New impact fees on New housing
developments and SURPRISE also
on already approved developments!
That's right! In 6/7/07 board meeting
Henry Laird of planning commission
stated--"that housing developments
already approved would be charged
(new impact fees). They would be
charged, although they may obtain a
reduction that is dependent upon
what the developer has previously
committed." Truth is few if any
approved developments have paid
in any fees whatsoever.
You decide? How many developers
who have already been approved to
build in Nolensville and have hundreds
of homes built and sold will meekly
pay for NEW IMPACT FEES on their
You already know what's next a flood
of law suits against the town with legal
fees going out the window! Two large
developers responded to this by say-
ing.."Don't even think about it! We will
take this to state and federal levels to
make it null and void."
Once again our Planning Commission
members reveal that they either are in
the Land of Oz or Disneyland?
Mr. Mullen, a consultant with the firm
Nolensville hired to study impact fees
said, "If the town had already required
developers to pay impact fees, that
money would have funded that project."
Meaning the Rocky fork realignment....
and many more urgent projects.
No impact fees to date in place is the
fault of our town board that refused
to charge new developments impact
fees for YEARS! Good luck to our
new Mayor in charging approved
developments impact fees?
Fox guarding the hen house! You
know the about the new
Mayor asked the old interim Mayor
Dugger now Vice-Mayor and local
real estate agent to go talk to Mr.
Moon, Silver Stream developer,
attorney and former County Comm-
issioner to help town pay for the
Rocky Fork realignment. This is
the Land of Oz to the extreme.
You decide who is wheeling and
who is dealing? If Mr. Moon's York
Rd. development suddenly gets a
new water permit in exchange for
a token donation to the Rocky
Fork realignment guess whose
"paw prints" will be all over that
back room deal?
CLICK HERE for article in Tennessean.
I cannot remember, but didn't Mayor Knapper get mad at Mr. Moon over something? Then Moon who was going to pay for engineering studies, etc. for Rocky Fork dropped his offer and stopped payment. Of course Dugger could offer Moon something in return for help on Rocky Fork? Politics as usual. Nothing new...but finders fees and other shaky incentives?
What's to guess about? If Alexander can get a bogus water letter for Brittian Downs...Dugger can dig a new well for Mr. Moon.
I'll bet you can't find the facilitor fees?
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