Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Obama's World Apology Tour Now Has World Dictators Celebrating on How Weak He is and How They Can Roll Over Him!
Obama is cutting Missile Defense and the Military
Budget and the world's dictators are loving it!
Obama's teleprompter keeps telling him how much
the world's dictators love him.
Obama has absolutelyno experience running any-
thing so look out America every evil operator can
deceive him without even lifting a finger.
There are 34 lawsuits nationwide trying to force
him to produce his birth certificate and his college
academic records. Why does Obama have lawyers
working nationwide to keep those records sealed
if he has nothing to hide? Who knows all this may
very well explode sooner than we think?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mayor's Board Ok'd Verizon to Pay $12,000 Per Year to Frank Wilson to Put Tower on His Land. Good Ole' Boy System Still Alive!
Mayor and board approve locating
Verizon cell phone tower on Frank
Wilson's land. Frank is a member
of planning commission that must
approve tower before board acts on
it. So bottom line it pays very well
to be a member of the planning
commission---just ask Frank.
Time for a history lesson on just
how well Frank has harvested big
$$$$'s. Bent Creek paid him for
his land to put new road around
the cemetery plus water and sewer
Now Verizon will pay him
$12,000 per yr. for cell phone tower
on his land not his daughter's land.
Frank holds the deed so he gets the
Finally, rumor has it that Mayor
wants to buy some more of Frank's
land for new traffic light.
Good ole' boy system strikes again,
and again, and again--no end in sight.
Time to move on folks...nothing to see
here...everything is fine. Mayor and
board are working hard to keep stuff
slip sliding to the right people.
PS: this post was researched and
written by a resident of Franklin....
who knows how well the good ole'
boy system works in Franklin and
can spot the same in Nolensville.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Messiah Orders Pizza from St. Louis, Mo.Flying in Chef and Partner to Wash. D.C.? King Obama Gets what He wants!
Our Emperor...His Majesty...orders
pizza 2,000 miles round trip from St.
Louis, Mo. and chef and assistant
ordered to fly-in to White House to
prepare special pizza for The "One"?
Taxpayers pay for this special pizza
and round trip air fare. How's that for
saving $$$$'s during a recession?
The media would be "howling" from
the rooftops if a Republican President
did this kind of reckless behavior.
Obama's World Apology Tour Now Has World Dictators Celebrating on How Weak He is and How They Can Roll Over Him!
Obama is cutting Missile Defense and the Military
Budget and the world's dictators are loving it!
Obama's teleprompter keeps telling him how much
the world's dictators love him.
Obama has absolutelyno experience running any-
thing so look out America every evil operator can
deceive him without even lifting a finger.
There are 34 lawsuits nationwide trying to force
him to produce his birth certificate and his college
academic records. Why does Obama have lawyers
working nationwide to keep those records sealed
if he has nothing to hide? Who knows all this may
very well explode sooner than we think?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mayor's Board Ok'd Verizon to Pay $12,000 Per Year to Frank Wilson to Put Tower on His Land. Good Ole' Boy System Still Alive!
Mayor and board approve locating
Verizon cell phone tower on Frank
Wilson's land. Frank is a member
of planning commission that must
approve tower before board acts on
it. So bottom line it pays very well
to be a member of the planning
commission---just ask Frank.
Time for a history lesson on just
how well Frank has harvested big
$$$$'s. Bent Creek paid him for
his land to put new road around
the cemetery plus water and sewer
Now Verizon will pay him
$12,000 per yr. for cell phone tower
on his land not his daughter's land.
Frank holds the deed so he gets the
Finally, rumor has it that Mayor
wants to buy some more of Frank's
land for new traffic light.
Good ole' boy system strikes again,
and again, and again--no end in sight.
Time to move on folks...nothing to see
here...everything is fine. Mayor and
board are working hard to keep stuff
slip sliding to the right people.
PS: this post was researched and
written by a resident of Franklin....
who knows how well the good ole'
boy system works in Franklin and
can spot the same in Nolensville.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Messiah Orders Pizza from St. Louis, Mo.Flying in Chef and Partner to Wash. D.C.? King Obama Gets what He wants!
Our Emperor...His Majesty...orders
pizza 2,000 miles round trip from St.
Louis, Mo. and chef and assistant
ordered to fly-in to White House to
prepare special pizza for The "One"?
Taxpayers pay for this special pizza
and round trip air fare. How's that for
saving $$$$'s during a recession?
The media would be "howling" from
the rooftops if a Republican President
did this kind of reckless behavior.
Mayor's Board Ok'd Verizon to Pay $12,000 Per Year to Frank Wilson to Put Tower on His Land. Good Ole' Boy System Still Alive!
Mayor and board approve locating
Verizon cell phone tower on Frank
Wilson's land. Frank is a member
of planning commission that must
approve tower before board acts on
it. So bottom line it pays very well
to be a member of the planning
commission---just ask Frank.
Time for a history lesson on just
how well Frank has harvested big
$$$$'s. Bent Creek paid him for
his land to put new road around
the cemetery plus water and sewer
Now Verizon will pay him
$12,000 per yr. for cell phone tower
on his land not his daughter's land.
Frank holds the deed so he gets the
Finally, rumor has it that Mayor
wants to buy some more of Frank's
land for new traffic light.
Good ole' boy system strikes again,
and again, and again--no end in sight.
Time to move on folks...nothing to see
here...everything is fine. Mayor and
board are working hard to keep stuff
slip sliding to the right people.
PS: this post was researched and
written by a resident of Franklin....
who knows how well the good ole'
boy system works in Franklin and
can spot the same in Nolensville.
The Messiah Orders Pizza from St. Louis, Mo.Flying in Chef and Partner to Wash. D.C.? King Obama Gets what He wants!
Our Emperor...His Majesty...orders
pizza 2,000 miles round trip from St.
Louis, Mo. and chef and assistant
ordered to fly-in to White House to
prepare special pizza for The "One"?
Taxpayers pay for this special pizza
and round trip air fare. How's that for
saving $$$$'s during a recession?
The media would be "howling" from
the rooftops if a Republican President
did this kind of reckless behavior.