Friday, November 06, 2009

Shooting Raises Fears For Muslims In US Army & Hussein Says Don't Jump to any Conclusions?

Really? Right now the body count stands at:

Zero-O fears for the Muslims? What about the
brave American soldiers who volunteered for
service to defend our country and were shot
dead by this whacked-out Muslim?

How many more of these Muslim "moles" are
in our military? Don't depend on hussein to
hunt them down and send them packing.

This Muslim shooter said he thought Muslims
should rise up and fight our soldiers overseas.
He is still alive and after he faces the families of
the soldiers he killed he should be executed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Muslims shoot people dead. They also behead them. Our White House occupant seems to like Muslims and Arabs and Palestinians. So how about our own military? When does he support our soldiers? How pathetic!

8:06 PM  

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