Monday, March 05, 2007

Senator Clinton Talks Funny to Get Votes From African Americans?

Why is it that a Clinton can hold a political rally in a
church and it is OK? Despite a law that says you
cannot do it? Where is the outrage? Imagine the
outcry if a Republican tried this??? The Hildabeast
(Hillary) is copying Bubba Clinton, our first black
President's, scheme to capture black voters.
Trouble is Hillary comes off as a flip flopping, white
politican that will do anything to get votes. This
African American church where she spoke originally
only invited Obama. Hildabeast threw a fit and called
Bubba to call the black Pastor is allow her to join
the rally and talk funny to his members? Have we
all not had enough of the Clintons for a lifetime?

CLICK HERE...for how Bubba is going to work on
on behalf of The Hildabeast...remember she still
has 900 FBI files to blackmail key people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG...when will it ever stop? First we got Gore-as-som back trying to destroy the planet and now we got the Clinton's back trying to destroy our beloved United States. I have a dream that they will all be swept away. The sooner the better.

12:23 AM  

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