Our headline is a direct quote from one of our readers..."We liked our Mayor and Aldermen better before we got to know them so well." Nolensville is busting at the seams in every direction.
Our Mayor in our last town meeting said..."Annexation allows us to have more control over what will be coming to our town. Our standards are somewhat different. In many ways, they are more rigid than the county's" Hold that thought for a moment and compare it to another quote by the Mayor
..."If the developers meet our codes and ordinances then we cannot turn them down." The Mayor is "somewhat" right...if they present a PUD (planned unit development) with "postage stamp size lots" 6,000 sq. ft. or less the so-called "rigid" standards are really "relaxed" and easy to meet.
That is why Professional Housing Developers keep coming to Nolensville even playing the county against our city. The "Silver Stream"170-acre development is headed up by Tom Moon a Williamson County Commssioner
looking for the best deal from Nolensville or the county. His proposed development is located inside the 725-acre area that our Mayor and some aldermen want to annex ASAP! Our town attorney said there's no guarantee that Nolensville would get the land in that time frame. And the town needs approvals to extend a plan of services to that area--more costs, too.
Only Dr. Joe Curtsinger, alderman, said..."this poses a bunch of questions for me. We don't have the (Silver Stream) plans before us right now. I don't think we should take this in without seeing what it's about." Curtsinger is right again...and the Mayor is still pushing hard to get the area annexed and under the town's jurisdiction.
Tom Moore, of the Silver Stream development just recently resigned as a County Commissioner to avoid any "conflict of interest" be it ever so late. So we need to stay alert the wheeling and dealing has just begun.
Unfortunately, our "part-time" team of Mayor/Aldermen may not be much of a match against professional undersized developments...PUD's that is. There are two public hearings and a second reading on this in the future so watch the agendas for future town meetings and plan to be there. Email the
Mayor at Town Hall.
Nolensville used to be a small town with only 3,000 very happy souls. We are becoming a large city over night. In 5 short years we will be 30,000 souls..some very happy and others very disappointed. The survey we took told our city fathers we did not want crowded subdivisons but that's what we got. Thanks a lot.
Your post states that Tom Moon resigned as co. comm?
I thought he was running for re-election? I have seen his campaign signs around town.
If he didn't resign, he should.
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