Nolensville Town Planners Approve New Development in FLOOD PLAIN? You've Got to be Kidding?
Flood Plain all
along Nolensville
Road. Yes, it really
does exist!
Nolensville Town Planners have very short
memories with the exception of just one
Planning Commissioner Mr. Radley. He
said..."Nolensville should restrict develop-
ment in the flood plain. It's a losing matter.
No good comes out of any community that
tries to walk on the edge and allows a new
development in the flood plain."
Of course, all of the property owners along
Nolensville road in the flood plain can really
celebrate since they can now develop their
properties with no problems from the town
planners. Rezoning is no longer a problem.
The town of Nolensville will be liable and
probably subject to multiple law suits when
the floods cover up all the new buildings.
That's called setting a "precedent" opening
the door to allow everybody in a flood plain
to rezone and develop their property.
Here is the newspaper account.
Just finished reading the Tennessean article. The Chairman of the Planning Commission told the developers.."that the area was sensitive and asked them to build a really nice development to enhance the area and be something we can all be proud of". When you are covered up with water you get "sensitive". And all that mud and crap from a flood isn't smells bad and nobody is proud anymore. This approval smells very bad and the floods will still come.
I remember the photos and the flood. There was water everywhere north and south along Nolensville road and even flooded the bank and strip mall.
What are the town planners thinking? This will happen again and again. Of course if enough money changes hands then town Mayor and board and planners will approve it.
The planners are mostly not from here and think flooding is irrelevant.
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