Nolensville Board to Discuss "Code of Ethics?"
"We the People" Need Honest Leaders!
"Doing the right thing"
So says the 7/7/05 Tennessean article report-
ing on a meeting of Nolensville Board of Mayor
and Aldermen. Everybody should send a thank
you note to Alderman Larry Felts who asked the
Mayor to look into the board's code of ethics and
have a discussion on them in light of the recent
events in our state legislature. It is puzzling how
the Tennessean worded what the Mayor did?
"Knapper pulled together a code of ethics to dis-
cuss." It sounds painful and not easy to do.
Why is it that only after the FBI arrests and
escorts almost one dozen state legislators off
to jail that suddenly our badly damaged Governor
and fellow politicans remember a code of ethics??
Larry Felts is onto to something very important
that includes not calling fellow aldermen nasty
names...and includes "conflict of interest" and
misrepresentation of one's position in any local
What's a conflict of interest? Here's an example.
Say you serve on your city's board as alderman
and your full time job is a full time commercial
real estate agent. No problem you say? Well
should you be allowed to vote on an upcoming
purchase of property by your city that is listed
by your real estate firm or broker?
Asolutely NOT! Unfortunately, this happens
in Williamson County and if you follow the
money trail it goes back and forth across the
county in and out of Franklin and many other
smaller cities.
Should the Mayor, aldermen and all commission
members sign a comprehensive Code of Ethics?
YES! Let's hope it happens soon.
PS: If they don't sign it then they should resign.
PPS: Next election all candidates should be willing to
sign it and if not everybody will know it before voting.

So says the 7/7/05 Tennessean article report-
ing on a meeting of Nolensville Board of Mayor
and Aldermen. Everybody should send a thank
you note to Alderman Larry Felts who asked the
Mayor to look into the board's code of ethics and
have a discussion on them in light of the recent
events in our state legislature. It is puzzling how
the Tennessean worded what the Mayor did?
"Knapper pulled together a code of ethics to dis-
cuss." It sounds painful and not easy to do.
Why is it that only after the FBI arrests and
escorts almost one dozen state legislators off
to jail that suddenly our badly damaged Governor
and fellow politicans remember a code of ethics??
Larry Felts is onto to something very important
that includes not calling fellow aldermen nasty
names...and includes "conflict of interest" and
misrepresentation of one's position in any local
What's a conflict of interest? Here's an example.
Say you serve on your city's board as alderman
and your full time job is a full time commercial
real estate agent. No problem you say? Well
should you be allowed to vote on an upcoming
purchase of property by your city that is listed
by your real estate firm or broker?
Asolutely NOT! Unfortunately, this happens
in Williamson County and if you follow the
money trail it goes back and forth across the
county in and out of Franklin and many other
smaller cities.
Should the Mayor, aldermen and all commission
members sign a comprehensive Code of Ethics?
YES! Let's hope it happens soon.
PS: If they don't sign it then they should resign.
PPS: Next election all candidates should be willing to
sign it and if not everybody will know it before voting.
Dear Guest Contributor: Please don't forget to follow up on this Code of Ethics business. Don't follow Nashville and the Governor's example. He can't even get together a committee on ethics that is clean and free from lawbreakers. We can do better.
I agree with the previous comment. I live in Nashville. Nolensville can show us up...go and do it.
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