9/1/05 City Board of Mayor & Aldermen Meeting Highlites

What ever happened to traditional housing
subdivisions in our city of Nolensville?
Our Mayor and Aldermen replaced them
with "PUD'S". Planned Unit Developments
with postage stamp size lots under 6,000 sq.ft.
(See picture above for PUD's in other cities)
How could this happen? Mayor says "the town's
boards are obligated to pass the projects if
developers meet the requirements set in town
ordinances." Who makes the ordinances??
The Mayor, Aldermen and the Planning
Commission create them and then get a precious
few citizensto vote on them in BOMA meetings.
Alderman Larry Felts complained that PUD's are
all they are presented by developers. OK Larry
tighten up the ordinances and get tough with
developers. Nolensville deserves better than a
"part-time" Mayor and board that are hiding
behind the very "ordinances" they created.
Developers know what Mayors and boards are
weak and ineffective and which one's they can
threaten with a law suit if after they meet
city ordinances the city board votes against
their PUD. Nolensville resident Cindy Arnold
said "I'd like to see a standard subdivision...
I think we (city) can ask for a better product
and we should keep asking fora better product."
Cindy is dead-on right...let's help her by
calling Town Hall or e-mail the Mayor,
Alderman and Planning Commission members.
the mayor has appointed the planning commision members.It is no wonder they support him.
But the two newly elected alderman appear to be helping us move away from the status quo
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