Thursday, October 19, 2006

Here's the Updated List of Supporters for Lady Beth-Weaver-L + Others?

Yes, the list of supporters
does change and here's the
latest collection of stars and
wanna-be stars that are
going to vote for Lothers.

Interim Realtor/Mayor Dugger: original sponsor
and behind the scenes supporter who encouraged
her to run as a stand-in for him and Alexander
who cannot run. Nobody will vote for them. So we
have a "puppet" running for Mayor voting exactly
the way they have told her.

Vice-Mayor Alexander: another original sponsor
who along with Dugger put together this plan to
run her for "Puppet-Mayor" so they both can stay
in power.

Alderman Felts: our first convicted and censured
alderman acting as though nothing has happened.
He is running for re-election as alderman and sees
Lother's as his ticket to continue his confusing
career in public office.

Ken Thomas: currently running for alderman.
He has never held any public office. Currently
working in his own campaign and supporting
Lothers for Mayor.

Gardiner Jones: administrator of Nolensville
Bulletin Board website. Uses title of "G-Man"
and as an "assimulated Borg" is more of a
liability than an asset to campaign.

Lynda Moses: goes by the name Lymo on the
bulletin board site. Extremely quick to attack
any and all that don't agree with her. She is so
outspoken she may do more harm than good
to Lother's campaign. As a non-resident and
non-voter she is perplexing to local citizens.

Sherry Knapper: former wife of our former
Mayor who resigned in early 2006. Very
outspoken and totally against most of the
current occupants of town hall. Unable to
contain her personal grudges against certain
alderman and office holders. A very serious
liability to the Lother's campagin.

John Lenderman: publisher of Nolensville
Dispatch. First to publish Alexander with-
drawing from mayoral race and how he
swung his support to Lothers. A front page
all out endorsement of Lothers. Nothing
like it for the other candidates.
Also felt
compelled to publish two slanderous
letters from Alexander and Felts criticizing
a fellow alderman. Lenderman
has to support Lothers/Dugger/Felts
since they pay him $7,000 to maintain the
town hall website.

As you can decide for yourself this line-up
of Lother's supporters represents the old
and very tired worn-out reign of Knapper,
Dugger, Alexander, Felts, Lothers, etc.
Our town needs a dramatic change and the
only way to get some new people and new
ideas is to change the people that are in
. We have lost millions of dollars in
impact fees due to the absolute failure of
Knapper/Dugger to demand them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have my vote!

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sherry Knapper is out there telling how Beth plans to make her office manager for the town. This must be stopped! We have had enough Knapper and Dugger. Be sure not to forget that Dugger needs to be retired.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people need to think twice about who you are voting for!

7:45 PM  

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