& Screecher of the House Bella Pelosi --
Twins Just Made for Each Other!
Jack Murtha seems to think that he is in charge
of the world. He must feel pretty unstoppable
because he was able to dodge that huge bullet
regarding taking a bribe. Any guy who is on a
film trying to find a way to take $50,000 and
then avoids prosecution while his cohorts get
nailed must feel a little cocky. Being an unin-
dicted co-conspirator must be a badge of honor.
Murtha is hell bent on helping the terrorists win
the war on terror in Iraq. He is drafting legis-
lation that will keep the President from deploy-
ing troops and will place restrictions on what the
President can do. It would appear that ABSCAM
Murtha is trying to usurp the Constitutional
authority that the President has to wage a war
that Congress overwhelmingly approved.
The Bush administration “won’t be able to continue.
They won’t be able to do the deployment. They
won’t have the equipment. They don’t have the
training and they won’t be able to do the work,”
Murtha said in the post on the Democrat-friendly
Web site MoveCongress.org. “This vote will limit
the options of the president and should stop this
“We need to make sure that everybody understands
we’re going to support the troops. We’re going to give
the troops everything they need. We’re not going to ..
make any of them vulnerable,” Murtha said. “But
we’re going to make darn sure that they have what
they need before they go over.”
So what this jackass is saying is that his legislation
will limit the administration’s ability to prosecute the
war. The troops will not have equipment or training
to go into combat. Murtha will also stop more troops
from going to the combat zone. Then, in the next
breath he says that they support the troops and the
troops will have everything they need.
What they need you bloviating criminal are more
people to fight the war. Ideally, we need ten times
what is being sent so we can crush the opposition.
How can this idiot say they will have everything they
need when his bill would, according to his own words,
take away what they need?
Additionally, this moonbat used Move On’s website
to get his message out. What does it say about this
man that he used an anti American organization’s
website to get his message out?
This is pure double talk and smacks of Bush Derange-
ment Syndrome. Murtha will do whatever he can to
hurt President Bush regardless of how it affects our
Murtha is a disgrace to this country and the way he
is using our military as pawns in the game of Presi-
dential chess is nothing short of treason. In earlier
times he would have been taken out back and
There is another classic line from ABSCAM Jack:
The Pennsylvania Democrat added that he is also
considering language in the legislation that would close
the military prisons at Guantanamo Bay and Abu
Ghraib, and the bill might include a provision requir-
ing the president to get approval from Congress
before taking any military action against Iran.
Murtha will close down two prisons in order to protect
the poor terrorist bastards that want to kill us while
screwing the brave men and women of our armed
This guy is truly worthless and should have been voted
out of office. The people in Pennsylvania should really
feel proud right about now. Interestingly, his legislation
will require the President to get Congressional approval
before any military action against Iran
Screecher of the House Bella Pelosi has already
stated that the President does not have the authority
to use the military against Iran without Congressional
approval. If this is the case, why do we need that
The ace in the hole here is that any bill that they want
to make a law has to be signed by the very president
they are trying to screw. If George Bush does not veto
any such bill that hits his desk I would have to question
whether or not he has lost his mind.
(Article courtesy of www.onebigdog.net)
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I am a WWII Veteran combat soldier that helped "WIN" the war thanks to an overwhelming support at home. The Dimocratic Congress should be locked up in Gitmo for wholesale treason. This is a stain on the long record of the American Military whose volunteer performance is something these moonbats in congress will never understand. God Help Us All.
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