have to fix their flood plains??? Nobody knows for sure??? Rumor says property was sold as residential, but deal was cancelled when they found out they could rezone it commercial for more $$$'s. Is this a great country, or what??
Overall impressions of meeting....very few aldermen and especially the Mayor seemed prepared for the meeting...they didn't know the details past or they are really open to new lawsuits...just as the Mayor said.
On the way out of the meeting...the Mayor shouted to Mr. Curtsinger that he knew he was saying that the Mayor may be involved in "backroom" deals and that he (Curtsinger) had better watch it!
Send in your the aldermen and the Mayor there is no 3 minute limit on your phone call. EMail Town Hall. Attention Mayor.
Hey...everybody cool it! Every serious meeting at town hall will have some things nobody wants to agree on. Thank goodness the Mayor and aldermen still want to try and get things done. Let's keep talking and keep meeting. Nobody is perfect...period.
Dont you find it strange that there is still a motion to rezone the Marusa property when the contract for purchase on the property has expired? Who on the commision would have interest in the re-zoning happening without the approval of the seller? There wouldn't be any connection with anyone on the commission and a particual real estate firm in town now would there?
I can't help but wonder why there is a motion to rezone the Marusa Property when it was approved for sales and service long before Nolensville became a city and is covered by the grandfather law. In my opinion any changes made by the city are illegal and appears to be a land grab if the property is forclosed upon. We need your help.
Thank You,
Frank Marusa
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