Friday, November 04, 2005


What in the world happened to Nolensville's Code of Ethics for city leaders and commission members?? It is nowhere to be found on last night's agenda. 22 items listed and no Code of Ethics??

Memo from: Nolensville Citizens to City Leaders: Your Party is Over, and Everyone Knows it but you all. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen will be judged by their action on Code of Ethics. The Mayor's decision to defer any action on ethics time after time is frustrating to all.

Today there are few to none ethical demands on our current Board of Mayor and Aldermen so for 11 years or more it has been whoopee do whatever seems good at the moment. This party time has got to stop. Nolensville taxpayers and voters deserve to know about any potential conflicts that our city leaders may have. Having no Code of Ethics for our BOMA leaves all transactions up to interpretation. Nolensville residents have a right to expect some accountability from CITY BOARD. And for the sake of city leaders and commission members they all need a blueprint (Code of Ethics) that spells out what is and what is not an ethics problem.

Now we cannot tolerate ."business as usual" Mr. Mayor you are making this ethics business way too complicated per Larry Daughtrey of the Tennessean. He says sit the average voter down with a pen and a napkin for five minutes: Open everything up and put it on the Internet quickly, limit special interest contributions, outlaw lobbyist (developer) gifts and
meals, make lobbyists (developers) tell what they're spending and how,
create a separate enforcement board with teeth.
It's very easy. It's just not ."business as usual" PS: absolutely no "closed door/secret meetings" about a Code of Ethics.

Unfortunately, our governor is a poor example. Per Tim Chavez of the Tennessean..."The whole ethics process on Capitol Hill is corrupted. While the governor considers himself a leader on ethics, he broke an ethics law to get elected. Almost a decade ago, lawmakers limited contributions candidates could make to their own campaigns---$250,,000 for the primary and $250,000 for the general election. Elections should not be bought by the rich. Yet Gov. Phil Bredsen in 2002 gave his campaign $3 million. He used the excuse that the attorney general said the law was unconstitutional. But that is one man's opinion.
Until the courts render judgment, it remains the law."

"In our 2006 (Nolensville)Elections...character must be the most important issue, and local voters must tell our current city leaders and future candidates that either they serve the people first or don't bother to run for office at all." --Thank you Tim Chavez/Tennessean.

Watch for the December BOMA AGENDA...for any scheduled discussion of Code of Ethics. Send your emails to TOWN HALL..or phone the aldermen and/or Mayor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Character is that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses and avoids"
So said Aristotle. Nothing will take the place of right and wrong.
Mayor and aldermen need to keep trying...they can do it!

7:44 PM  

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