Sunday, June 07, 2009

Nolensville Town Board OK's Tax Increase--Cuts Budgets For Fire & Police Dept's? How Wrong & Stupid is This?

Vice Mayor Dugger & Mayor Lothers both
voted for tax increase and deep budget
cuts for Police and Fire departments. The
two most important service departments
of the town's entire budget and these two
slash their budgets. How brain dead is
this? Nolensville is surrounded by some
sixteen new subdivisions that depend on
town for fire and police protection.

Slashing the fire and police protection will
mean less protection and future lawsuits
against the town for failure to protect it's
citizens. Click on title above photos for
newspaper article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes our excellant Police and Fire need $upport however the way I see it the police could use it the most at this time. Training and employing good police protection is a must these days for the whole community.
Fire can always go back to the Board if important funding is needed. Many other fire departments in the County depend on quality used equipment.
I fear this funding ISSUE will be used by some for political gain as well as a a true safety, community concern.
I have to agree cuts and talking about a new huge costly City hall project is not making sense to many.

8:48 AM  

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