Saturday, July 02, 2005

Local Citizens Sound Off....Guest Contributors!

During this summer and fall of 2005 we will be featuring the input of local citizens who would like to "sound off" as Guest Contributors. We have not limited the subject matter or even the length of the articles.
But we do reserve the right to monitor each article for reasonably good taste and good will. If you are reading this and are interested in sub-mitting your article please do so by sending us an email of your notes to and we will acknowledge your submission
and tell you if and when it would be published or not at all and the
reason why. You may sign your real name and email address or you
may remain annoymous. Think of this as an opportunity to submit
your "letter to the editor" and know it will be read by thousands in the immediate area. Please try to keep the subject related to Nolensville..
.i.e. city government...traffic...growth..schools... local business, past, current and future events. Hey'll never get a better chance to tell it like it is and become famous or not it's your choice. Remember you only get 3 minutes to speak during the Mayor's meet-
ing of the board and aldermen so let her rip wide'll feel
much better in the morning.


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