Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The Duped Democrats
Richard Cohen makes a fair point:

So I do not condemn Clinton and other Democratic
presidential candidates -- Chris Dodd, Joe Biden and
John Edwards -- for voting for the war because I
would have done the same. I fault them, though, for
passing the blame to Bush as the guy who misled

In hindsight, of course, everyone conveniently sees
reasons -- which were apparent to no intelligence
agency on earth at the time -- to question whether
Saddam actually had WMD. But by arguing that,
as senators, they were simply duped by a fiendishly
deceptive, manipulative president (and haven't we
been told all these years that the President is dumb
and inarticulate?), the senators named above
disqualify themselves for higher office.

After all, it doesn't work that way. What are they
going to tell us in a few years: Sorry, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad fooled us into thinking that he didn't
have nuclear weapons. Oops, looks like Kim Jung Il
went ahead and developed nukes even when he
promised he wouldn't (come to think of it, that's
happened to one Clinton Administration already).

Hillary Clinton deserves special blame for taking
this tack. Her husband, too, believed that Saddam
had WMD. She took a tough stance on the war not
only for that reason, but because she knew it was
necessary to be taken seriously as a female
presidential candidate.And it doesn't speak well
either for her intelligence or integrity when she
claims that another man just took shameless
advantage of her little 'ole trusting self.

CLICK HERE for more very good writing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Wicked Witch" just won't last over 24 months to get the nomination. Way too much baggage!

12:50 AM  

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