Newest Clovercroft/Cemetery Road Fails Inspection--In Bad Shape!

Open for only three months Nolensville's
newest Clovercroft road around the town's
cemetery fails road inspection. Judged to
be "not installed to specifications" by town
engineer Mr. Woodruff. A private firm
found only 1 to 2 inches of crushed stone
base instead of 8 inches as required.
How do you add 6 inches of gravel base
underneath the asphalt top surface???
Bent Creek home developers agreed to
build the road to get approval of their
800-home subdivision along Clover-
croft road. Bent Creek purchased the
land from a member of the town plan-
ning committee for $168,000. The new
road is estimated to cost $200,000 to
$350,000. Preliminary costs to fix the
road start at $138,000 and going up?
Suddenly $506 to $656,000 or more
becomes really big money????
Bent Creek developers said they cannot
control who uses the roads like very
heavy construction traffic. Ready-Mix
trucks, earth movers, bulldozers and
more have damaged many city streets.
Clovercroft, King and Sam Donald
streets have very deep potholes,crushed
shoulders and depressions.
This heavy construction traffic is head-
ed to Bent Creek and other subdivisions
ignoring the "No Construction Traffic"
signs. Can the city expect the Bent Creek
developers to pay for all of this city street
damage? How about broken water lines,
Many of our city streets lead to the new
subdivisions and are the only routes the
construction traffic has to get to their
building site. Posting "No Construction
Traffic" signs by the city is not working.
So why not get the developers to fix our
city streets before they get any new build-
ing permits. Better yet hold up any future
approvals until developers agreed to fix
city streets they damage. For more info
click here for Bonnie Burch's article on
Wednesday 12/14/05. County News.
Send in your emails and comments!!!!
Unbelievable!!! How come the city didn't do a final inspection??? It is a city street,right? Where was our codes and/or city engineer? So what if the demand for permits is higher than ever. Surely, a new city street final inspection is more important than many other permits. This seems like the too short guard rail posts "rip-off" in Nashville. Maybe TDOT can show the city and Bent Creek how to tuck in 6 more inches of gravel under the new asphalt road top???
We call this new city street--"Deadman's Curve". It is very hard to see oncoming traffic on this new street to "nowhere". If and when they tear it up to add gravel they could get rid of the hill in the middle so you can see traffic better. We still use the old Clovercroft to Nolensville road. It is safer. But we need a traffic light at Nolensville Road.
A.M and P.M traffic is very heavy and mixed with construction traffic.
We lived in a large city before moving to this wonderful area. Folks have you driven down Nolensville Road towards Brentwood and Nashville lately? The construction traffic and developments on this two lane road is frighting to drive through. This little road problem will seem like nothing wnen the growth spreads to us. Is this what we want for this Town?
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