Sunday, December 06, 2009

It's Got to Suck to be a Climatevangeltist! OBozo and Gorebot have got to be Very Mad, Indeed! Their World-Wide Scam is Gone.

Global warming scam has been "busted"
world wide and yet OBozo is still going to the
Copenhagen climate meeting after he picks
up his undeserved un-nobel agitator disgrace.
Get this over 1,200 limos and over 150 private
jets to attend Copenhagen--not counting
Obozo riding in the taxpayer's Air Force
One jet costing an estimated 50 million.

Al Gore canceled since he could no longer
pick-up any money for just a hand-shake.
His charge was $1,500 per hand-shake.

OBozo wants Americans to pay everybody
else in the world because we supposedly
were the biggest global warming polluters.
...that is up until the scam has been uncovered.
Now OBozo is between a rock and a hard place
because he promised his lefty friends he would
scoop up buckets full of money for them.

Funny how the truth will come out every time.


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