Hillary Clinton's Cash Cow Lives in this Small Green House in San Francisco?
DALY CITY, Calif. -- One of the biggest sources of
political donations to Hillary Rodham Clinton is a
tiny, lime-green bungalow that lies under the flight
path from San Francisco International Airport. Six
members of the Paw family, each listing the house
at 41 Shelbourne Ave. as their residence, have donat-
ed a combined $45,000 to the Democratic senator
from New York since 2005, for her presidential
You know this is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
Just the tip. If this was fleshed out, you know there is
a huge network out there dedicated to this type of
operation. Someone posted this was chump change.
Yep, it is. But, it is undoubtedly tied to a huge opera-
tion, which probably translates into millions of
dollars laundered. These people(Clintons) are pro-
fessional gangsters and are no different than the
mafioso, except the players are different. They all
know how to break the law without attracting too
much attention and of course they have the comm-
mie media to cover for them, which makes life in
Hitlery Land much, much easier. We just can
not allow the Clintons back into the White House.
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