City Awaits Appraisal on Proposed Town Hall Property

Sunday's Tennessean 6/6/05 published an article by Bonnie Burch about how the current Nolensville Town Hall may move out of shopping center. But not so fast because the Mayor extended the current lease for 5 years in the shopping center with a 90-day notice to cancel the lease. The article says the Mayor favors a Kelley Properties site on Nolensville Road behind the Stone Cottage costing 1 million for the land and another 1 million for a new town hall building. Most of the alderman and the planning commission voted against spending 2 million dollars. Several years ago the city could have purchased the Nolensville Family Care Clinic building for only $700,000. truly a missed opportunity! Article says Mayor cited the Planning Commission for going against a previous vote on a comprehensive plan to keep the commercial center of town along a northern Nolensville direction and recommending that the town hall be farther south from this area. Despite being voted down on the 2 million dollar property it appears the Mayor authorized an appraisal on the 2 million dollar deal anyway. Ouch!!! Much unhappiness in town hall.
Second appraisal on residential home on Clovercroft is also on its way to town hall to be considered as a new town hall home. It appears a majority favor this site and the Mayor doesn't. How about a new town hall in the 9 to 13 acre Bent Creek commercial section carefully crafted to look older ala the pics on back side of Bent Creek sales brochures. This area could include the older commercial section of Nolensville and attract new home owners to enjoy the antique shops, bed & breakfast and the old feed mill. People aren't moving out to Nolensville and Bent Creek to enjoy another "strip-mall" they want atmosphere. Let an alderman and/or planning commission member know how you feel about this...including a new/old atmosphere town hall center.
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