Oh Me,Oh My! Mr. Felts You've Gone and Done it to Yourself Again! This Time...Big Time!
BIG OPPS? You printed two long letters to the
Editor of Nolensville Dispatch 9/22, but failed
to include your APOLOGY "making a statement
that wasn't TRUE about local Volunteer Fire
Fighters giving money to an individual ( fellow
alderman). Yes, you bet our Fire Chief Presley
Hughes told you this was an outrageous LIE!
What about it Mr. Felts? How come this didn't
make it to press time in our local newspaper?
Just another "oversite?" Or convenient lapse
of memory. Nothing important? How does this
"square" with your preamble to the Code of
Ethics? How come your apology didn't include
your fellow alderman, Mr. Joe Curtsinger. Don't
you think you OWE HIM A VERY BIG AND
LONG APOLOGY? How about it Mr. Felts?
Are you not the alderman that delights in lectur-
ing and "sermonizing" everyone in the audience
about your high morals and our smarmy, low
life behavior? You ask "who do you want work-
ing for you?" Well we have asked ourselves
questions about the future of our town and
guess what? It doesn't include you as a future
alderman. No way! When you continue to print
slanderous statements about a fellow alderman
that you have absolutely no business asking--
guess what local voters will do? They will over-
whelmingly not vote for you who continues to
trample on the Code of Ethics and has proven
over and over you will continue to attack a
fellow alderman no matter what?
Mr. Felts in your 9/11/06 post on a local bull-
etin board @4 P.M. you ramble on and on
using over 20 or more "I', me, and my terms
which reveal your issues are not about us, but
it's all about YOU! In a later partial apology
post @ 5:41 PM you continue to use 10 or more
"I's" that reveal a pathetic narcissistic be-
havior that is a very serious condition that
probably prevents you from making a com-
plete and honest apology for all of the many
false questions and statements about a fellow
alderman? How would you like to answer the
same questions and statements yourself?
What about your "preamble" to the Code of
Ethics? Your guilty behavior"shreds" it to a
thousand pieces.
So, Mr. Alderman Felts...your days are
"numbered" less than 45 days to be
exact. You say "you did not intend to offend
anyone with the Volunteer Fire Dept and that
you stand ready to be corrected and (you)
apologize for makng this statment."All good
and well, but you forgot to APOLOGIZE to
Alderman Joe Curtsinger for this statement
plus all the other many statements you had
printed in the local newspaper. What about
it, Mr. Felts? You can't have it both ways!
No Way! Either you APOLOGIZE COM-
PLETELY for all of the slanderous state-
ments or your 10% APOLOGY IS WORTH-
LESS. It's time Mr. Felts for you to com-
pare your very own behavior to your own
Code of Ethics Preamble and see just how
far you fall short! Wanna come clean and
start leveling with local voters? If you re-
fuse to do so..the blog's very own "Carnac"
and his crystal ball predict just maybe
unknown authorities will begin to slowly
pull back the curtain and expose your
violations of our new Code of Ethics.
Good luck, Mr. Felts, the crystal ball is
in your hands. You can keep "dribbling"
around and sermonize us all you want,
but this may be the very end of your
moralizing? A majority of voters dearly
hope so! BTW...it was difficult to get a
close-up shot of your Eagle (above). Most
of the time your Eagle sits with his wings
folded up over his face very much asham-
ed of Eagle 1016. Maybe its time to change
your email address to something more
appropriate. Blog readers send in your
suggestions. We'll publish all of them.
Send in your comments ASAP and don't
forget to register to Vote. The future of
our small piece of paradise depends on it.
OH....PLEASE DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN say its so Alderman Felts will not get re-elected! We are so "over" this guy. As someone else said please "git-gone" now. We had to sit through one of his "sermons" in a past board meeting and it was sickening! Friends and neighbors you have a choice...vote for Stuvick and Kirby...do it please do!
Hey 9:36 PM don't forget to also vote for Joe Curtsinger for Mayor. We need this TRIO...CURTSINGER, KIRBY AND STUVICK...ALL PROS READY TO GO TO WORK UNTANGLING OUR TOWN HALL FROM SPECIAL INTERESTS. What better combination of professional talent...a medical Doctor...a 25 yr veteran of Ingram and a Clinically Psychologist PHD...no more BS just Git'er DONE!
Do we get a prize for naming Felt's new email address? Please?
Here's a few...more to come....
Freddie Falcon@United.net
Bad Buzzard@United.net
Wimpy Wren@United.net
Fraidy-Cat Falcon@United.net
Bad Bird Doo@United.net
Now what's my prize?
Poor Mr Felts
Do you think he will button up when confronted face to face. Come to the next meeting and watch him preach.
Demand he RESIGN!
How come Dugger always breaks procedure and allows two people to talk at the end of board meetings?
Moses (just outside town limits & non-voter) usually "sticks it" to somebody and Felts who preaches his righteous to the "unwashed masses" that's you and me?? What's it going to take to get rid of both of them? Permanent like?
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