“Well, the trouble with our
liberal friends is not that
they are ignorant, but that
they know so much that
isn't so.”– Ronald Reagan
Thank you, Mr. President, for those painfully true
words of wisdom. Let's take a bit of political license
and re-word Reagan's words to fit our situation right
here Nolensville.
Well, the trouble with most of our town board and
commissions is not that they are ignorant, but that
they know so much that isn't so!
Here are some examples you may have forgotten.
1. Last summer Alderman Dugger said there was no
water shortage! WRONG! Water dept. said it was so!
And people all over town knew it was so!
2. Last summer town engineer Woodruff said that
Brittain Downs development had a letter from the
water dept. to OK them to start building. WRONG!
No such letter was ever issued.
3. Alderman Alexander close friend of Brittain
Downs developer went around the board and met
with our private water company securing a weasel
worded letter that some how OK'd water rights for
the new development. WRONG! No such procedure
should have been allowed to stand.
But Dugger Ok'd it.
4. During Dugger's short stint as Interim Mayor
he repeatedly made motions to the board that in-
volved him directly and then turned right around
and voted for himself. WRONG! But what the
"heck" nobody to stop him...not even the town
5. During a recent board meeting Dugger assured
everyone that town had a long-term capital expen-
ditures buget to finance a new town hall. WRONG!
Town has never yet to this day had any kind of a
"capital expenditures" budget PERIOD!
6. During another recent meeting Dugger assured
everyone that new budget was "balanced" and
that budget committee had been "disbanded"-no
further need for a budget committee. WRONG!
Mayor recalled budget committee and said they
had much more work to do.
7. Mayor said she would enact a new FLAG policy
that would quickly resolve local flag disputes and
issues. WRONG! Her new flag policy went down
in flames..nobody supported it and nothing done?
(Tip: ask Mayor on 6/7 if she sent a check to a
Franklin fireworks firm as a down payment on a
$8,500 or more 4th of July fireworks package?)
When is the last time you wrapped up almost TEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS and lit a match to it? Sound
like a good investment to you? NOT!
8. Mayor OK'd the firing of local policeman by our
Police Chief. Fired policeman requested a local
hearing chaired by Mayor who refused to consider
the details presented by policeman's attorney.
WRONG! Another hearing to come in Nashville
giving the fired policeman an impartial and fair
hearing. Details to come.
9. Mayor's "pet-project" the Design-Review pro-
ject has yet to formally approve the Vice-Mayor's
new real estate office located in the former Marusa
residential home. Property owner Kelley got it re-
zoned o4/07 (with Dugger's help) and then re-
modeled entire property. Allowed Dugger to move
in as an office and post a sign. Cut down most of
the trees and will soon black-top entire front yard
as a parking lot. WRONG? YOU BET IT IS? WHY?
Well let's start with town permits and approvals.
Did anyone get a "Certificate of Occupancy" and
a "Certifiticate of Appropriatness" and a Design-
Review approval for colors,etc.? And a sign OK!
Probably not! Why? Well is the Pope Catholic?
The Vice-Mayor doesn't have to...get it? You do.
He doesn't. (puppet-meister's don't ask their
puppets about anything.)
10. Former town engineer Woodruff said the new
road around the cemetary met any and all required
specifications. WRONG? Now we learn it may
very well be in the wrong place flooding private
property and open to another law-suit)
Ten things to think about and come the next board
meeting June 7th why not discuss them with board?
Sorry my list is much longer than 10 items. But why attend a board meeting? 3 minutes per person and no answers or response from the board? Total waste of time. One exception is Mayor's approval in last meeting to allow ElslimeOhMoses to rant for 10 minutes. What is wrong with this elected group of "out-of-touch" office seat warmers?? Scrap the budget and go hire a 24/7 professional town manager NOW!
Who told u moses spoke for 10 minutes. It was less than 2.
somebody cant count.
If you went to the meetings you pretend to know so mucy about you would know Ken Kelley got approval in April.
If the people who didn't want Kelley's property rezoned had cared about it enough to come to a meeting and speak, or contact board members it wouldn't have been rezoned. But either they didn't care, or like this blog, they only want something to complain about now that it is too late.
Hello 6:10,6:15 and 10:19. You three are the reason why the town government affairs are in such a mess! For "ElslimeO" ONE MINUTE IS TOO LONG! After 15 seconds she should have been stopped dead! Kelley's property deal was approved by the "guaranteed majority" sponsored by Dugger...enough said! The "blog" is right. BTW it is never "too late" to make things right. Take off your blindfold and see what is going on right in front of you. Of course if you like it as is then ENJOY the ride downhill.
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